The News Thread

i'm using (i think there's an american version) to compile the tree, and that sometimes provides helpful info (especially for the first few gens, it has a lot of birth/death/marriage/baptism/census/military records), but once you get to a certain point it takes some digging around various sites and then checking the sources they've cited. stirnet is a useful site which has compiled a lot of lines from a range of established and less established sources, though it's far from infallible and i don't take their word for anything. we're being pretty stingy about what we accept, there's quite a lot of bullshit to wade through, if sources conflict with no clear resolution then the line is dead and we move onto a different one.

all of the most interesting lines come from my father's mother's father's father's mother so far, without that goldmine i might've never got back nearly as far.

I've known of but always assumed it was some kind of scam thing so I never looked into it, I'll check it out, danke. Never heard of Stirnet either. My Opa was a hardcore genealogy guy that traced his ancestry back to the 1600s (largely merchant-class people living in Saxony for many generations apparently) before hitting a wall, and he was proud of being able to trace it back to that far but I don't know how standards differ between people. My grandma (his wife) claimed heritage from Harald Hardrada but he basically said she was full of shit so who knows.

I'm less interested in the motive than how it gets covered. Dylan Roofs motive was the main plot in that coverage. The Congressional Shooter without an AR and the guy who busted up Rand Paul? chirpchirp. Some evidence has suggested the LV shooter picked targets based on both ease and politics. But there the focus was on the gun because it was a scary looking mass killer shooty thing and can't talk about the politics. Same trend is occurring with this shooting.

Same thing is occurring with the Hollywood RapeGate. Lotta Democrats getting netted, and not a word about "toxic progressivism". You bet your ass if it was the NRA, CATO and Congressional Repubs the headlines would have the politics front and center.

True that. Also convenient that white Jews are only Jewish when they're not doing bad things.

EDIT: Speaking of Jewish privilege, just found this, lmao

Just imagine if a British producer not only raped women but stalked them with UKIP spies if such a thing exists. Fuckin Jews I tell ya hwhat.

can't imagine a reasoned argument why this dude should not have been barred from owning a gun

Really just goes to show that it's not worth the risk of trying to rehabilitate certain people. Most crime is committed by repeat offenders, youthful/immature accidents don't involve breaking your child's skull. Should have been in prison at least until old enough to experience a mid-life crisis.
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I've known of but always assumed it was some kind of scam thing so I never looked into it, I'll check it out, danke. Never heard of Stirnet either. My Opa was a hardcore genealogy guy that traced his ancestry back to the 1600s (largely merchant-class people living in Saxony for many generations apparently) before hitting a wall, and he was proud of being able to trace it back to that far but I don't know how standards differ between people. My grandma (his wife) claimed heritage from Harald Hardrada but he basically said she was full of shit so who knows.

i don't know that i'd wholeheartedly recommend ancestry; the UK site is kinda buggy and membership is a rip off. it does help to go into it with at least some knowledge (knowing the names of some great grandparents helps), and although it will often recognise people you've put in and notify you of related records in their database, manually searching the database yourself reaps the most rewards - i imagine a lot of people don't have the patience for that. i'd at least try a free trial though. funnily enough, the american site has a 7.9 rating on trustpilot and the UK one has 2.2(!), mostly with people complaining that they auto-renewed card payments after their trial if they didn't cancel. i thought that was common practice these days so i don't have much sympathy. findmypast is supposed to be pretty good as an alternative iirc.

ancestry also offers a separate DNA test (again pretty pricey, i got it as a birthday gift) which estimates what geographical regions are part of your genetic makeup. they're up front about it not being an exact science but the tests are definitely somewhat accurate because it immediately linked me to some relatives who were also on the site (as well as a load of 3rd/4th/10th cousins or w/e i didn't know about). these were my results:

i think getting back to the 1600s would've been amazing ten or twenty years ago, the internet just makes it a thousand times easier because you've essentially got a centralised database rather than having to spend hours in the library or travel 200 miles to ask to see a church record or whatever the hell people used to do. that said, i've struggled mightily to get any further back than the 1800s on my mum's side even with the web - it doesn't help that her dad was called jones and her mother was german. i'm not sure exactly how lucky i am to have got back so far on a certain line. i think we're all supposedly descended from charlemagne though, it's just a question of whether you can map out the specific chain/s. if you manage to lock into a reputed family or whatever it actually gets much easier to go further and further back, due to all the historical records written about the gentry and whatnot.
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You assumed I was speaking only of the Texas shooting, which I was not. I’m also not talking about racial motives here at all. I thought it was a very typical UM thing to do to write off crimes committed by white males as “atheist crimes” yet anytime an attack is made by someone of color that’s the first thing mentioned. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Your myopia is that you see one pattern/trend but not the other as it doesn’t push whatever aryan narrative you so badly want to push.

