The News Thread

Whether a Muslim is actually connected to ISIS seems less relevant than their often expressed sympathies for ISIS as well as their Islamic justifications for their crimes.

Seems unfair to accuse HBB of expressing Aryan utopianism when he wants the western world to fall and the eastern world to take its place, he's basically a fucking traitor, just saying.
We do? I can't remember the last time anybody really talked about it.

Sure, certainly seems to be the case. I don't know that anybody here has denied that, but when a white male does a mass shooting, you seem to be suggesting that it's a faux-pas to delve beyond "he's white."

Most white male mass shootings are due to mental health iirc statistically. They're usually on psychotropic drugs of some kind or have a history of mental illness. That's just a fact, I'm sorry if that bothers anybody who just wants to chalk it up to race.

I'm actually not chalking it up to race. I'm no bigot. I have nothing against anyone based on their race. I'm sure no one who knows me even a bit thinks that. I just think its very convenient that here (and other places that are bias) whites get this pass of being mentally ill, and other races do not. There's tons and tons of mentally ill people in black poor communities they are just either unaware of their condition or can't afford the help. There's been various studies on this as well. The poorer you are the more likely you are to have other health impairments including mental illness. Under the section the Need for mental Health.

Similarly, we also delve beyond race here when a non-white person does something insane, I've never seen anybody here say "well they clearly shot up everybody at the Pulse nightclub because they were brown skinned" no we talked about the ideology and intentions of the shooter.

He said it was interesting that the recent shooters have been either atheist or Muslim. I'm not really sure how you're extrapolating some grand racist scheme from a fairly benign observation tbh.

He said atheist because it was a church that was shot up, I thought it was obvious that was the connection to atheism as a possible (imo farfetched) motive here. The last church that was shot up by a white male was racially motivated and I don't think anybody here denied that.

Some of you do go beyond race. Some of you don't. As explained to him, I've read quite a number of posts from him lately that's been blatant white supremacy, which I mean it is what it is. That's how he feels. However, I thought it was extremely narrow minded and just straight up ridiculous to refer to the recent shootings as an atheist crime. That's not even something you can look up on any statistical website. I was also thinking of the Nevada shooter as well not just the one that happened in Texas in the church. Also, I don't beliee the last church that was racially motivated was even talked about here.
Whether a Muslim is actually connected to ISIS seems less relevant than their often expressed sympathies for ISIS as well as their Islamic justifications for their crimes.

Seems unfair to accuse HBB of expressing Aryan utopianism when he wants the western world to fall and the eastern world to take its place, he's basically a fucking traitor, just saying.

Fair enough on the Muslim point. HBB is confusing. One day he'll say he wants the western world to fall. Other days he says places like Minnesota are utopias because of it's high northern European ancestry. I just don't know. :lol: Mind you a very close friend of mine is from Minnesota and his family is definitely like northern European or something (classic nordic look), but apparently his dad is also a registered sex offender. /shrug Everyone sucks.
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Well, HBB is an autistic right-wing pillow-fucker with little life experience outside of his mother's breastmilk.

I just think its very convenient that here (and other places that are bias) whites get this pass of being mentally ill, and other races do not.

But they're not getting passes, that's the bit that confuses me. It seems like you'd rather the facts be ignored when it comes to the overwhelming trends regarding white mass shootings (the records almost always show they're fucked in the head) whereas I'm assuming a lot of black crime (black people don't seem to ever do mass shootings to begin with) often comes down to basic criminal motives like killing rival gang members, robbing people, basically just petty bullshit that happens in any poor community like you say yourself.

The big difference however seems to be the black on white crime rates are worse than the white on black crime rates, as well as the general incarceration rate of blacks in America is wildly disproportionate to their % number of the total population.

Alt-right types will use those statistics to claim that blacks are inferior and incapable of living civilly when it seems overwhelmingly obvious that those crime rates are much more a direct result of blacks on average being much poorer.

I feel I'm stating the obvious here so I apologize if I seem patronizing.

