The News Thread

Caution! Stable genius at work!


That photo has been making the rounds. Everyone in that photo looks ridiculous, and Trump could just be looking at the retard in position #4 and #5 (off picture). I'm pretty sure if we had a nice wide view we would see even more absurd positions. Standing there in disbelief is not exactly the worst position to be in (that's being charitable, but it's my response).
He should be crossing his arms. That's why he looks retarded.

No, he shouldn't. He just needs to take #3's hand. Look at offscreen hand to the left, and work out how hands work if you need to shake hands with those to the left and right and everyone is facing the same way. #4 and offscreen right look ridiculous (and it's #4 that's absolutely wrong).
This photo was clearly taken as everybody was getting into position for the cringeworthy linked-hands photo op, but Trump seems utterly confused by the concept which is why his arms aren't crossed.

He got it eventually.
This photo was clearly taken as everybody was getting into position for the cringeworthy linked-hands photo op, but Trump seems utterly confused by the concept which is why his arms aren't crossed.

He got it eventually.

So I was right. Everyone did look retarded. Except offscreen left. Give that man a medal for bucking the stupidity. But lol at the other compilation. Everyone knows the Donald likes to do stupid "power plays" with his handshakes.
So I was right. Everyone did look retarded. Except offscreen left. Give that man a medal for bucking the stupidity. But lol at the other compilation. Everyone knows the Donald likes to do stupid "power plays" with his handshakes.

Yes the actual crossed-arm handshake thing looks inherently stupid, but that doesn't detract from the visual evidence that Donald Trump still didn't understand the concept and was the last person to manage to cross his arms and do it.
Honestly that's exactly the kind of bullshit that would confuse the fuck out of me. The more I learn and see of Trump the more I'm convinced he's a fellow autist. Fuck handshakes and all that crap.
Trumps eyes looking like little mouths when he squints is always amusing. Duterte looks like he wants to kill someone. Best be gettin back to the Philippines.
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