The News Thread

The idea of a population bomb was always preposterous: The world’s 7.3 billion people could fit into an area the size of Texas, with each person getting 1,000 square feet of personal space. Food has never been more abundant. As for resource scarcity, the fracking revolution reminds us that scarcity is not so much a threat to mankind as it is an opportunity for innovation.

What matters, rather, is the strength of the longing. Modern liberalism is best understood as a movement of would-be believers in search of true faith. For much of the 20th century it was faith in History, especially in its Marxist interpretation. Now it’s faith in the environment. Each is a comprehensive belief system, an instruction sheet on how to live, eat and reproduce, a story of how man fell and how he might be redeemed, a tale of impending crisis that’s also a moral crucible.

In short, a religion without God.
I love when people complain that 'we can't feed everyone'.

KFC, just in the UK, wastes over one million chicken a year. Almost everyone in a developed country wastes an obscene amount of food and loads is lost along the supply chain in poorer places.
The argument is convincing and interesting, but also dated. John Gray argued for the religious structure and origins of modern liberalism back in 2002.
liberals are cancer. a society cannot help the weak without fundamentally weakening itself.