The News Thread

Supposedly Trump took a MoCA and passed:

I'm familiar with these as they are routine within integrated and/or primary care as well as neurological care settings. I wonder if that will at least shut down the "losing it" claims, if not the narcissism/racist complaints. Also interesting that I would point to this as an example of Trump caving to media pressure. No other president has taken one of these, or a MMSE, etc.
He blocked a journalist on Twitter, threatened to implement libel laws that actually already exist and called CNN "fake news."

He's Putin on 'roids mang.

When a news network openly takes sides and tries to get one party on "gotcha" soundbites, while letting the the other party slide for the same thing, they cease to be a journalistic entity and become mouthpieces for their chosen side.

CNN is clearly guilty of this, as is Fox News. Both are Fake News.

As for his Twitter account, it's a personal account. He can do as he pleases. If he were to block users on the official POTUS Twitter account, it might be different.
When a news network openly takes sides and tries to get one party on "gotcha" soundbites, while letting the the other party slide for the same thing, they cease to be a journalistic entity and become mouthpieces for their chosen side.

CNN is clearly guilty of this, as is Fox News. Both are Fake News.

As for his Twitter account, it's a personal account. He can do as he pleases. If he were to block users on the official POTUS Twitter account, it might be different.

Is this a rebuttal to my comment or are you just extemporizing on my (I thought obvious) sarcasm?

Apple will invest $350 billion in the US economy over the next 5 years 4:04 PM ET Wed, 17 Jan 2018 | 00:46

Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law.

The headline from Apple is that it will make a $350 billion "contribution" to the U.S. economy over the next five years, although it's unclear exactly how the company came to that number.

The company also promised to create 20,000 new jobs and open a new campus.

It said it expects to pay about $38 billion in taxes for the horde of cash it plans to bring back to the United States. This implies it will repatriate virtually all of its $250 billion in overseas cash.

Apple also said it will spend over $30 billion in capital expenditures over the next five years. About $10 billion in capital expenditures will be investments in U.S. data centers, the company said.

Apple added that it will spend $5 billion as part of an innovation fund, up from the $1 billion CEO Tim Cook announced last year on CNBC's "Mad Money."

The job creation will include direct employment and also suppliers and its app business, which it had already planned to grow substantially (app developers earned $26.5 billion in 2017.) The new campus will focus on customer support.
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I’ve read that this is on par with their fiscal pace prior to the 2016 election. I’m pretty sure the political associations are pure flattery.

I found a Slate article saying this. It's probably correct that Apple didn't dramatically change it's plans over night. However, that doesn't mean it was dead set on the plans announced. They also had a year to plan for an expected tax overhaul.

The only distinct issue with it though was acting like, with very odd and incorrect wording, Apple was forced to repatriate and pay the taxes. As far as I understand the change, it's a one time discount to repatriate now.