The News Thread

That's the most soggy sandwich dipshit take I've ever seen. They also seem to not factor in that he actually cried, whereas Ford did that b-grade actor's hoarse voice thing like she was trying to get herself to cry, then ten minutes later is smiling and laughing.

That whole hearing was ridiculous.
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That's the most soggy sandwich dipshit take I've ever seen. They also seem to not factor in that he actually cried, whereas Ford did that b-grade actor's hoarse voice thing like she was trying to get herself to cry, then ten minutes later is smiling and laughing.

That whole hearing was ridiculous.

Gotta work on your woke takes. He was crying because he realized his privilege was failing and she was smiling because justice was beating privilege.
I like how it's extremely relevant to Kavanaugh's testimony whether or not drinking ever impaired his memory after his yearbook became public knowledge, yet Ford's yearbook becomes public knowledge with explicit references to "playing Pass-Out" but it's totally irrelevant and how dare you ask because she definitely only had one beer and was perfectly lucid at the time of the assault despite not even knowing how she got there or where "there" even was.
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The whole thing reeks of bullshit to me. He could be guilty, but honestly that's the least interesting potential outcome of this whole thing. When I heard people saying it's all just an attempt to delay the nomination by the Democrats I wrote it off as basicbitch101 right-wing theorizing, but after watching that whole hearing I'm finding it pretty hard to believe it's much more than that exact thing.

Even Kavanaugh's behaviour is less weird now that I've seen it in full context. Also seeing him have to explain basic drinking games to those old cunts was very pathetic lmao.
Even Kavanaugh's behaviour is less weird now that I've seen it in full context. Also seeing him have to explain basic drinking games to those old cunts was very pathetic lmao.

haha nah fuck that, hes a weird mother fucker. that sniffle thing is rape-esque :lol:
Ford talking about her hippocampus, her two doors, her fear of flying and then immediately following talking about the seemingly endless airplane trips she takes and her ambiguously paid for lie detector test was just as weird if not more weird than anything that came out of Kavanaugh's mouth.
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Fuck what? I didn't say he wasn't weird, just less weird viewed in full context. People kept talking about how he seemed aggressive and rude, well no fucking wonder.

i think he did start escalating more and more after graham's thing but the ability for people to rationalize anything a woman does post rape but fail to see how a man might act(feign) anger after being accused is laughable
Again, the fact that she took a lie detector test and acted like it meant something is a point against her professional credibility. Then the lying about flying thing shows she's willing to blatantly lie, destroying personal credibility. Raising now nearly a million dollars when her legal fees are pro bono (which raises a lot of questions in and of itself) shows she's willing to profit and to make herself a political pawn.

I've already stated more than once I don't care much for Kavanaugh, but rejecting him in this way is another example of the extreme political rot in this country. Not saying the country hasn't been in worse political shape before, but the battle lines continue to harden.
The 2018 version of "Who wants to be a millionaire?". Female contestants only. Mashup with Whose Line - "Where the facts are made up and the evidence don't matter"
The whole thing reeks of bullshit to me. He could be guilty, but honestly that's the least interesting potential outcome of this whole thing. When I heard people saying it's all just an attempt to delay the nomination by the Democrats I wrote it off as basicbitch101 right-wing theorizing, but after watching that whole hearing I'm finding it pretty hard to believe it's much more than that exact thing.

Even Kavanaugh's behaviour is less weird now that I've seen it in full context. Also seeing him have to explain basic drinking games to those old cunts was very pathetic lmao.

To be fair, Supreme Court nominations are frequently blocked by the opposite party, by both parties. Republicans totally fucked Obama over in 2016 by simply refusing to consider any of his nominees for the remaining year of his presidency. In America it's not even close to a conspiracy, it's just how the game works when you have a two-party, winner-takes-all* system.

*three "independent" wings of government that in theory provide a separation of powers but in practice mean fights to the death over political expansion but peaceful compromise over government expansion
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Sure, but is this the first time a 30+ year old rape threat was dredged up, leaked to the media against all wishes of the accuser to have it kept private, and then have the accused dragged to a hearing wherein he's basically pressured to suspend his nomination and urge the FBI for an investigation to be brought against himself, all in the period of a month?

Seems pretty unprecedented but I'm not exactly well read on the obscure fuckeries of American politics so maybe it's common.