The News Thread

No. That’s not true. Sorry bro.

Dude, I was just quoting you. Don’t get cute.

No it's definitely true. That's why when you hear stories about shop owners killing thugs that try looting them, shop owners often going to prison for the crime of defending their own livelihood, those shop owners end up being immigrants from various third-world countries, including China. In most communist countries there's a basic recognition that as long as you are obedient to the state and aren't hoarding during a famine or whatever, you have the right to defend your basic living conditions and personal possessions. That was understood in most of American history too until approximately beginning in the 1960s. America pushes some of the furthest-left brainwashing in its curriculum and exports it to the world.

Where did I say they began arresting people today?
Fewer people arrested yesterday than when the Sunrise Movement sat down in the damn hallways. What a fucking joke.

These kind of social media hot take headline comparisons are the joke. Capitol police were undermanned during the storming because they were in the process of safely evacuating everybody inside the building. Contrast that with the Sunrise sit-in which was completely non-violent and literally immobile, so cops could easily detain them and remove them. Trump's minions were numbered in the thousands and once they were forced out they dispersed into a crowd of between 300-600k Trump rally attendants that all walked over.

This process of arresting the rioters is so much more complicated compared to the Sunrise sit-in that I don't even know why you would compare the two haha holy fuck dude. I mean they were so ill-prepared for this at the Capitol building that the Capitol police chief is resigning over it. Many of the rioters were armed with rifles and one guy was found with 11 Molotovs hahaha and you're comparing arresting a bunch of squatting greenies to this shit?

Turns out arresting pacifists is a lot easier than lunatics with weapons.
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No it's definitely true. That's why when you hear stories about shop owners killing thugs that try looting them, shop owners often going to prison for the crime of defending their own livelihood, those shop owners end up being immigrants from various third-world countries, including China. In most communist countries there's a basic recognition that as long as you are obedient to the state and aren't hoarding during a famine or whatever, you have the right to defend your basic living conditions and personal possessions. That was understood in most of American history too until approximately beginning in the 1960s. America pushes some of the furthest-left brainwashing in its curriculum and exports it to the world.

Where did I say they began arresting people today?

Hahahaha omg it isn’t true. I know you think professional history written by scholars is propaganda, but I’m going to bet they know history better than you do. So you can try to prove your point with evidence and sources, but I don’t think a single UM post will really suffice as a convincing argument.
These kind of social media hot take headline comparisons are the joke. Capitol police were undermanned during the storming because they were in the process of safely evacuating everybody inside the building. Contrast that with the Sunrise sit-in which was completely non-violent and literally immobile, so cops could easily detain them and remove them. Trump's minions were numbered in the thousands and once they were forced out they dispersed into a crowd of between 300-600k Trump rally attendants that all walked over.

This process of arresting the rioters is so much more complicated compared to the Sunrise sit-in that I don't even know why you would compare the two haha holy fuck dude. I mean they were so ill-prepared for this at the Capitol building that the Capitol police chief is resigning over it. Many of the rioters were armed with rifles and one guy was found with 11 Molotovs hahaha and you're comparing arresting a bunch of squatting greenies to this shit?

Turns out arresting pacifists is a lot easier than lunatics with weapons.

Do you think it’s possible that maybe their lack of preparedness and failure to properly direct the crowd had something to do with them not really taking it as seriously as they did, say, the BLM protests...?
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Hahahaha omg it isn’t true. I know you think professional history written by scholars is propaganda, but I’m going to bet they know history better than you do. So you can try to prove your point with evidence and sources, but I don’t think a single UM post will really suffice as a convincing argument.

Would you say that present-day China is to the left or to the right of present-day America?
Do you think it’s possible that maybe their lack of preparedness and failure to properly direct the crowd had something to do with them not really taking it as seriously as they did, say, the BLM protests...?