Are you saying Islamic terrorism shouldn't be "written-off" as religious and instead should be considered racially, ie "Pakistani violence" etc?

If a black American commits a newsworthy act of violence, do people really say "well he did it because his skin is black" or do they try to find his motives?

I'm confused.
Police: Kansas man says he put racist graffiti on own car.
The vehicle, covered in graffiti scrawled with washable paint, was parked Wednesday at an apartment complex near Kansas State University and the incident fueled racial tensions at the university and in the community.

An emergency meeting of the Black Student Union called that evening drew concerned administrators and community leaders as well as students. Kansas State held a Facebook Live event the next day with worried parents. The university stepped up patrols on campus. The FBI opened a civil rights investigation into a possible hate crime.

And the kicker?
Authorities concluded that charging him for filing a false report would “not be in the best interests of the citizens” of Manhattan.
Of course. :rolleyes:
Are you saying Islamic terrorism shouldn't be "written-off" as religious and instead should be considered racially, ie "Pakistani violence" etc?

If a black American commits a newsworthy act of violence, do people really say "well he did it because his skin is black" or do they try to find his motives?

I'm confused.

youve misinterpreted my point. I only mentioned it because here you all bring up black on black crime constantly, but I was just pointing out that clearly there’s a problem with mass shootings being done by white males too in America. I thought it was hilarious he called it “atheist crimes” totally ignoring other aspects too. My point was of the person was of color he’d say black or Hispanic not “atheist.”
i don't know that i'd wholeheartedly recommend ancestry; the UK site is kinda buggy and membership is a rip off. it does help to go into it with at least some knowledge (knowing the names of some great grandparents helps), and although it will often recognise people you've put in and notify you of related records in their database, manually searching the database yourself reaps the most rewards - i imagine a lot of people don't have the patience for that. i'd at least try a free trial though. funnily enough, the american site has a 7.9 rating on trustpilot and the UK one has 2.2(!), mostly with people complaining that they auto-renewed card payments after their trial if they didn't cancel. i thought that was common practice these days so i don't have much sympathy. findmypast is supposed to be pretty good as an alternative iirc.

ancestry also offers a separate DNA test (again pretty pricey, i got it as a birthday gift) which estimates what geographical regions are part of your genetic makeup. they're up front about it not being an exact science but the tests are definitely somewhat accurate because it immediately linked me to some relatives who were also on the site (as well as a load of 3rd/4th/10th cousins or w/e i didn't know about). these were my results:

i think getting back to the 1600s would've been amazing ten or twenty years ago, the internet just makes it a thousand times easier because you've essentially got a centralised database rather than having to spend hours in the library or travel 200 miles to ask to see a church record or whatever the hell people used to do. that said, i've struggled mightily to get any further back than the 1800s on my mum's side even with the web - it doesn't help that her dad was called jones and her mother was german. i'm not sure exactly how lucky i am to have got back so far on a certain line. i think we're all supposedly descended from charlemagne though, it's just a question of whether you can map out the specific chain/s. if you manage to lock into a reputed family or whatever it actually gets much easier to go further and further back, due to all the historical records written about the gentry and whatnot.

My grandad looked into our families quite a bit, and he died in 2000 so hadn't really got on board with computers. Traced his dad's side of the family back to the early 1600s in Scotland, his mum's to the early 1700s in Scotland and my mum's maternal side back to the early 1700s in Cornwall. Plenty of gingers and green eyes on my mum's paternal side so.

Celtic pride.

Probably a little bit of Scandinavian or some lame Frenchy nonsense thrown in if you go back far enough but whatever. It's been watered down. I'd only bother with one of these tests if it cost like a fiver.
I haven't done any genealogical research, I imagine that because I'm from such a fringe area I wouldn't get very far but maybe I'm wrong to think so. I know that I'm a patrilineal descendant of a guy who came here in the 17th century and became a prosperous landowner by marrying rich widows and waiting for them to die.
I was replying to Dak's post wondering about the motive/background. I've definitely argued with members here that downplayed the role of white Christianity on abortion clinic bombings, for example, and I never pretended that Roof and others aren't white terrorists, so you're taking your crusade to the wrong person.