Some of you do go beyond race. Some of you don't. As explained to him, I've read quite a number of posts from him lately that's been blatant white supremacy, which I mean it is what it is. That's how he feels. However, I thought it was extremely narrow minded and just straight up ridiculous to refer to the recent shootings as an atheist crime. That's not even something you can look up on any statistical website. I was also thinking of the Nevada shooter as well not just the one that happened in Texas in the church. Also, I don't beliee the last church that was racially motivated was even talked about here.

I think you're seeing a racial comment from HBB where I personally see a typical right-wing attempt to demonize so-called liberals and atheists, regardless of colour. Right-wing rhetoric often revolves around the death of the west by the degeneracy of the left and atheism/secularism.

Could simply just be how I interpreted his comments though.
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  • For the period 2008–12—
  • Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
  • Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8–2.5 per 1,000).
  • The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
  • Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
  • Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
  • Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).
This is coming from a .gov site as well. In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.
FBI arrest rates are one way to understand this. As blacks are often arrested at higher rates as well.
In any event, a study (which I'll leave the link to below) of violent crime in deprived neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio, found that reductions in poverty led to reductions in the crime rate in exactly the same way in predominantly black and white areas, suggesting poverty, not race, is the biggest factor.

Little/none of that contradicts what I said. Poverty is a predictor of violent crime. I fully acknowledge that, and said so. Race is a better predictor. You realize that blacks committing 38% of murders despite being 13% of the population is a much higher rate than 31% of murders committed by non-Hispanic whites, who are 60% of the population, right?

"The results indicated that reductions in poverty were associated with reductions in violent crime rates in both predominately white and predominately black neighborhoods. Consistent with the racial invariance hypothesis suggested by the social disorganization and anomie perspectives, the effect of changes in poverty on changes in violent crime was statistically indistinguishable for the two racial groups. "

Again, does not contradict what I say. In fact, your second point there only bolsters my point; poverty affects both racial groups similarly with respect to violent crime, yet despite that blacks still commit crime at a higher rate than whites.

So you agree that socioeconomic status/wealth is an indicator of whether or not a white American or European is more likely to commit a crime, but you won't see this in regards to blacks? Ok.

Requoted for emphasis:

Hispanics have similar socioeconomic backgrounds as a group relative to blacks. Despite that they are still murdered (and therefore murder due to most murder being intraracial) at a rate far lower than blacks. While you are correct that income correlates significantly with homicide, poor white groups tend to be victimized at a lower rate than even wealthier blacks. This also ignores that the majority of interracial murders are black-on-white, not white-on-black, meaning the low-income whites are victimized by blacks more often than low-income blacks are by whites.

No, I'm not making that argument. I should look at crime rates in West Virginia. You see, I'm from the city and lucky enough to have moved at a young age to a good neighborhood (which is a predominantly Caribbean/ black neighborhood) and I have no idea about predominantly white and poor places like West Virginia. I do know what poor black neighborhoods are like. And is there crime? Absolutely, up the wazoo. However, I'm sure crime in WV is referred to crime there not "white-on-white" crime. My point was by adding "black on black" crime and bringing it up anytime there's a story on the news about a cop shooting down a black kid or idk a crime involving blacks, is deflecting of other issues and often times irrelevant to the topic at hand. I'm not denying there's an issue. Of course there is, but your perspective is very narrow and limited, which is why I'm arguing with you right now. Do some traveling and see how other people live. You're not going to fully understand things by just reading and not experiencing.

Feel free to look at West Virginia; their intentional homicide rate is 4 per 100k, an order of magnitude lower than Baltimore, St. Louis, Gary, etc.

Caribbeans and African immigrants are a very different case from blacks that descended from slaves born in the United States. I think the latter in particular (those from Nigeria, Cameroon, etc) perform in most metrics on par with Asian immigrants. The majority of American blacks are those that descended from slaves and they share many factors with each other over black immigrants, so for the purpose of this argument I can define "black" as "American blacks descended from slaves".