Definitely possible but I think for different reasons. This crowd that turned into a riot drape themselves in that whole #BlueLivesMatter bullshit which in contrast to the #BLM protesters who chant anti-cop shit even when the protests are at their most peaceful probably means that they weren't expecting it to turn out that way. #BLM torched cop cars and burned down police precincts lmfao let's not pretend they're comparable crowds even if Trump's minions are pieces of garbage.

Pelosi is calling it an utter top-down failure so it was probably an assumption made by the Capitol police chief that the crowd won't turn on the cops, they love the cops! But again, the fact that cops were also trying to make sure the politicians inside were taken to safety meant that there were less cops available to control the crowds (which is why a woman was shot trying to get in while politicians still hadn't been moved to safety iirc).

I'm reading an article right now saying that "at least 70 people were arrested" which is more than the Sunrise sit-in FYI.
Do you think it’s possible that maybe their lack of preparedness and failure to properly direct the crowd had something to do with them not really taking it as seriously as they did, say, the BLM protests...?

Do you think not taking it as seriously as BLM protests had something to do with, say, a long recent history of violent arson-bringing BLM protests?
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I don't get why the #BLM protests and this shit are even being compared beyond basicbitch racebaiting.

The most heavy-handed police responses to #BLM came after they had an idea of what to expect from those protests. :lol:

Edit: Does anybody think the police were well prepared on May 26th the day of the first George Floyd protest? I watched shitloads of footage at the time and it seemed like the cops escalated force as the crowds escalated, and they were still badly prepared which is why so much destruction happened, things got torched etc.

Now imagine a similar situation except the window of escalation is a lot shorter? Of course they couldn't handle Trump's rioters. But much like the Floyd protests once the crowd escalated, they replied in kind with riot police.

Sidenote, a black guy walking ahead of the cameraman at the start has a Serpents of the Light shirt on.
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Seeing BLM vandalize and trample over the CNN HQ sign was a top 10 2020 moment for me in terms of pleasure receptors being fired up, and that was possibly the best year of my entire life. Discovering later that night that CNN HQ had its own personal Atlanta police station within its building was a top 10 2020 getting-woke moment, watching reporters crying behind their own personal wall of cops, BLM chucking and breaking shit. I'm having a hard time finding the photo, but I know at some point after that event, the CNN HQ sign was barricaded, and shortly later they announced they were leaving the city. :lol:

Just one of the many examples of riots-come-at-you-quickly this year.

And like, did Ein completely forget that Minneapolis literally abandoned a police station and allowed it to be ransacked and burned after the cops realize their only options were guns or retreat?
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It's an easy dumbfuck point to make for woke cred. He's not even correct about the Sunrise sit-in having more arrests than the storming of the Capitol but that won't stop retards from liking the comment, spreading it elsewhere etc. What's actually true is secondary.
One of the main reasons right-wing protests rarely get fucked with is because they show up armed. People can bitch and moan about cops being biased against #BLM or in favour of some dipshit patriots all they like, if you show up with bats and Molotovs, start throwing rocks and lighting trashcans on fire, cops will treat you differently no matter what your cause or colour is.

I've seen plenty of protest footage where black women screamed in some cop's face and nothing happened, probably because there wasn't an army of blackclad anarchist crackers behind agitating violence like the privileged fuckwits that they are.

Ultimately, the reason cops weren't ready for the Capitol riot but were for #BLM is because #BLM's protests were a series of slowly evolving and unfolding events and this Capitol riot happened once and relatively suddenly. Stop being retards and actually think about this shit before you jump to the most clickbait conclusion imaginable.
I don't get why the #BLM protests and this shit are even being compared beyond basicbitch racebaiting.

I know you probably don't agree, but it's a virtual certainty that if the crowd on Wednesday had been largely black, you'd have seen more dead bodies. All I was pointing out is that marching under the banner of patriotism and amurka gets you more leeway from police than does marching under the BLM banner.

There may have more a lot of damage during the riots peripheral to BLM, but there were also a lot of violent clashes between rioters/protestors and police. The situation was handled differently in what we saw this week. Police would never have opened a barricade for a BLM protest.

