The News Thread


Sortakinda, definitely not full though IMO.
there are a bunch of other pics of him where he looks about as Filipino as it can get. Most of em look like an even 50/50 split between Asian and some sort of Spaniards. The two on the left and two on the right look pretty flip, but not the two in the middle.

I don't have any friends
define friend.
I don't think I've ever met a Spaniard Filipino so my experience is way more limited than you two guys. As far as I was concerned they were always just a bunch of Args to me.

we need Augie to weigh in on this lol :D


I am the most handsome Filipino on the planet, descended from the most noble bloodlines. My ancestors were a Spanish Admiral Conqueror Ship Commander General and a Chinese Master Underworld Opium King Trader Tycoon and they fucked some brown island bitches

Edit: yea the “bomber” def looks part white
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In terms of media reaction, the usual suspects say the usual things. Big Think and Rolling Stone go straight down the middle, admit the sitrep is dire, express doubts that we’ll doing anything about it even now. David Suzuki— well, zero points for guessing where David Suzuki comes down. The Tech folks are talking about geoengineering again. The Guardiantalks about food. Over at Medium, Daniel Estrada tries really hard to put a good spin on it, to work within the timeline of the IPCC Report and the US Election cycle to explore ways in which we might achieve the merely-disastrous Best Case— and then, halfway through, admits that he doesn’t really think any of it will happen, that this is merely a hopeful thought experiment, and in his heart of hearts he thinks we’re all well and truly fucked.

The dotted line is where we are now. Nowhere to go but up.

Over at the National Post— Canada’s answer to Fox News— some idiot named Kelly McParland blames the activists for everything, because they hectored and warned and complained for so long that who could blame the rest of us for tuning out? But perhaps the most telling reaction from the right wing comes courtesy of petro-shill Anthony Watts, who— unable to deal with the actual science— simply ran a cartoon showing IPCC authors whining for more money, alongside a guest editorial suggesting that even if it is all true, it would be way cheaper to just give everyone air conditioners.[2]

Of course, none of these folks wield any actual power. What they think doesn’t matter. What about the people who actually call the shots? How have the World’s Leaders responded to this latest 10-alarm fire, to this 12-year deadline?

Brazil is two days away from electing a far-right reactionary who has promised to quit the Paris Accords once elected. Germany— a world leader in environmental issues, not so long ago— reacted to the report with a profound “Meh”. Australia‘s Energy Minister dismissed it as a distraction from the more-important goal of lowering energy prices for Australians. Back in August France‘s Environment Minister resigned in disgust over his own government’s inaction on climate change; that was before the report’s release, but has Macron had a come-to-Jesus moment in the meantime? Here in Canada, provincial premiers are taking the Feds to court over a measly carbon tax; the government itself permitted an “emergency session” right after the report came out, a parliamentary debate which— as far as I’ve been able to tell— accomplished exactly fuck-all beyond one side of the aisle yelling Think of the Children! while the other yelled Think of The Economy!

And these are the progressive jurisdictions. I probably don’t have to tell you about Donald Trump’s hilarious “Instinct for Science“, which apparently allows him to dismiss the IPCC’s findings as biased even as he makes clear that he doesn’t actually know what the IPCC is.

And what about the world’s real leaders, the 0.01% who actually hand out marching orders to these presidents and premiers and prime ministers? Turns out they’re retaining consultants to advise them on how to prevent their personal security forces from killing them, once civilization has collapsed and their money’s no good any more. It seems to be a lot more than mere thought experiment to these people: global societal collapse seems to be their default scenario. They call it “The Event.”

Why, it’s almost as though they knew what was coming before the IPCC even tendered their report.

Think of the economy! :rofl:

EDIT: fuck, Watts's honesty is br00tal!

Now Darby and Klein and Guenther trip over themselves to let you off the hook, to blame Capitalism and Neoliberalism and its stranglehold on the groupthink of modern politics— but how did you end up with leaders who so willingly abased themselves at that altar in the first place, you ignorant shit-heads? There were always alternatives, and you saw them, and you laughed.

Sure, the Neolibs conned you. Because you wanted to be conned.

Reap the whirlwind, you miserable fuckers. May your children choke on it.
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wew another shooting and act of political terrorism, this time a Ron Paul-loving Linux aficionado killing Jews.
Watts needs to work on his reading comprehension or be less misleading. That Medium article does not support his thesis like he presents it. There are many points of failure for an advanced civilization besides creeping ocean levels or some other climate related issue.
I don't understand what you mean. Watts does accurately summarize the Medium piece.

Well, a petty point would be that the author isn't a "retained" consultant. But anyway:

The Event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, unstoppable virus, or Mr. Robot hack that takes everything down.