I've been taking long breaks here, but anytime I've read a post from you it was either about some aryan utopia or something pretty bigoted. I literally laughed at the term "atheist crimes" (is this even something you can look up on any government crime statistic website?) in regards to the recent mass shootings (the one in Nevada I'm referring to and the church one). I've been listening to a ton of podcasts and ISIS takes credit for a ton of crimes that they have nothing to do with. i always wonder how many of these muslims are actually connected to ISIS, but that's another thing. Also, I'm still very confused. The fact that white Americans commit more violent crimes than Europeans, doesn't have me convinced they commit violence crimes in America proportional to their population.

I literally cannot find a single post of mine containing the word 'aryan' that can be interpreted without irony. Half of them are self-deprecating jokes about my physical appearance. Further, I've made repeated arguments against the idea that white people are the pillars of civilization, and my politics on immigration are about as libertarian as you can get. You've clearly confused me with another member of this forum, perhaps my similarly-sexually deviant Aryan-obsessed brother arg.

I consider mass-shootings to be a relatively unimportant kind of crime in the grand scheme of things, less than 1% of all gun violence is committed that way, so if atheists and Muslims are over-represented it doesn't mean that much. That being said, it doesn't take much to connect Islam when some bearded guy named Mohammed bin Mohammed shoots a bunch of people. You implied earlier that whites were over-represented in spree killings, which is not true, so I don't see your problem with me pointing out the atheism of those shooters when atheism is far less common in the USA than whiteness is.

I don't understand your last sentence at all. Are you saying that whites commit violent crimes at a higher rate in America than proportional to their abundance? Because that's clearly not true from your own statistics above.
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I'm actually not chalking it up to race. I'm no bigot. I have nothing against anyone based on their race. I'm sure no one who knows me even a bit thinks that. I just think its very convenient that here (and other places that are bias) whites get this pass of being mentally ill, and other races do not. There's tons and tons of mentally ill people in black poor communities they are just either unaware of their condition or can't afford the help. There's been various studies on this as well. The poorer you are the more likely you are to have other health impairments including mental illness. Under the section the Need for mental Health.

Some of you do go beyond race. Some of you don't. As explained to him, I've read quite a number of posts from him lately that's been blatant white supremacy, which I mean it is what it is. That's how he feels. However, I thought it was extremely narrow minded and just straight up ridiculous to refer to the recent shootings as an atheist crime. That's not even something you can look up on any statistical website. I was also thinking of the Nevada shooter as well not just the one that happened in Texas in the church. Also, I don't beliee the last church that was racially motivated was even talked about here.

Ironically the same people that disavow discussing mental illness in minority populations are typically those on the left. Not entirely unjustifiably; there's significant evidence that mental illness was used as an excuse for whites to lock up blacks indefinitely outside the purview of the legal system for indefinite "treatment" in asylums.

My personal feeling on the mentally ill is that they should be the first to be gassed, however. I'd rather live in a society of opportunistic murderers that prey on the unsuspecting/vulnerable rather than deranged psychotic killers that could strike anyone at any moment.

Fair enough on the Muslim point. HBB is confusing. One day he'll say he wants the western world to fall. Other days he says places like Minnesota are utopias because of it's high northern European ancestry. I just don't know. :lol: Mind you a very close friend of mine is from Minnesota and his family is definitely like northern European or something (classic nordic look), but apparently his dad is also a registered sex offender. /shrug Everyone sucks.

What are you talking about? I don't give a shit about Minnesota. Here are my two entire posts about Minnesota:

Maybe try some rural town in Minnesota or Wisconsin. I've never been to either, but they have the highest concentration of Scandinavian immigrants (meaning less ugly Anglo types), and are also responsible for Trump's election. Though they're probably not stupid enough to let some greasy Asian guy lick the farmers' daughters' assholes.

Minnesota takes in Somalis and they still commit less crime than our African-Americans.

The second post might be the "racist" one but it's one example where I defend African immigration to America, albeit at the expense of our most criminal demographic.
Little/none of that contradicts what I said. Poverty is a predictor of violent crime. I fully acknowledge that, and said so. Race is a better predictor. You realize that blacks committing 38% of murders despite being 13% of the population is a much higher rate than 31% of murders committed by non-Hispanic whites, who are 60% of the population, right?

Again, does not contradict what I say. In fact, your second point there only bolsters my point; poverty affects both racial groups similarly with respect to violent crime, yet despite that blacks still commit crime at a higher rate than whites.