Also, I disagree that black protestors wouldn't get fucked with if they showed up armed. I think they don't show up armed because they know if they did their chances of making it out alive would go way down.

EDIT: I'll leave this here:

Would you say that present-day China is to the left or to the right of present-day America?

I'm not sure if you think this is an easy question to answer, but to me it's a complicated question that's nearly impossible to answer. It's also probably nonsensical to compare China to the U.S. in terms of left and right.

China is less democratic than the U.S. It's more authoritarian than the U.S. In terms of leftism/communism, China cultivates a more collectivist cultural mentality than does the U.S.; and in many ways (historically and presently), it is more collectivist. But it's also a raging capitalist powerhouse on the global stage.

To give you a simple answer, with the caveat that I think it's a poor comparison to make, I'd say that China is left of the U.S.

I'm reading an article right now saying that "at least 70 people were arrested" which is more than the Sunrise sit-in FYI.

When I originally posted my comment, the numbers were lower--or hadn't been reported.
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People complaining about blm show of force vs this, the difference here is trump ordered that show of force vs blm, and actively prevented the show of force vs his own. He and pentagon both blocked Maryland’s request for national guard to be deployed during it. The problem is and continues to be trump
People complaining about blm show of force vs this, the difference here is trump ordered that show of force vs blm, and actively prevented the show of force vs his own. He and pentagon both blocked Maryland’s request for national guard to be deployed during it. The problem is and continues to be trump

Nobody disagrees with this, or at least I don't. But it sounds like you're directly disproving what Ein is claiming that the cops just didn't take the Trumpsters seriously as opposed to #BLM when in reality Trump was actively cucking Capitol's ability to respond with force?

Kind of ironic that certain people both agree with your comment and also agree when Ein says they just weren't prepared because they were white, or whatever. Funny that.
I know you probably don't agree, but it's a virtual certainty that if the crowd on Wednesday had been largely black, you'd have seen more dead bodies. All I was pointing out is that marching under the banner of patriotism and amurka gets you more leeway from police than does marching under the BLM banner.

Dunno about your racebaiting point because there's no way to prove it, but I do agree that a mob of "patriots" who scream about loving cops will generate a different initial disposition from the police than a mob of anti-police people. I don't really think this is a slamdunk thing to point out mind you, surface animosity tends to dictate first responses in all facets of life. If I approach a black person in the street with the intent to sucker punch them, wearing a #BlackLivesMatter shirt vs if I wear a MAGA shirt I'm probably going to be more dangerous to them if I'm wearing the #BLM shirt.

This is why what Trump's supporters did was so dangerous in the first place, I think. Going forward hopefully that changes.

There may have more a lot of damage during the riots peripheral to BLM, but there were also a lot of violent clashes between rioters/protestors and police. The situation was handled differently in what we saw this week. Police would never have opened a barricade for a BLM protest.

Again, this is a retarded comparison because there were like 50 billion #BLM protests and associated rioting, there has been 1 MAGA invasion of the Capitol building. If we're going to compare these things we should be comparing day 1 of the Floyd protests vs this Capitol building incident. Did anybody get killed by cops on the first day of the Floyd protests?

Also, I disagree that black protestors wouldn't get fucked with if they showed up armed. I think they don't show up armed because they know if they did their chances of making it out alive would go way down.

Plenty of black protesters show up armed, it happens a lot. This is how I know you probably don't actually watch a lot of the footage of all these protests (I mean, fair enough lol). During the Kenosha incident several black guys were armed. Funny how it was only the unarmed white dipshits who got killed that night.

Do I really need to point to the Black Panthers? I mean c'mon...

When I originally posted my comment, the numbers were lower--or hadn't been reported.

Fair enough.

Oh and to the link you shared, it's making the first fundamental mistake you are, by comparing how #BLM was treated vs Capitol. It's dumb for so many obvious reasons.