The News Thread

You don't have to apologize. We need to be able to just say we can't respond to things sometimes. This is a forum; it's what we do in our spare time. It doesn't carry the deadlines and day-to-day bullshit our lives do (except for the "top ten" threads--that shit's for real ;)).

Anyway, we'll leave it there.
I'd say this is getting ridiculous, but it's been ridiculous for weeks now. Can't believe this bullshit.

17 Republican Attorneys General Back Trump in Far-Fetched Election Lawsuit

After Mr. Paxton filed, Republican attorneys general from across the country rushed to declare themselves on board, posting their support on social media and issuing statements that echoed the legally questionable claim in the Texas brief that its citizens are harmed if elections in other states are not conducted properly.

The 17 states behind the amicus brief represent a majority of the 25 Republican attorneys general across the country, and include Alabama, Florida, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana and South Dakota. Notably, the two Republican attorneys general in the battleground states that Mr. Trump lost — Arizona and Georgia — are not part of the brief.

Legal experts and a handful of Republican elected officials have questioned the seriousness of the suit, pointing out that states like Texas have no standing to bring a case involving how another state awards its electoral votes.
So am I, honestly. It would be fascinating if it wasn't also very troubling. Media ecologies have been dissociating for years now, but I feel like Parler and "news" sites like Newsmax and OANN have spiraled off into a genuine fantasy land. I'm not saying bias doesn't exist in places like Reuters, NYT, WSJ, WaPo, etc.; but they recognize the legitimacy and transparency of a generally agreed-upon body of facts, and report accordingly. These newly risen platforms and venues are virtually designed to promote falsehoods and inaccuracies that have been easily dispelled within the larger ecosystem of major media reporting. As far as I can tell, their entire worldview is shaped by QAnon lingo and millenarian-ish promises of "Great Awakenings" and "krakens." It's wild.
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Well they're not particularly wedded to the Republican Party and their media toadies. These people are like the right's version of the #BernieOrBust-ers.
Except it seems to be the majority of Republicans we're talking about, not a fringe group:
70 percent of Republicans now say they don’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair, a stark rise from the 35 percent of GOP voters who held similar beliefs before the election. ... Among those who believed that the election wasn’t free and fair, 78 percent believed that mail-in voting led to widespread voter fraud

Until this election, I was willing to believe both parties had a similar share of anti-democracy extremists. Now it seems pretty clear the Republican Party has devolved into something uniquely fascist.
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Fascism when Republicans cry fraud, legit when Democrats cried in 2000 about it.

I doubt there was enough real fraud (defined as the casting of illegitimate ballots) to change the results in the key states, and by every account the Reps' post-election efforts have been slapdash at best, but after 4 years of Russiagate, Republicans would be absolutely retarded to not go full Alex Jones over this. They should file as many bad lawsuits and cast as many restraining orders at the district court level against Biden/Harris as possible right up to the very next election day. For good measure they should create sanctuary cities for federal weapons violations, and the next time a lefty kills someone with the remotest political/racial intent, they should demand Biden/Harris to disavow black supremacy and left-wing terrorism.
Fascism when Republicans cry fraud, legit when Democrats cried in 2000 about it.
What specifically did Democrats do in 2000 that strikes you as equivalent to:
  • the President refusing to formally concede the election, routinely alleging widespread voting fraud in the absence of evidence, and systematically pressuring state leaders to ignore their vote tallies
  • the GSA delaying the transition process of the President-Elect
  • a DOJ investigation of state election boards
  • red states suing blue states over their election procedures
  • a member of the President's legal team in federal court asking the judge to bar a state from certifying its vote tally and instead have the state's legislature choose the electors in violation of the Constitution
Trump was feamongering about mail-in votes as far back as April too. They primed themselves to not accept the outcome of this election way before any kind of fraud could have even happened.
What specifically did Democrats do in 2000 that strikes you as equivalent to:
  • the President refusing to formally concede the election, routinely alleging widespread voting fraud in the absence of evidence, and systematically pressuring state leaders to ignore their vote tallies
  • the GSA delaying the transition process of the President-Elect
  • a DOJ investigation of state election boards
  • red states suing blue states over their election procedures
  • a member of the President's legal team in federal court asking the judge to bar a state from certifying its vote tally and instead have the state's legislature choose the electors in violation of the Constitution

Hbb is a lost cause and was like 6 years old in 2000. No point in going there haha
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What specifically did Democrats do in 2000 that strikes you as equivalent to:
  • the President refusing to formally concede the election, routinely alleging widespread voting fraud in the absence of evidence, and systematically pressuring state leaders to ignore their vote tallies
  • the GSA delaying the transition process of the President-Elect
  • a DOJ investigation of state election boards
  • red states suing blue states over their election procedures
  • a member of the President's legal team in federal court asking the judge to bar a state from certifying its vote tally and instead have the state's legislature choose the electors in violation of the Constitution

Gore didn't formally concede until Dec 13 himself, and more importantly, at no point in modern history has there ever been collusion in the media to shut down mere conspiracy theories. Trump has already stated that he will accept the loss when the electoral college votes in Biden's favor, he's just making hot air as he always does.

Trump's entire presidency was arguably delayed (assuming he didn't use it as an excuse to do little) by countless false allegations spread by our state-controlled media that he had committed treason. I don't know the full history of President-elect transitions but can tell you there's at least precedent going back to John Adams of fucking over the incoming President (the midnight court packing and all of that). Not sure how making life uncomfortable for your political opponent is fascist.

What's wrong with the DOJ investigating things? Based on recent history of Trump's investigations going nowhere, they will probably come back with a report saying that no system wrong-doing was ever found. Unless you're one of those silly partisans that thinks Trump tweeting angrily about the Mueller investigation constitutes obstruction of justice and that Mike Flynn lying to the FBI constitutes the crime of the decade, the Trump's DOJ hasn't shown a whole lot of muscle. In fact, compared to what Obama got away with between Operation Chokepoint, record-setting anti-whistleblower actions, and guys like John Brennan committing perjury about the state of NSA surveillance, Trump is downright libertarian (and with the exception of Jimmy Carter I'd argue the last deep state-weary president we've had since Coolidge). And to the broader point of election fraud itself, there is no question that we have an incredibly inefficient system when countries like Brazil can carry out elections faster and more verifiably than us. Our system was pretty much founded on back-dealing and anti-democratic principles of giving power and land to small respective minorities of each state, and issues like election observers not being able to observe, ballot harvesting, and judges being able to arbitrarily change the law under "emergency circumstances" all contribute to . If Trump is able to force Congress to standardize our federal elections by sheer willpower of trolling then all the better.

A great move. Red states should continue to sue and grind the system to a halt just as blue states repeatedly did to try and prevent the Executive from fulfilling its role in matters of immigration, taxation, and trade.

See above.