What trends are you referring to? Whites make up a proportional amount of the population relative to the number of spree killings they commit. That's not an interesting trend or one that particularly needs to be addressed. Whiteness is not a predictor of violence. Blacks commit signficiantly disproportionate violence relative to their prevalence in the population. That's a trend worth discussing. Blackness is a predictor of violence.

See, you’re sitting her trying to twist my words and then your last line proves my point. You are a bigot. Blackness is not a predictor of violence.
Socioeconomic status is a far greater indicator and anyone who’s ever looked at real statistics could see that crime rates are similar between poor blacks and poor whites.

Where’s your statistics? You just can’t say whites kill at a proportional amount to their population size (this is an abursd thing to say, might I add.) without any statistics. I’d be willing to bet that American crime rates from whites are way higher than crime rates in any other first world country. Due to the simple fact that you are most likely to be murdered by someone in your racial group, the idea of black on black crime or white on white crime doesn’t really exist. It’s just crime. I was playing devils advocate for a second because I saw that you weren’t acknowledging the recent mass shooters race but yet you are quick to jump to that once someone of color commits a crime. You’ve even suggest that the reason you say things like “black on black crime” is because you believe blackness is a predicator of violence. Because you don’t believe whiteness is, you call the recent crimes committed by white males atheist crimes. I’m not sitting here thinking we should identify and pinpoint the racial groups who commit crimes. I was just pointing out how inconsistent you and UM as a whole were being.
I only mentioned it because here you all bring up black on black crime constantly

We do? I can't remember the last time anybody really talked about it.

but I was just pointing out that clearly there’s a problem with mass shootings being done by white males too in America.

Sure, certainly seems to be the case. I don't know that anybody here has denied that, but when a white male does a mass shooting, you seem to be suggesting that it's a faux-pas to delve beyond "he's white."

Most white male mass shootings are due to mental health iirc statistically. They're usually on psychotropic drugs of some kind or have a history of mental illness. That's just a fact, I'm sorry if that bothers anybody who just wants to chalk it up to race.

Similarly, we also delve beyond race here when a non-white person does something insane, I've never seen anybody here say "well they clearly shot up everybody at the Pulse nightclub because they were brown skinned" no we talked about the ideology and intentions of the shooter.

I thought it was hilarious he called it “atheist crimes” totally ignoring other aspects too.

He said it was interesting that the recent shooters have been either atheist or Muslim. I'm not really sure how you're extrapolating some grand racist scheme from a fairly benign observation tbh.

My point was of the person was of color he’d say black or Hispanic not “atheist.”

He said atheist because it was a church that was shot up, I thought it was obvious that was the connection to atheism as a possible (imo farfetched) motive here. The last church that was shot up by a white male was racially motivated and I don't think anybody here denied that.
My theory is these people are just malcontents using any various outlets for excuses -reinforced by perceived threats of "doom", or negative life infringements constantly by the TV screen. Midlife crisis' (any age crisis, really) are a rising problem with men...just watch commercials- middle aged product marketing is subconsciously fear based- hair loss, sexual appeal (looks), financial success, viagra...all aimed at attacking looks and desirability with men. I believe this is how men more often deal with "social rejection" a hail-Mary of violence and blaming society, instead of seeking mental help. Lacking in any of these "areas" above is somewhat viewed through a lens of demasculation and shame. Welfare and state assistance is also demasculating what would usually be a mentally healthy, working man (IMO). Just a thought...
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See, you’re sitting her trying to twist my words and then your last line proves my point. You are a bigot. Blackness is not a predictor of violence.

Socioeconomic status is a far greater indicator and anyone who’s ever looked at real statistics could see that crime rates are similar between poor blacks and poor whites.



Hispanics have similar socioeconomic backgrounds as a group relative to blacks. Despite that they are still murdered (and therefore murder due to most murder being intraracial) at a rate far lower than blacks. While you are correct that income correlates significantly with homicide, poor white groups tend to be victimized at a lower rate than even wealthier blacks. This also ignores that the majority of interracial murders are black-on-white, not white-on-black, meaning the low-income whites are victimized by blacks more often than low-income blacks are by whites.

Where’s your statistics? You just can’t say whites kill at a proportional amount to their population size (this is an abursd thing to say, might I add.) without any statistics.