You are still saying that race is a better predictor of violent crime when that showed that it is not. When looking at race and crime, socioeconomic status explains a lot of it. The statistics show that whites that commit violent crimes SIMILAR to blacks are often SIMILAR in socioeconomic status. The statistics do not show that poverty (ITSELF: meaning whites and blacks show similar statistics regarding poverty in general) affects both racial groups similarly, nor did I say that. Obviously, there's probably less poor whites in America than blacks.

I literally cannot find a single post of mine containing the word 'aryan' that can be interpreted without irony. Half of them are self-deprecating jokes about my physical appearance. Further, I've made repeated arguments against the idea that white people are the pillars of civilization, and my politics on immigration are about as libertarian as you can get. You've clearly confused me with another member of this forum, perhaps my similarly-sexually deviant Aryan-obsessed brother arg.

I could be confusing you two, and if so I apologize.

I consider mass-shootings to be a relatively unimportant kind of crime in the grand scheme of things, less than 1% of all gun violence is committed that way, so if atheists and Muslims are over-represented it doesn't mean that much. That being said, it doesn't take much to connect Islam when some bearded guy named Mohammed bin Mohammed shoots a bunch of people. You implied earlier that whites were over-represented in spree killings, which is not true, so I don't see your problem with me pointing out the atheism of those shooters when atheism is far less common in the USA than whiteness is.

My problem was that only the Texas shooter identified as atheist. There's nothing that states that the Nevada shooter was. I mean about a quarter of Americans identify as irreligious, in general, though it's not exactly the same thing; not believing in a Christian god is definitely something that isn't uncommon here at all.

I don't understand your last sentence at all. Are you saying that whites commit violent crimes at a higher rate in America than proportional to their abundance? Because that's clearly not true from your own statistics above.

You said whites commit crimes to their proportional population in America. I said I was still pretty confused because according to your statistics it still seemed much higher than European whites. It seems crazy comparing the two, right? Crime rates are different because a number of things are different: culture, way of life, socioeconomic status etc. There's more factors than just one's race that can determine the likelihood of committing a violent crime. It's absurd to compare races likelihood of committing violent crimes and not look at other factors too that are causing it.
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Ironically the same people that disavow discussing mental illness in minority populations are typically those on the left. Not entirely unjustifiably; there's significant evidence that mental illness was used as an excuse for whites to lock up blacks indefinitely outside the purview of the legal system for indefinite "treatment" in asylums.

My personal feeling on the mentally ill is that they should be the first to be gassed, however. I'd rather live in a society of opportunistic murderers that prey on the unsuspecting/vulnerable rather than deranged psychotic killers that could strike anyone at any moment.

Not everyone who's mentally ill is dangerous to society. How many people take medicine for depression? or anxiety?

What are you talking about? I don't give a shit about Minnesota. Here are my two entire posts about Minnesota:

The second post might be the "racist" one but it's one example where I defend African immigration to America, albeit at the expense of our most criminal demographic.

I remembered Minnesota particularly because I have made a connection with it. I simply read between the lines and made an inference. More whites = utopia. That was just one state in particular you mentioned in the past because of its high Northern European ancestry, and sort of praising it due to the way they look and I suppose the way of life. I wasn't saying you were being particularly "racist". You of all people should know how difficult it is to classify you, so I don't even try. I just think you have many biases.
Well, HBB is an autistic right-wing pillow-fucker with little life experience outside of his mother's breastmilk.

But they're not getting passes, that's the bit that confuses me. It seems like you'd rather the facts be ignored when it comes to the overwhelming trends regarding white mass shootings (the records almost always show they're fucked in the head) whereas I'm assuming a lot of black crime (black people don't seem to ever do mass shootings to begin with) often comes down to basic criminal motives like killing rival gang members, robbing people, basically just petty bullshit that happens in any poor community like you say yourself.

The big difference however seems to be the black on white crime rates are worse than the white on black crime rates, as well as the general incarceration rate of blacks in America is wildly disproportionate to their % number of the total population.

