The News Thread

Implying that the US hasn't been doing this for years with other countries' elections. I don't buy that what Trump did was reprehensible. To me, it is par for the course in the current realm of geopolitics.

No president has ever been caught doing this before, and Trump has been caught twice. It undermines the electoral process and I do not see how anyone can disagree with how detrimental it is.

This is hilarious to me, I'm sorry. Please provide me even like uh, 3 links to support the following assertions:

1. Solicited foreign election interference
2. Used the office for personal gain
3. He blocked witnesses from testifying(from impeachment hearings? something else?)

Bonus Question: What qualifies as "eroding 'the system'"?

I'm not even going to engage you if all you're going to do is gaslight me.

Matt sounds perfect for the FBI.

Please provide evidence that any of my statements are false. I'll wait.
Please provide evidence that any of my statements are false. I'll wait.

You'll be waiting awhile considering I didn't accuse you of uttering falsehoods. I was referring to your worries over the system being eroded, as you put it. You sound like the perfect cog to maintain the operation of the deep state.

Worst POTUS in your lifetime, though you imply subjectivity, is still rather laughable in my opinion. Bush was way worse, and Obama for me slightly worse, especially in terms of the way he facilitated the expansion of the surveillance state, record number deportations (if that's something you care about), put #KidsInCages, all while promising #change and #progress.

Sidenote; I think this Greenwald article sums up the superficial differences between Trump and Obama rather nicely:

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.
is more important than enforcing a set of legal/ethical regulations on the highest office in the country.
I really struggle with seeing how Trump's international quid pro quo is worse or even different than domestic quid pro quo that is rampant in our country. It seems to me that it makes this worse because Trump did this to remove Biden from the running..

He gains personally by removing the front-runner from the competition.

he just wants Biden ineligible for the presidency.

which I struggle with. Why would Trump stoop to such dirty tricks to remove such a bleh competitor when nothing came out during his more tough time of running for Republican nominee.

After beating Hilary, why would Trump fear Biden as a political opponent so drastically? IDK, seems like quite the leap. I really just think he doesn't like the dude and wanted to see if he can call his family out more than being concerned about losing his Presidency. Why does Trump want 4 more years MORE than simply being President in the first place? All reports that came out after he was elected was the opposite of enjoying his throne
After beating Hilary, why would Trump fear Biden as a political opponent so drastically? IDK, seems like quite the leap. I really just think he doesn't like the dude and wanted to see if he can call his family out more than being concerned about losing his Presidency. Why does Trump want 4 more years MORE than simply being President in the first place? All reports that came out after he was elected was the opposite of enjoying his throne

Trump barely beat Clinton. It wasn't a landslide.

Also, he's a narcissist. He may not want to do the work of the president, but he certainly wants to be president (and he definitely doesn't want to lose when he could get four more years).

If he really didn't want to be there, then why even run again? He could step down when his four years are up.
Didn't say or imply a landslide mannnnnnn!

I agree he wants to be seen as a guy who could and was President, but really don't get the vibe he likes it or wants to do it for another term. Maybe he's hoping to lose or doesn't want to be seen as a quitter or a guy who resigns during a Democratic scandal or maybe he loves it every day and wants another 4.

I still think this view of Biden as a guy who must be taken down is really a stretch. Doesn't even sound like the Dems should even nominate the dude out of Warren/Sanders let alone be a fearsome opponent
No president has ever been caught doing this before, and Trump has been caught twice. It undermines the electoral process and I do not see how anyone can disagree with how detrimental it is.

Obama and Nixon both supported forms of election interference on the opposing party. Hillary de facto took over the DNC prior to the 2016 election and blocked out Bernie Sanders in her own party. And these are merely the most well known cases.

I'm not even going to engage you if all you're going to do is gaslight me.

Please provide evidence that any of my statements are false. I'll wait.

Apparently you don't know what "gaslighting" is but based on your followon demand, you are using it like every other liberal social media user and confuse gaslighting with demanding evidence to back up claims, which is the reverse of the actual burden of proof. So I'll help you out:

1. Asking a foreign country to investigate criminal activity related to American interests within their borders is not unprecedented. Going back to his campaign, Trump has repeatedly threatened ending of both federal and foreign aid contingent on the recipient entities complying in X domain. This is also standard behavior for all corporate bodies. Since "quid pro quo" in strict usage simply means an exchange, these are all "quid pro quo", and there's nothing wrong with that (when you go shopping and buy that christmas gift on Amazon, that's quid pro quo). In common law, it's used to indicate some issue with the exchange, such as a one-sided deal, or bribery. So then the question is, is something one sided here? Or more likely in this case, is it bribery?