I said they commit spree killings at a rate proportional to their population size; run of the mill homicide, whites commit it below-average. 57% of mass shooters per whatever metric this figure uses (other figures broaden mass shootings to mean where 3 or more are killed, which increases the proportion of blacks defined as mass shooters) are white, which approximately falls in line with the percentage of white people in America.

I’d be willing to bet that American crime rates from whites are way higher than crime rates in any other first world country. Due to the simple fact that you are most likely to be murdered by someone in your racial group, the idea of black on black crime or white on white crime doesn’t really exist. It’s just crime.

Which kinds of crimes? Gun homicide, yes, white Americans murder at a rate that ranges between 2 to 10 times higher than Europeans. All murder, that gap shrinks a lot. Assault, America falls in line more or less. If you look at the whitest states with, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, etc, they all have homicide rates on only a bit above the average Western European nation. For example,

Homicide rates in the whiter states tend to hover between 1 and 2 per 100k, with the notable exception of West Virginia (which is very poor and shitty state). Canada's rate is 1.7 per 100k, France's rate is 1.6 per 100k, Denmark's rate is 1 per 100k, etc. While there are certainly countries that have much lower rates, e.g. Norway and Ireland, it's still a factor of only a few fold. When you factor income inequality differences between white Americans and European Americans, the difference becomes negligible.

I don't understand the "it's just crime" point you're making. Sounds like you're making the argument that I personally shouldn't care about black crime because it will never affect me as long as I live in a white area. I can agree from a purely selfish perspective, but that still sweeps under the rug the reality that American blacks in ghettos live in conditions comparable to the worst parts of Latin America, aka the worst crime zones on the planet. That's a problem, even if people ignore it just because it doesn't make the news.

I was playing devils advocate for a second because I saw that you weren’t acknowledging the recent mass shooters race but yet you are quick to jump to that once someone of color commits a crime. You’ve even suggest that the reason you say things like “black on black crime” is because you believe blackness is a predicator of violence. Because you don’t believe whiteness is, you call the recent crimes committed by white males atheist crimes. I’m not sitting here thinking we should identify and pinpoint the racial groups who commit crimes. I was just pointing out how inconsistent you and UM as a whole were being.

When have I been quick to jump on another over race? I called Trayvon Martin a violent thug because he was one and a lengthy trial basically proved that. Can't think of any other examples on this forum. Generally if there's a mass shooting on a campus, I'll assume it's a disgruntled white or Asian type with no terroristic motive, because that's how it often goes down. Same if there's one at an abortion clinic. Shoot up a church in a white area and I'll assume you're a white atheist. Shoot up a populated street in some affluent area and I'll assume you're a Muslim. To reiterate as I've shown above, whiteness isn't a great predictor of mass shootings as a whole, because they commit mass shootings proportional to their population.
And so the right continues the war on higher education:

So on top of being taxed on the $30,000 a student earns in the lab, he’ll have to pay taxes on between approximately $20,000 and $30,000 in tuition that the school is covering — effectively taxing an individual on a total of $50,000 to $60,000 annually. For example, that might push an unmarried PhD student who receives a $30,000 stipend and gets $30,000 tuition waiver from the 12 percent tax rate for lowest earners up to the 25 percent tax bracket —even after the increased standard deduction -- in the GOP’s current plan.

That’s a dramatic example: The most recent data from the Department of Education (also from 2011 to 2012) lists the average grad tuition at public and private institutions at about $16,000 per year. But tuition costs can spike into the $30,000 range. For example, UCLA charges, on average $16,000 for in-state students and more than $31,000 for out-of-state students, according to its website. Cornell, a private university in New York, charges approximately $29,000.

Tuition at BU is closer to $50,000. Gonna put a damper on future PhDs if this bullshit passes.
My tuition REIM doesn't hit quite hit the Ntl avg I don't think, and neither does my annual lab earnings, and I have 3 dependents (so I am super into poverty range and so don't pay income Fed Income Tax), but that's still a poor area to try and glean a drop in the bucket of tax revenue from.
And so the right continues the war on higher education:

Tuition at BU is closer to $50,000. Gonna put a damper on future PhDs if this bullshit passes.

This is bullshit but not because it's an ebil regressive tax hurting the poor PhD students. It's bullshit because the universities have no practical competition and therefore no incentive to reduce tuition costs. This is particularly so if you're in the hard sciences and half of your credits are literally research or dissertation credits. Paying tuition is like paying your drug co-pay; the real brunt is forced onto the taxpayer.
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