Alt-right types will use those statistics to claim that blacks are inferior and incapable of living civilly when it seems overwhelmingly obvious that those crime rates are much more a direct result of blacks on average being much poorer.

I feel I'm stating the obvious here so I apologize if I seem patronizing.

I think you're seeing a racial comment from HBB where I personally see a typical right-wing attempt to demonize so-called liberals and atheists, regardless of colour. Right-wing rhetoric often revolves around the death of the west by the degeneracy of the left and atheism/secularism.

Could simply just be how I interpreted his comments though.

I saw a racial comment because there was one. He blatantly said race predicts likelihood of crime, when that's not completely right. Those who hold biases will look at those statistics and use that to be afraid of black people or someone of color without understanding the context. I mean, I'm not over here trying to change anyone's political beliefs, its just reading the same bias over and over again can make you erupt sometimes.
You are still saying that race is a better predictor of violent crime when that showed that it is not. When looking at race and crime, socioeconomic status explains a lot of it. The statistics show that whites that commit violent crimes SIMILAR to blacks are often SIMILAR in socioeconomic status. The statistics do not show that poverty (ITSELF: meaning whites and blacks show similar statistics regarding poverty in general) affects both racial groups similarly, nor did I say that. Obviously, there's probably less poor whites in America than blacks.

Well, they're different statistics. You're looking at all crime with those BJS numbers; most violence is in the form simple assault, not murder. Most of that simple assault is going to be Billy Ray beating his wife for forgetting to pick up a case of Bud Light. Not saying that isn't a problem, but it's a different problem. Further, consistency in police reporting/investigation becomes more of an issue as you move down the socioeconomic ladder. If someone is murdered, most of the time the police will eventually find out unless the body is properly disposed of. People assault each other all the time without outsiders knowing. I brought up murder statistics since we were talking about spree shootings and murder. Murder statistics probably the most reliable crime statistics you'll find, since even non-criminological agencies like the CDC will report the same thing regarding race and homicide. Further, you're looking exclusively at victimization. Blacks victimize whites at a higher rate than the other way around, particularly with respect to property-related violence like robbery, which is probably where you'll find the greatest socioeconomic factors as well. The third figure I posted in my first reply, which breaks things down into specific income groups, by race, for homicide victimization shows a massive difference between white and black homicide rates.

My problem was that only the Texas shooter identified as atheist. There's nothing that states that the Nevada shooter was. I mean about a quarter of Americans identify as irreligious, in general, though it's not exactly the same thing; not believing in a Christian god is definitely something that isn't uncommon here at all.

My bad, my numbers were way off on that by conflating self-identified atheists with all those that consider themselves non-religious. In part I brought it up because the Nevada shooter was said to be non-religious by his brother, both the Columbine killers and Harper-Mercer were non-religious and asked their victims if they were Christians before shooting them, and I thought Cho was anti-Christian and non-religious, although checking again apparently he was sort of conflicted.

You said whites commit crimes to their proportional population in America. I said I was still pretty confused because according to your statistics it still seemed much higher than European whites. It seems crazy comparing the two, right? Crime rates are different because a number of things are different: culture, way of life, socioeconomic status etc. There's more factors than just one's race that can determine the likelihood of committing a violent crime. It's absurd to compare races likelihood of committing violent crimes and not look at other factors too that are causing it.

I still don't understand what you're trying to say in your first sentence, but my numbers still show that American whites and European whites commit homicide at rates closer to each other than American whites and American blacks. I'm not denying cultural aspects, and in fact the last time we argued about this I more or less said the same thing:

And my point isn't to say that blacks are automatically a danger to society, just that comparing the USA and Germany, looking at disparate homicide rates, and going "Hey, it must be cuz of all those guns!" is silly and ignores a lot of other differences between the two countries. I'm all for ending the war on drugs to remove the incentive for gangs to kill each other, all for requiring all cops to wear body cameras at all times to prevent corruption/false arrests by race, and all for overhauling ghetto schools and removing the violent offenders early.

The fact that Caribbeans and African immigrants don't have nearly the same issues, along with studies which look at black children adopted into white families, shows that culture/upbringing are probably the biggest factor. But it's a factor that disproportionately affects blacks, and therefore results in blacks committing disproportionate violent crime, particularly murder.