2. Hunter Biden, who makes Trump look like a paragon as a family man, was on the board of a Ukrainian oil and gas company, while his father was involved in US directed Ukraine policy (no conflict of interest there clearly). This company, Burisma, was the target of a botched UK investigation into fraud/money laundering and embezzlement during the turmoil and conflict with Russia, and money laundering has been a problem in Ukraine for decades. Why shouldn't this be looked into (I would argue there are more important things to look at, like the Afghan papers, or any number of wikileaks, etc.)? If the argument is that "it might make Biden look bad", so what? It's no Steele dossier scandal, and that still hasn't been adjudicated. It's under the purview of the Executive Branch to direct the disbursement of foreign aid through the State Department, and as the head of the Executive branch under which the Justice Department and United States Intelligence Community falls, why wouldn't the president be able to act on questions of a foreign intelligence and legal nature? But anyway, lets look at the star witness:

3. The White House did not participate in the impeachment given the partisan conditions. McConnell is blocking/going to block witnesses. If you want to argue that is splitting hairs I'll give this one to you.

Biden is challenging Trump. Deny it all you want, it doesn't change anything. I don't want Biden as president, but he's no "demented pervert" (unlike our current president). Your personal distaste toward him doesn't change the fact that he's a contender--much like my personal distaste for Trump doesn't change the fact that he's a force to be reckoned with.

As far as the situation goes, you're correct--foreign aid isn't a right. And the US isn't obliged to provide aid; but the US president can't use that aid as leverage to better his chances in a political race.

It's not like I made up Biden being creepy, and he's not a challenger, even with the polling. You take him out of the race, those votes just go to another Dem candidate. A challenger is someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump, not be the tallest midget on the Dem primary stage. You think he's going to beat Trump with performances like this:

He's running in the primaries on electibility (and sounding very tired and slurred doing it), and earlier in the debate he said he'd sacrifice blue collar jobs in the oil industry, real winning move. Hillary Clinton tried the same thing and we know how that turned out, and she was younger and less senile.
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You take him out of the race, those votes just go to another Dem candidate.

That is not necessarily true, and I think you know that. When Bernie lost the nomination to Clinton, his votes didn’t all just go to her.

A challenger is someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump, not be the tallest midget on the Dem primary stage. You think he's going to beat Trump with performances like this:

Many thought Trump couldn’t win after seeing his performances. In this case, I think you’re letting your sympathetic proclivities get in the way of understanding how uncertain this whole situation is, and just how much Trump thinks he can get away with.
That is not necessarily true, and I think you know that. When Bernie lost the nomination to Clinton, his votes didn’t all just go to her.

Different case entirely. The Clinton campaign and the DNC did Bernie dirty. The DNC is doing Tulsi and Yang dirty this time around, so votes that would go to those candidates aren't necessarily going to another Dem. The only voters that might not translate from Biden are older black voters.

Many thought Trump couldn’t win after seeing his performances. In this case, I think you’re letting your sympathetic proclivities get in the way of understanding how uncertain this whole situation is, and just how much Trump thinks he can get away with.

Ironically it was those "sympathetic proclivities" that led people to think Trump couldn't win. Politics is a relative enterprise. As I said before, Trump says many stupid things, and many things stupidly, but he has an outsider appeal and an appeal to that slice of America that likes, for instance, WWE for entertainment. He also has been for more energetic than his opponents, which counts for something when nonverbals play a significant role in appraisal.
I don’t disagree with any of that. His outsider status has led him to buck the system, leverage US aid for political favors, and know he can probably get away with it because people like that he doesn’t care about the ethics and laws of international diplomacy.

So as I said before, if it doesn’t matter that he committed high crimes, then fuck it.
I don’t disagree with any of that. His outsider status has led him to buck the system, leverage US aid for political favors, and know he can probably get away with it because people like that he doesn’t care about the ethics and laws of international diplomacy.

So as I said before, if it doesn’t matter that he committed high crimes, then fuck it.

You have no proof of the former (and I even linked the video of Sondland relevant to this), and using meaningless terms like "high crimes" or "laws of international diplomacy" are amusing. Even Clinton's emails aren't something I would call a "high crime", and it's worse than what Trump did if he did what Democrats are saying he did. Wanting corruption investigated isn't putting US national security at risk, exposing classified material could. What should be considered high crimes is what the Bush and Obama administrations did re: prosecuting wars in the Middle East/North Africa, as well as the bailouts.

This impeachment is simply more orange man bad TDS, and it's only ratcheting up the partisan nonsense. It's definitely helping Trump's re-election chances.
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You have no proof of the former (and I even linked the video of Sondland relevant to this), and using meaningless terms like "high crimes" or "laws of international diplomacy" are amusing. Even Clinton's emails aren't something I would call a "high crime", and it's worse than what Trump did if he did what Democrats are saying he did. Wanting corruption investigated isn't putting US national security at risk, exposing classified material could. What should be considered high crimes is what the Bush and Obama administrations did re: prosecuting wars in the Middle East/North Africa, as well as the bailouts.