So basically, anything that could possibly occur to cause civilizational collapse. Watts bookends this within reference to the IPCC report when it has fuckall to do with it. There's a TV show about doomsday bunkers going back to 2012. CNN ran an article on the rich and doomsday bunkers a year ago. The Svalbard Seed Vault was completed just over a decade ago. People with the resources to do so and the cognitive orientation to do so plan for worst-case scenarios. The prepper community isn't overrepresented by billionaires, just various people doing what they can afford to do.
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Well, a petty point would be that the author isn't a "retained" consultant. But anyway:

So basically, anything that could possibly occur to cause civilizational collapse. Watts bookends this within reference to the IPCC report when it has fuckall to do with it. There's a TV show about doomsday bunkers going back to 2012. CNN ran an article on the rich and doomsday bunkers a year ago. The Svalbard Seed Vault was completed just over a decade ago. People with the resources to do so and the cognitive orientation to do so plan for worst-case scenarios. The prepper community isn't overrepresented by billionaires, just various people doing what they can afford to do.

You need to be clearer. He references two Medium pieces, one unspecified.

First, Watts isn't implying that the Medium author is a retained consultant; he's suggesting that people like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, etc. are:

At least as far as these gentlemen were concerned, this was a talk about the future of technology. Taking their cue from Elon Musk colonizing Mars, Peter Thiel reversing the aging process, or Sam Altman and Ray Kurzweil uploading their minds into supercomputers, they were preparing for a digital future that had a whole lot less to do with making the world a better place than it did with transcending the human condition altogether and insulating themselves from a very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic, and resource depletion. For them, the future of technology is really about just one thing: escape.

Second, he acknowledges that "the Event" was something being discussed prior to the IPCC report--hence the comment "it’s almost as though they knew what was coming before the IPCC even tendered their report"--but that doesn't mean it has "fuckall to do with it."

Watts is merely saying that world leaders have been preparing for the IPCC doom-and-gloom scenario well before the IPCC report came out. I don't see what your point is.
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First, Watts isn't implying that the Medium author is a retained consultant; he's suggesting that people like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, etc. are:

Second, he acknowledges that "the Event" was something being discussed prior to the IPCC report--hence the comment "it’s almost as though they knew what was coming before the IPCC even tendered their report"--but that doesn't mean it has "fuckall to do with it."

Watts is merely saying that world leaders have been preparing for the IPCC doom-and-gloom scenario well before the IPCC report came out. I don't see what your point is.

Sorry, I was referring to the link I quoted. And he specifically said retained when he was in fact referring to a single, single-blind, event. And the comment you quoted "almost as though they knew what was coming" was complete and utter bullshit that shows Watts either has poor reading comprehension or is intentionally misleading. These rich persons did not need this report to engage in this activity, did not need to know about this to engage in it, etc. They are preparing for doom and gloom scenarios period, which do not need IPCC reports; do not depend upon them; do not anticipate them; etc. Does the latest IPCC report add a kernal of impetus to them? Maybe? Probably? But absent the latest IPCC report, they wouldn't do anything different, because there's still a half-dozen other ways (at least) in which a doomsday bunker et al might be useful/necessary. So again. Fuckall.
That’s exactly what he fucking says. Are you being dense?

Are you being dense? The entire post was in the context of the IPCC report. That rich people are preparing for civilizational collapse because of climate change. The backend bookend was:

Why, it's almost as though they knew what was coming before the IPCC even tendered their report

The frontend bookend was the rest of the entire blogpost focused on the IPCC report and the political/economy failures to address climate change.

Rich people and non-rich preppers prep because civilization is fragile. The IPCC could cease to exist tomorrow and the behaviors of preppers, rich or poor, wouldn't change. Again. Fuckall. Watts is too tied up in his climate religion; affecting either his comprehension or his reporting.
He began by talking about the IPCC report. That’s not all that his post was about though. His post was about how America, in turning inward, isolating itself from others and its citizens from each other, may have done the best possible thing in electing Trump.

Because then maybe we’ll burn ourselves to the ground before we burn everyone else to the ground.

You need to break out of your little anti-climate policy mindset and actually try to comprehend something.

The IPCC report was just the impetus for discussing his broader beefs with our shitstain of a country.
He began by talking about the IPCC report. That’s not all that his post was about though. His post was about how America, in turning inward, isolating itself from others and its citizens from each other, may have done the best possible thing in electing Trump.

Because then maybe we’ll burn ourselves to the ground before we burn everyone else to the ground.

You need to break out of your little anti-climate policy mindset and actually try to comprehend something.

The IPCC report was just the impetus for discussing his broader beefs with our shitstain of a country.

Every single paragraph quoted was about climate change. Not every single paragraph quoted was about the US. The 2nd paragraph talks about Canada. The 4th paragraph talks about Brazil, Germany, Australia, France, and Canada in reference to the environment. Only two sentences quoted specifically discussed US polity - in reference to the environment. I went ahead and clicked on the post itself (since your quotes don't support you), and the end of the blogpost is Watts in sheer TDS + climatephobia...or something. About the only rational thought present is that the US could invade Canada with minimal national resistance in terms of military capability.
Since my quotes don’t support me...

You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. You can’t even come remotely close to engaging with commentary on climate change to begin with, so it’s pointless to ask you to see beyond the climate change content and read the subtext.

Watts is writing about American myopia, and that’s what I’m getting from you. So fuck off.