The News Thread

So wait, Ford runs into Mark Judge six weeks after the rape and she's weirded out that he didn't reciprocate her "hello" and chipper attitude and instead looked uncomfortable? This is some weird ass shit.
None of it makes sense. BTW, this whole circus is turning out quite well for Ford. Pro bono legal services, and she's raised over 600k so far on gofundmes. You know women out there are paying attention.
Can't have a beer drinking Catholic on the SCOTUS. What with the temperance movement and the potential influence of the Pope on our good Protestant shores and mores and all. Almost the 1920s all over again.
On delaying the vote

Quoted for the lulz
Mr. Coons and Mr. Flake squeezed into an oversize phone booth — a few still exist on Capitol Hill — to make the call. They needed privacy rather than a landline, so held a cellphone on speaker between them. Mr. Rosenstein told them the F.B.I. could complete a background check in a week, although it was unlikely to unearth much more than was already known.

Minutes later, Mr. Flake, a pained expression on his face, returned to the committee room and made the announcement ensuring that the F.B.I. investigation would go forward — and once again upending Washington.

It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. A week? Not sure that'll go as planned. If Kavanaugh were sincere about this ruining his reputation, he should have declined the nomination by now. But, it' now too late, and he could be putting his seat on the DC circuit at risk.

Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives, the body closest to the people and the one that is run with a simple majority, for 20 of the past 24 years. Yet they’ve done nothing with it. Now, in the waning days of their control of the House, alongside a Republican president, they are spending their time passing dozens of banal “suspension” bills, agreeing to the liberal lie on the opioid crisis


Opioid prescriptions plummeted for years before the epidemic-level increase in drug deaths. The entire increase in drug deaths is due to illicit drugs flooding the market with the collapse of immigration enforcement and the advent of sanctuary cities around 2013-2014. Pain patients have relatively low rates of overdose, yet the whole legislative focus of the Senate is on further monitoring, restricting, and stigmatizing prescription drugs while ignoring 100 percent of the true problem.

Pretty sure that's not the liberal lie.

In any case, Trump is clearly a lazy fuck that will sign whatever he is handed. When Dems take control of the House, he'll use that as the excuse for why The Wall(tm) isn't being built.

But the sad thing is that even these $900 billion dollar spending bills mean nothing when we have three times that every year in mandatory spending. We could literally end discretionary spending entirely and it'd still take decades to pay off the debt.