The News Thread

Well, is antifa responsible for any deaths...? None that I know of.

The KKK and others, however, are responsible for numerous casualties. Obviously I'm taking a historical position here.
If you're taking a historical position, including only the actions of AntiFa in the last decade is disingenuous.

Certainly, but this is what TB said:

the biggest terrorist group/organization in this country are far left and they are out there terrorizing this country on a daily basis.

I assume that's in reference to antifa, and I don't think I agree.
The KKK and others, however, are responsible for numerous casualties. Obviously I'm taking a historical position here.

this literally means nothing since no one here was talking about the past. When was the last time you heard of an actual clansman murdering someone?

i could respond with something equally as ridiculous. Who has committed more crimes and terrorized this country more in recent years ... the KKK or antifa?

I assume that's in reference to antifa, and I don't think I agree.

So let me get this right. As of today, you think the KKK are more of a terrorist group than antifa? :lol:

And what dont you agree with? You already acknowledged that what they do is terrorism. So please tell me what other terrorist group do you know that is more active than they are?
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Certainly, but this is what TB said:

the biggest terrorist group/organization in this country are far left and they are out there terrorizing this country on a daily basis.

I assume that's in reference to antifa, and I don't think I agree.

So why bring up the KKK then if we are only talking about the modern era RE Tech's comment? You're trying to have it both ways, on one hand you're taking a historical position, on the other hand we are only talking about today.

AntiFa are certainly the most consistently intimidating and violent, even if their violence hasn't spiked to the same extremes as whichever group we attribute murders to. In fact, AntiFa use tactics much closer to terrorist tactics with stalking, intimidation and secretly planned action which can create a "we will strike anywhere at anytime and you won't know until it's happened" climate.

People like to defend AntiFa by contrasting them to the Charlottesville death but before that death what was the logic behind siding with AntiFa? They were doing all the same stuff before that death and in many ways are responsible for the reciprocal violence that eventually lead to that death (of course the driver is ultimately responsible for his own actions). People want to whitewash the actions of AntiFa with a single death at a rally and that's pretty ridiculous, AntiFa certainly put their fair share of people in hospital, certainly intimidated their fair share of people and go to extreme lengths to hide their identities.
this literally means nothing since no one here was talking about the past. When was the last time you heard of an actual clansman murdering someone?


So let me get this right. As of today, you think the KKK are more of a terrorist group than antifa? :lol:

mmmm yes. I do. :lol:

So why bring up the KKK then if we are only talking about the modern era RE Tech's comment? You're trying to have it both ways, on one hand you're taking a historical position, on the other hand we are only talking about today.

I didn't want to assume we were only talking about today. TB said the "biggest" terrorist threat--so how far back do we trace "biggest"? There are Klansman murders as recent as 2014.

AntiFa are certainly the most consistently intimidating and violent, even if their violence hasn't spiked to the same extremes as whichever group we attribute murders to. In fact, AntiFa use tactics much closer to terrorist tactics with stalking, intimidation and secretly planned action which can create a "we will strike anywhere at anytime and you won't know until it's happened" climate.

People like to defend AntiFa by contrasting them to the Charlottesville death but before that death what was the logic behind siding with AntiFa? They were doing all the same stuff before that death and in many ways are responsible for the reciprocal violence that eventually lead to that death (of course the driver is ultimately responsible for his own actions). People want to whitewash the actions of AntiFa with a single death at a rally and that's pretty ridiculous, AntiFa certainly put their fair share of people in hospital, certainly intimidated their fair share of people and go to extreme lengths to hide their identities.

Is there nothing to be said for restraint...?

This argument demands that we get into the nuances distinguishing terrorism from public demonstration. Eighteenth-century American colonists demonstrated, but they would have been considered terrorists by the Crown. They actually killed British soldiers. Antifa hasn't killed anyone, as far as I know. So again, I'm questioning the way we apply these categories.

This doesn't mean antifa doesn't qualify as terrorists, but it does speak to the degree to which we award them this label.
only people you've embarrassed here are your parents
calm your tits you rabid cunt. I don't wanna push you over the edge again and have you wishing for me to die from vile food poisoning .... or to suck a tailpipe and die form the fumes. Oh and i cant forget about the best one where you said ....

Honestly, I hope you get murdered before you can spew more of your shit.

:lol: does that black antifa mask smear your makeup when you put it on?
I would agree that there's left-wing nationalism, and that there's right-wing black nationalism. I can't accept that racism and anti-semitism is a "right-wing" phenomena by default though.

While racism and anti-semitism are far more common in far right movements than far left movements, I agree that it is not by default.

If we wanted to triangulate something approaching right-wing politics, a dislike for sexual "deviance" would likely make the cut. Homophobia is really a stupid term though, and needs to die.

I agree on the first point but not on the second, but also think that’s a debate for another time.

... no ethnicities have been as hospitable to Jews as non-Nazi Euro/Americans; particularly US Republicans.

If Republicans were were most hospitable to Jews, then Jews wouldn't overwhelmingly vote Democrat. I think you’re mixing up Jews in general and the nation of Israel.

And to be clear, I don’t think mainstream Republicans or right wingers are anti-Jew; but obviously there are some far-right groups and organizations that are.

If you show up to counter-protest, the claim of self-defense grows ever more tenuous by leftist thought. Counter protesters are basically George Zimmerman, no?

I personally support the first amendment and think that ANTIFA and similar groups just let the far right have their stupid march or speech and be done with it. Often, they draw more attention to the radicals on the right and defeat their supposed purpose. For example, they brought way more attention to Milo Yiannopoulos with counter-protests in Berkeley. So, I don't think we're too far off on this point.

On the other hand, there are instances where it really is pure defense of right wing radicalism. For example, I have a family member who is gay had some crazy homophobe lifedt a chair over his head and threaten to smash his brains in. This happened at a restaurant few blocks from where he lived and worked. The cops didn't do shit. People who identified as ANTIFA walked him to and from work in the aftermath. Obviously, if someone tried any more shit, they were ready to use violence to defend him, and that's the sort of action I support.