The News Thread

They would have gladly stolen it, but Democrats magically did not, even though there is plenty of evidence that they did and that they had ample opportunity, incentive, and ability to do so. Fucking sick of the dishonesty people like you.

There is literally minimal evidence that they did. All the purported “evidence” has been routinely debunked or deemed insignificant.
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Pelosi's garage yesterday.


Mitch's front door today.
They would have gladly stolen it, but Democrats magically did not, even though there is plenty of evidence that they did and that they had ample opportunity, incentive, and ability to do so. Fucking sick of the dishonesty people like you.

The only people who tried to steal the election was Trump and the Republicans going along with his crybully horseshit. He set this up months in advance by fearmongering about mail-in voting so that when the first waves of votes came in his chances looked strong to win, then the mail-in votes came in primarily for Biden and made it look suspicious because "b-b-but Trump was winning?!"

He was calling for states where he was winning to stop the count while simultaneously saying states where he was behind to continue counting. Hell, forget setting this up months in advance with the mail-in fearmongering, he's refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses since the first time he was ever asked that question.

What evidence are you even referring to?
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Trump's call was pretty great. Mitch's call to reject $2000 checks was downright beautiful in the way that people killing themselves usually is. I just wish this didn't mean 2+ years of Kamala Harris smugly mmm-hmmming every inevitable future tie-breaker in the Senate. If Biden had picked literally anyone else to be VP I'd be 100% comfy right now.
To some extent, yes; his retardation is a feature, not a bug. The media is never sure whether to label him a legitimate danger or just a dangerous fraud, the guy who plays crazy uncle or the guy who really is the crazy uncle, and most of these secret recordings reveal him to in fact be a very honest and straight-forward person (albeit still a retard). The stuff about him issuing threats or illegally interfering is just basic Dem alarmism anyways, if Trump was a remotely threatening human being he'd have a team of lawyers willing to sue or arrest his enemies like previous presidents did.
I guess so. Really depends on your perspective at this point.

I cringed so hard when someone said 5000 dead people's ballots were used and the lawyer corrected them and said no it was 2.
So, reps went full sedition? Those are the ones who call themselves Patriots? I hope every single piece of shit that went there ends in jail.

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