The News Thread

Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest. He screamed “you’re going to kill me.” And they did. As he lay dead, they cracked jokes. There were no riots. Little coverage. You’ve never heard his name because he’s white.

Dallas police body cam footage shows officers mocking a man who later died

Dallas Officers Pinned Tony Timpa and Joked During Fatal Encounter, Video Shows
“You’re going to kill me,” Mr. Timpa shouted repeatedly in newly released body-camera video. An autopsy classified his 2016 death as a homicide.

Damn lamestream media, reporting on police brutality against non-minorities when they're not supposed to!

A version of this article appears in print on , Section A, Page 14 of the New York edition with the headline: Video Shows Last Moments of Dallas Man Held as Officers Joked.

Number of times 'white' is mentioned: 0

A version of this article appears in print on May 27, 2020, Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Video and Police Reports Differ In String of Deadly Encounters.

Number of times 'black' is mentioned: 10
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"little coverage". Try reading.

Most of the country did not hear about what happened there. A few online articles doesn't change that fact. For example, did you know about that incident? Yeah im pretty sure we know the answer to that.

Hey man, calm down. I'm as pissed as you. Going to my CNN and my NYT wanting to read stories about black people getting stomped by the popo, and then I see this?? Damn rags be fuckin' with my commie narrative.
Anything that brings public sentiment against rioters is a good thing. Though to clarify, it doesn't seem like he is doing a whole lot, and he will need to change his current method eventually.

Exhibit c in "wHy dO yOu nEed A gUn"

The "combat veteran" is a lying pussy holy shit, actually fabricating events to the police to protect his group of scum. He pulled his pistol after some hot-headed black dude punched him in the head.

lmfao am I supposed to be all tore up over a journalist getting pepper-sprayed?

Besides the stupidity of going to a "protest" while pregnant, all this proves is that it's not as black and white as "this is what happens when you peacefully protest." Some situations have been unnecessarily terrible, others have shown calm and solidarity, I think the rest have been fairly typical. Protests start, people start throwing things, messing with barriers, ignoring curfew or just engaging in general vandalism, then the cops make moves.
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I thought all you hear is your tinnitus?
... and the screams of all the babies you've murdered.

Can you show me a CNN broadcasted newsclip of that incident?
lmfao am I supposed to be all tore up over a journalist getting pepper-sprayed?

...someone being nonviolent and trying to cover what was happening?

If you're not upset about it, then you're a hypocrite.

Besides the stupidity of going to a "protest" while pregnant, all this proves is that it's not as black and white as "this is what happens when you peacefully protest." Some situations have been unnecessarily terrible, others have shown calm and solidarity, I think the rest have been fairly typical. Protests start, people start throwing things, messing with barriers, ignoring curfew or just engaging in general vandalism, then the cops make moves.

Did you think I was saying that this is what always happens when you peacefully protest? Is that actually what you thought I was suggesting?

... and the screams of all the babies you've murdered.

Can you show me a CNN broadcasted newsclip of that incident?

Damn dude, that's disgusting. It's pretty sick you have this fantasy fixation about me killing babies. You should get help.
...someone being nonviolent and trying to cover what was happening?

If you're not upset about it, then you're a hypocrite.

No I'm just an asshole.

Did you think I was saying that this is what always happens when you peacefully protest? Is that actually what you thought I was suggesting?

Your implication was why bother doing it peacefully when this is what happens if you do, and I gave counter-examples. A guy in shorts being sprayed by a cop isn't representative of the overall nature of these protests.
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Your implication was why bother doing it peacefully when this is what happens if you do, and I gave counter-examples. A guy in shorts being sprayed by a cop isn't representative of the overall nature of these protests.

I feel like it had to be obvious that was a hyperbolic comment, and that anyone who is vaguely familiar with my posts would know I couldn't possibly think that's always what happens when you peacefully protest. You can read my frustration at law enforcement in that comment without letting that frustration translate into a blanket statement about peaceful protest.

Sarcasm is a rhetorical strategy, as is treating sarcasm like analytical argument.
I feel like it had to be obvious that was a hyperbolic comment, and that anyone who is vaguely familiar with my posts would know I couldn't possibly think that's always what happens when you peacefully protest. You can read my frustration at law enforcement in that comment without letting that frustration translate into a blanket statement about peaceful protest.

Sarcasm is a rhetorical strategy, as is treating sarcasm like analytical argument.

The disposition displayed in that post seemed to fit with your mood lately, apologies if it was sarcasm. I didn't read it that way, and in my defense it's an extremely pervasive view right now, the whole "we tried it your way and look at what we got" thing.
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