The News Thread

Now Judge Frat Boy is just straight up lying and reverting back to his old Republican attack-dog ways that got him into this position in the first place. It'd be nice if Flake could just put an end to this early, at the committee level.
Was there some new revelation he made? I only watched part of the hearing, and only part of his testimony and a few questions he received after.

I listened to Blasey Ford's, but missed his scream fest. I read the overviews in the Times this morning.

He claimed that the others at the party denied that anything of the sort happened, when in fact it had already been covered in the hearing that two said they could not remember and one said she believed Blasey Ford. Also claimed he never drank heavily in high school or college despite plenty of witnesses who argued the contrary. Some misleading testimony on the yearbook as well. I don't think he repeated his little fib that he was a virgin though. He also railed directly against Democrats, even giving aggressive, flippant answers at times.

I'll grant it, that this is all quite messy and consists of what are rather odd things to have brought up in this type of setting, but it's been brought up and he is not handling it calmly or truthfully.

edit: fwiw, I don't consider irresponsible juvenile behavior (this is excluding sexual assault, of course) to be disqualifying by any means. Be fucking honest though. He wasn't some god damn archetypal altar boy like he holds himself to have been.
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He claimed to be a virgin again in court. It seemed hard to believe from President of Keg City, but who knows. Something like half of Harvard's graduating class graduates as virgins, it's not impossible to believe similar for Yale. He did say "sometimes I had too many beers", so it's not like he's denying heavy drinking, though he said he always got sick before he'd ever pass out/black out. Also seems a bit unlikely, but again maybe not. His yearbook has evidence that he was known to get sick from drinking, which doesn't necessarily mean blacking out. Personally, I've never been sick from drinking because I always black out first. (Except for one time that I had a glass of milk with breakfast following a night of drinking.) It's pretty much a genetic thing afaik.

Maybe he exaggerated the impact of the alleged-party-goers' testimony, but is it not true that no one at the time has corroborated Ford's story? I think it's certainly possible that Kavanaugh committed the sexual assault, but there's virtually no evidence beyond the name of Mike Judge and the fact that they both drank. She cannot provide details of when and where the assault happened, so there's no real way to Kavanaugh to defend himself.

EDIT: Apparently he got sloppy in the second half of his testimony. Just ctrl-F'd his transcript and he initially said that none of the specific witnesses supported Ford's statement OR that they denied remembering the party, correctly, then he started to incorrectly say the witnesses denied Ford's statement. By the end he got it right again.
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Try having to answer the same questions over and over (which you've already spent hours answering in days earlier, along with "are you still beating your wife?" level questions (Just yes or no please!), and don't get mad. Especially when you have adolescent daughters hearing you accused of running a rape gang. You'd probably need to be a psychopath to not show an emotional response.

Guy drank a lot in HS and college. That's all they can confirm about him. But no matter, we will forever be hearing about the "gang rapist on the bench" if he's confirmed.
One thing I'm wondering is; if he and his friend were notorious drinkers, gropers and from what I'm hearing now - running a rape gang, why did Ford go to like 10 parties where they were partying at also?

Sounds like she had a thing for hanging around cretins, or she's a lying cunt.
Sounds like she had a thing for hanging around cretins, or she's a lying cunt.

weirdly she admitted to saying hello to his friend like a week later, while he was in the room "egging brett on", like that's totally normal. chicks dont make any fucking sense
Yeah there always seems to be some kind of shit like that in accusations of rape cases where it's all just hearsay (as opposed to clear cut cases with a relatively quick conviction) etc. Always some weird shit where the accuser either kept hanging around the accused or sexting them etc.

TBF I haven't been following this case, it's pretty insider for someone not from America I guess, so I don't know much more than what's been talked about in here. Planning on watching Ralph Retort's stream during the hearing tomorrow, at least it will make what is probably a pretty boring ass subject somewhat entertaining.
Yeah there always seems to be some kind of shit like that in accusations of rape cases where it's all just hearsay (as opposed to clear cut cases with a relatively quick conviction) etc.

The problem here is that it's 35 years later and not 6 months later. You're going to forget a lot of shit in 35 years. I guess it wasn't important or scarring enough back then for you to report it immediately. She never reported it when he became an appellate judge but somehow decided to do it right before confirmation hearings?

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, to quote Shakespeare
One thing I'm wondering is; if he and his friend were notorious drinkers, gropers and from what I'm hearing now - running a rape gang, why did Ford go to like 10 parties where they were partying at also?

Sounds like she had a thing for hanging around cretins, or she's a lying cunt.

I think you're mixing up Ford and Swetnick, but yeah.
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Kavanaugh is a lying dirtbag, though. acting like he went from rags to riches at Yale:

Kavanaugh was born on February 12, 1965, in Washington, D.C.,[1] the son of Martha Gamble (Murphy) and Everett Edward Kavanaugh Jr.[19][20] His mother was a history teacher at Woodson and McKinley high schools in Washington in the 1960s and 1970s. She earned her law degree from Washington College of Law in 1978 and served as a Maryland state Circuit Court Judge from 1995 to 2001 in Montgomery County.[21][22] His father was an attorney and served as the president of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association for two decades.[23] Kavanaugh is of Irish descent.[24]

and too scared to admit he ever blacked out.probably did try, douche anyways. how shitty are his actual views?