This impeachment is simply more orange man bad TDS, and it's only ratcheting up the partisan nonsense. It's definitely helping Trump's re-election chances.

Proof!? :rofl: The proof is right there in the pudding, bud. I can’t make you see what you choose to ignore.

As far as impeachment goes, I’ll take the word of legal scholars over your quality assessment. But I guess just citing more academics won’t help my case. It must be nice to live in a reality where you can distrust experts simply because you hate their politics.
Proof!? :rofl: The proof is right there in the pudding, bud. I can’t make you see what you choose to ignore.

As far as impeachment goes, I’ll take the word of legal scholars over your quality assessment. But I guess just citing more academics won’t help my case. It must be nice to live in a reality where you can distrust experts simply because you hate their politics.

You mean "legal scholars" like Pamela Karlan? I don't distrust them because "I hate their politics". I distrust them because they A. Are "psychologizing", not providing expert legal opinion and B. They hate Trump. They aren't impartial and they aren't giving expert legal opinion, so their word is about as worthless as every journalist reporting on the whole thing. It's bad enough journalists know next to nothing about the fields they report on, and misreport either way, but then you have, for example, WaPo staff tweeting "Merry Impeachmass". It's all a sham. The "elites" have decided that wearing no clothes is *in* this year. Notable psychologists and psychiatrists have been just as bad by the way. Allen Frances had a TDS meltdown on live television not too long ago.

Of course, if the media and academia were full of Republicans, these same shenanigans would likely have been going on during the Obama administration in reverse. Because the "adults" haven't the capacity for serious business anymore, at least not in terms of the national interest. Everyone is chasing clicks and engaging in Status Total War.
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I distrust them because they A. Are "psychologizing", not providing expert legal opinion and B. They hate Trump.

Is this... psychologizing?

Your complete abdication of any pretense to a conversation makes all this some pointless sideshow. I don’t expect you to acknowledge what Trump did (based on transcriptions and his own verbal admittance).
Dak is straight going to work here
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Is this... psychologizing?

Your complete abdication of any pretense to a conversation makes all this some pointless sideshow. I don’t expect you to acknowledge what Trump did (based on transcriptions and his own verbal admittance).

Can you point to the transcriptions and what he said he did? I linked Sondland specifically stating Trump said "no quid pro quo". Have evidence to the contrary? I went through quite a bit of argument and all I got in return was some version of "oh come on". Not an argument. No facts presented. Furthermore, no, I'm not psychologizing. Referencing Pamela Karlan again specifically, she said she "crossed the street" to avoid walking by a Trump hotel on the same side (may have been a joke, given her stooping below Trump's level to attack Barron, who knows). If it wasn't a joke, is that mature, adult behavior, from an unbiased person in a House hearing? Even if it was a joke, that and the joke invoking Barron is still evidence of anti-Trump bias.

The difference between me and the liberals on this board is I can recognize Trump's faults without going full Allen Frances on him:

"Calling Trump crazy hides the fact that we’re crazy for having elected him and even crazier for allowing his crazy policies to persist," Allen Frances, the author of "Twilight of American Sanity," said on CNN's "Reliable Sources." "Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin and Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were. He needs to be contained, but he needs to be contained by attacking his policies, not his person."

"as destructive of person as people who have killed hundreds of millions combined"......"don't attack his person". The former part is how you guys sound, and it's absurd. Trump is a slightly above average president 3 years in. The economy is decent, he hasn't started new wars, and he's at least trying to put up a trade fight with China and Mexico (although not doing a phenomenal job). But he "don't talk good" and like, somehow he's hurting trans people or some bullshit claim, soooo, worse than Mao and Hitler and stuff.
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"Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin and Mao were in the last century."

Holy shit. Trump couldn't even get a wall built, he couldn't even out-deport Obama. That's absolute peak TDS if I've ever seen it. I thought the #LiterallyHitler thing was just a caricature of the #resist types but he's actually saying that and being serious. :lol:
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The day Dems welcome an investigation into the leaking of the Access Hollywood tape is the day I show the slightest empathy over "foreign interference" woes. A bunch of NBC executives conspiring to leak hot mic banter at the most opportune time to destroy the most grassroots presidential campaign in who knows how long, in favor of the candidate whose campaign and party were substantially run by media insiders, and we're supposed to cry about muh Russians.

Always hang a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo.

Trump abusing his power to destroy the Democratic Party is a rare reason to support his reelection.
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