Not everyone who's mentally ill is dangerous to society. How many people take medicine for depression? or anxiety?

Yeah, but mentally ill violent people should be killed quickly.

I remembered Minnesota particularly because I have made a connection with it. I simply read between the lines and made an inference. More whites = utopia. That was just one state in particular you mentioned in the past because of its high Northern European ancestry, and sort of praising it due to the way they look and I suppose the way of life. I wasn't saying you were being particularly "racist". You of all people should know how difficult it is to classify you, so I don't even try. I just think you have many biases.

I literally just showed you that I have never ever said that Minnesota was any type of utopia. In fact, I've apparently never used the word "utopia" on this forum before prior to this argument. I searched through 9 pages of my posts containing 'white' and most of them were in line with my posts containing 'Aryan'. This is probably the most white supremacist post I've made, in reply to a joke Baroque made about the benefits of being white:

The free world has always been the white man's domain. All is as it should be.

Greeks and Romans were white. So were the Persians and ancient Egyptians. And I say this as a Germanic Celtic Nordic Euromutt.

And I'm clearly still denying the idea that white Western Europeans are the masterrace or anything of that sort. My autism and lack of social pressures make me probably the most objectively unbiased person on this forum. But I'm not going to deny that Caucasoids contributed the most to human society over its entire history in the name of political correctness.

Now the university is betting on an even bigger gimmick: promising free tuition to families making $65,000 or less — even though those students already were attending free of charge for the most part. The university has begun advertising online and in movie theaters across the state.

Universities adjust when they need to...but goddamn look at the out of state tuition.

The perceptions have become deeply ingrained, and no university has yet found a completely effective way to combat them. Universities like Michigan are finally waking up, but their reputations have already suffered. According to recent Gallup polling, very few working-class Americans have faith in higher education. Just 49 percent of households making less than $75,000 a year and identified as Democrats had confidence in higher education. The figure was 34 percent for Republicans.

It’s a stark shift — and one that college leaders say needs to be turned around quickly.

It ain't just Trumpers that distrust universities.
You're never gonna break through the economic/racial wall of higher education better than you will right now...even in liberal meccas like here, Portland State University had a black student percentage of under 6% but 30 years ago student loans were non-existent. Even now FAFSA will usually not offer financial aid beyond a Bachelors degree...leaving a lot of menial career scales (liberal arts) that are unable to pay back student loans, thus increasing all associated costs -I'm shocked that COMPASS placement even lets some dullards through the I don't get the bitching...? My wife had to maintain a 3.6 or better GPA to even get a shot at a scholarship for Williamette Law (which she got a full ride, thankfully) and were happy as fuck to be in debt...and don't plan on wasting it. It's the cost of the opportunity and people should be happy the opportunity is even there. It's like poor people who can only afford converse shoes wanting taxpayers to pay the difference for Air Jordans- pay for it yourself or wear the Chuck Taylors and shut up
I sold everything and bought a floating home outright to keep my overhead low while I put my wife (much younger than me) through Law school...while raising shit-hook kids, so it irks me when spoiled party kids who live out of coffee shops by day and bars by night and rely on Adderal to get through their finals bitch and whine about wanting subsidized education to go along with their subsidized lifestyle. I swear some people have done nothing for our country except bitch about it...

Something must be done to combat this public health hazard. In 2000, the National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) began requiring that researchers publicly register their research analysis plan before starting their clinical trials. From a new PLOS paper:

We identified all large NHLBI supported RCTs between 1970 and 2012 evaluating drugs or dietary supplements for the treatment or prevention of cardiovascular disease.

17 of 30 studies (57%) published prior to 2000 showed a significant benefit of intervention on the primary outcome in comparison to only 2 among the 25 (8%) trials published after 2000 (χ2=12.2,df= 1, p=0.0005). There has been no change in the proportion of trials that compared treatment to placebo versus active comparator. Industry co-sponsorship was unrelated to the probability of reporting a significant benefit. Pre-registration in clinical was strongly associated with the trend toward null findings.

No big surprise here.
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