The News Thread

I mean, the democrats do kind of treat minorities like animals that need to be bolstered and cared for.

This whole idea of defaming people from obscure pictures/tweets/etc from someone's distant past is ridiculous and seems to be getting out of hand.
95-99% my man

you going to see Slayer in Youngstown in May? I'm driving down with my bro, getting my skyline fix

Do they have Skyline in Youngstown?

Probably going to see Maiden when they are here in the summer. Gorod will also be coming around here this year so I'll definitely have to check that out. I still need to grab tickets for both.
oh shit, thought id have to drive through cleveland to get there. definitely going out of the way to get some :lol: we all fucking love it. haven't had it fresh in 3 years
But why do you say Nazi pants? Why not antifa pants? or communist pants?

I don't even know what constitutes any of that anyway so I have no idea. I would venture to guess that Communist pants don't exist because they can't even afford to eat let alone be adequately clothed I imagine.

oh shit, thought id have to drive through cleveland to get there. definitely going out of the way to get some :lol: we all fucking love it. haven't had it fresh in 3 years

Yeah, closest ones appear to be Cleveland or Mansfield. Maybe you have a franchising opportunity there..
it also implies whites don't look at minority candidates (fairly) -- which is 100% true

No, it isn't entirely true. Some people are going to be biased surely, but (surprise) some white people aren't racist and actually will consider someone based on merit and enthusiasm. Im not entirely against affirmative action, but you can't deny that some minorities are accepted or hired for a position just because they are black (amidst non-minority competition). If we as a society are ever to accept the idea that people of all races, nationalities, etc are equal, something like affirmative action supports the notion that we are not. It is paradoxical to the anti-racist fairness movement and breeds resentment among those who weren't fortunate to be born in a privileged household.

I grew up in a normal low/middle class white household and do not discriminate against people based on their race. From my perspective alone, I think that is is unfair that the black kid sitting next to me should automatically have an advantage. Don't get me wrong; I realize that the advantage/disadvantage perspective was dramatically reversed in the past, but many affirmative action policies are causing the youth to resent the idea of minority advantage. It is like we are stepping sideways instead of forwards. Im not saying that we would be better off without affirmative action, but I don't view minority races simply as dogs who need an advantage in this rat race.
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we're speaking in generalities, dude. why does this have to be said on any topic involving hundreds/tens of millions of people?
From my perspective alone, I think that is is unfair that the black kid sitting next to me should automatically have an advantage.
this is narrow in the sense that just because he is black, they are like 40% likely to be born into poverty and you are not. quit being so short sighted. it's an unfair policy attempting to correct the racial and networking biases throughout the private/white schools that many white families hope to send their kids to.
we're speaking in generalities, dude. why does this have to be said on any topic involving hundreds/tens of millions of people?

Not sure what you are getting at, but I took what you said to mean white people don't look at minority candidates fairly. You had to qualify it with it being the 100% truth, which is bullshit. Some do, some don't.

this is narrow in the sense that just because he is black, they are like 40% likely to be born into poverty and you are not. quit being so short sighted.

Everyone is equally likely to be born fucking anywhere. I prefaced my comment from being from my perspective alone, so fuck off with that short sighted nonsense. The fact of the matter is that white kids grow up with minorities, everyone says we are equal, blah blah blah. But then you find out your buddy can get into better colleges than you with a lower GPA and he is more likely to get selected for a job (all other things equal) via the race card, and what does this lead to? The exact sort of resentment that black people have based on perceived societal inequalities. You are already seeing the trend of generation Z breaking the trend and are generally more conservative.

The true underlying issue is poverty in general, not just black poverty. I understand that this is a complex social issue that can't be fixed with a simple policy change, but my point is that the previous patch is creating social issues now that minorities are open to avenues to scale the social ladder. Yes, a large continent of the urban black population is a remnant resulting from slavery, and I know that they are jealous of people with cushy family money and shit, but the only real solution is to be personally proactive and fix your own situation. It's not so easy you say? Well, it wasn't easy for anyone who overcame it in the past, and the victimhood mentality will leave them in the dust if they continue to make excuses and look for reparations.

Well ill admit that there are some minority ghetto communities that have problems that exceed the problems a lot of people face, but perhaps they should be targeted more directly rather than just by their ethnicity? The black friend in my experience was born from a stable family, of which the father was a doctor and the mother was a fantastic stay at home mom. This kid needed no extra opportunity to succeed.

it's an unfair policy attempting to correct the racial and networking biases throughout the private/white schools that many white families hope to send their kids to.

