The News Thread

can someone fill me in on whats going on in the UK right now? I dont know shit about their politics/politicians but it looks like they have their own Trump and all the little wokelets are going crazy? Saw this on breitbart earlier and had a good laugh ...

can someone fill me in on whats going on in the UK right now? I dont know shit about their politics/politicians but it looks like they have their own Trump and all the little wokelets are going crazy?


I'm obv not a bong, but from my perspective what happened was many different forces both national and international spent 4 straight years doing what they could to undermine and overturn the results of the referendum to leave the European Union, and this generated so much resentment in the voting population that a clown like Boris was able to capitalize on this by promising to finally do Brexit, thus winning in a landslide. In this same period of time Jeremy Corbyn (leader of Labour) went from essentially being pro-Brexit to saying if there was a second vote on Brexit (which he supported; a second referendum that is) his party would actively campaign to remain in the EU this time. So not only did Boris scoop up all the original Brexit supporters, but he probably also got some of the Labour voters who wanted Brexit but got betrayed by Corbyn because, like Bernie, he's a spineless cuck to mob pressure on the left.

Basically, the UK now has no Brexit and Boris as prime minister because Theresa May (the former prime minister) is an incompetent fuckwit.
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im a little confused ... so Boris wants to leave the shitty UE, that's what the whole brexit thing is about, right? If so than more power to him!


edit: why is brexit not going to happen now if he won and the majority of the population agrees with him??
Are you happy with his performance so far? Condone his actions etc and whatnot?

I wouldn't use the term happy. He's been better than feared, but worse than preferable. Of course, there are more objective standards and then there is the question of "performance relative to the alternative". If I must consider him relative to HC, he's the second coming of George Washington.

What I have enjoyed on some level is the TDS. Conservatives didn't like Obama and had a couple of conspiracy theories, one of them benign (he's a Muslim!1!!1!!), and were mocked for this by a crowd that is now in complete detachment from a subset of reality because someone they dislike is in the office.
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