The News Thread

A couple in Oz tried to name their kid Covid, thankfully for the kid's sake it was refused.
i don't wanna sound like a conspiracy theorist,
but does this kinda look like a homicide to anyone other than me??
Nope. I'm sure you can find plenty of videos of people leaving their park brake off and getting hit by their own car. Then there's the ones that try to make a hit internet video and get gruesomely run over, such as this. By some miracle it didn't break anything in his leg, just his arm.
Nope. I'm sure you can find plenty of videos of people leaving their park brake off and getting hit by their own car. Then there's the ones that try to make a hit internet video and get gruesomely run over, such as this. By some miracle it didn't break anything in his leg, just his arm.
i can understand getting out of your car without engaging the emergency brake if you're not paying attention to the fact that you've stopped your car on a slope, happens on gentle-slopes all the fucking time
i can imagine somehow forgetting to engage the emergency brake when your car is stopped on a steep slope
I've even seen a car in neutral have the wheel run over the toes of the guy who just stepped out of the car
i've seen lots of people get out of a car on a slope and walk 10 or 12 feet uphill before noticing that their car is sliding downhill
but walking downhill and then actually getting directly behind the car where the empty car running you over is actually a possibility
yeah, no, i'm calling bullshit on this
this was fucking murder
OF COURSE TRUMP WANTED THE MILITARY TO SHOOT AND KILL RACIAL-JUSTICE PROTESTERS: When informed they couldn’t just do that, he offered a compromise: “Well, shoot them in the leg—or maybe the foot.”
Trump repeatedly demanded the military shoot racial-justice protesters and/or bash their heads in, according to a new book by Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender titled Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost.

The book reveals new details about how Trump’s language became increasingly violent during Oval Office meetings as protests in Seattle and Portland began to receive attention from cable new outlets. The President would highlight videos that showed law enforcement getting physical with protesters and tell his administration he wanted to see more of that behavior, the excerpts show. “That’s how you’re supposed to handle these people,” Trump told his top law enforcement and military officials, according to Bender. “Crack their skulls!” Trump also told his team that he wanted the military to go in and “beat the f--k out” of the civil rights protesters, Bender writes. “Just shoot them,” Trump said on multiple occasions inside the Oval Office, according to the excerpts.

Jesus Christ.
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It's personally very surreal to be so proven wrong by Trump's presidency, and I'm not even someone who flew the Trump flag that vigorously or anything. I know a lot of people who have tapped out of politics because they died on so many hills since 2015.

Throwing a tantrum because you're informed you can't just have your military murder protesters is fascistic.
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It's personally very surreal to be so proven wrong by Trump's presidency, and I'm not even someone who flew the Trump flag that vigorously or anything. I know a lot of people who have tapped out of politics because they died on so many hills since 2015.

Throwing a tantrum because you're informed you can't just have your military murder protesters is fascistic.

I'll admit that his presidency wasn't as destructive as many of his detractors warned it would be (myself included); but I think that's because our institutions held, against the odds in some cases. But the fact that his electoral loss has seemingly reinforced social distrust in our institutions is worrisome. Nearly half of our national population doubt (to varying degrees) the results of the 2020 election. That is staggering to me, and I don't know how to convince them otherwise.

I'm fairly certain we in the U.S. will be facing serious political fractioning in the decades to come. Combine that with societal collapse from excessive resource consumption... yeah, I'm mentally preparing for significant changes to our way(s) of life.
Ugh that’s what I meant. Sorry. I don’t know why half of republicans transmuted into my brain as half of all Americans.

Anyway yes, half of all republicans.

Still, it’s so surreal to talk with these people. I’m friends with some, and I don’t know how to move forward with them.
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Yeah I feel that. When others say people with different political ideologies live in separate realities from one another they're not really being that hyperbolic. How the Republican Party will survive the Trump schism will be interesting to see going forward, but I say that from a position of outsider privilege.

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