And if the only thing affirmative action did was offer kids who were willing to learn opportunities to exceed, id give it a ringing endorsement. I think in the long run it has probably bred more middle America resentment than it has benefits for the black community. It is very easy for privileged whites to glaze over this, but other struggling Americans are legitimately pissed the fuck off.
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but I took what you said to mean white people don't look at minority candidates fairly.

"generally, white people don't look at minority candidates fairly". all good now?

Some do, some don't.

most don't. some do/don't is a cop out on a global scale.
Everyone is equally likely to be born fucking anywhere

no interest in demonstrating how this is a stupid statement.

The fact of the matter is that white kids grow up with minorities
this is not generally true. most people grow up with "their own."

But then you find out your buddy can get into better colleges than you with a lower GPA
get over it, this college entry thing is more bullshit by the day as I get older. Why anyone seeks non-state schools is beyond me. two 4 year universities, one that was incredibly wealthy and one that is geared towards international/STEM and the only difference is white funding for buildings.
. Yes, a large continent of the urban black population is a remnant resulting from slavery
and a few more incredibly important legislative things that have negatively affected the well being of black families since their freedom..
Well, it wasn't easy for anyone who overcame it in the past, and the victimhood mentality will leave them in the dust if they continue to make excuses and look for reparations.
most reparation arguments are asking for mere equality, not equality and then some. I don't think you're well read on what black arguments are in america's social and political system
think in the long run it has probably bred more middle America resentment than it has benefits for the black community. It is very easy for privileged whites to glaze over this, but other struggling Americans are legitimately pissed the fuck off.
it's like you just found out how democrats and republicans frame certain topics in relation to gaining more political power in this country
Everyone is equally likely to be born fucking anywhere.

most don't. some do/don't is a cop out on a global scale.

Nah, not really. On a global scale most countries are much less diverse than the US. People generally will have a bias towards people they can relate to, but on the other hand they want to hire what they perceive to be good employees. I would imagine that some black/minority people can interview with a confidence that would convince their employer that they would do a good job. But in this day and age, this is all assuming your boss is white. I just went on an interview this Wednesday, and my future employer is of Asian descent. Yea, I got the job, but it isnt because im white.

this is not generally true. most people grow up with "their own."

Minorities are a minority of a given population, but statistically it would be extremely unlikely for any town to be completely rid of any minorities at all. I grew up in a town of majority white (not a surprise since the recent census says the US is made up of 72% white people), but there were definitely a few black people and other ethnicities present. Did you seriously grow up in the US and go to a school that had no minorities at all? I bet even private schools did, though im assuming you are in your 30s like I am.

get over it, this college entry thing is more bullshit by the day as I get older. Why anyone seeks non-state schools is beyond me. two 4 year universities, one that was incredibly wealthy and one that is geared towards international/STEM and the only difference is white funding for buildings.

I can't even understand what you are saying since your grammar is so disjointed here, but i'll reply anyways. I *almost* got into a program for Pharmacology out of high school at my local state college (Rutgers), but I got put on the waiting list and eventually got rejected. I heard from an insider source later on (a professor) that they were looking for more black and Indian students to fill the affirmative action quota. As a result I ended up going the community college --> university route instead. Im also an advocate of going to state schools unless you are particularly brilliant, so no arguments there, but when you are denied a potential opportunity by way of racial quotas, the whole idea is just a tragic joke.

and a few more incredibly important legislative things that have negatively affected the well being of black families since their freedom..

And these vague "legislative things" have more than likely been corrected for some time now. The past can't be fixed, but im willing to bet that there is literally no legislation still in effect the prevents minorities from succeeding. The biggest problem by far in the black community is single parent households.

most reparation arguments are asking for mere equality, not equality and then some. I don't think you're well read on what black arguments are in america's social and political system

Enlighten me. Ive seen articles that mention reparations, and most of them suggest kick-backs. Show me a good reparation argument and I may reconsider.

it's like you just found out how democrats and republicans frame certain topics in relation to gaining more political power in this country

Oh shut it. You can't alienate over 70% of the country with bullshit and not expect backlash. We currently have a demagogue in the white house exactly because of this. If you want to ignore it, you are the one who doesn't have the pulse of the country.

Ugh, where did I go wrong here? Some people are born to prestige, others to the ghetto. Nobody said the life you were dealt was fair, and it never will be.
Ugh, where did I go wrong here? Some people are born to prestige, others to the ghetto. Nobody said the life you were dealt was fair, and it never will be.

I don't have any issue with the above, but that has nothing to do with the statement that "Everyone is equally likely to be born anywhere." No they aren't. We aren't souls getting randomly dropped into bodies.