The News Thread

"Faith" has meaning beyond the religious, Dak. Your whole "religion by another name" schtick is pretty boorish.

I'm done debating this. We've clogged the thread enough. Like the good ol' times, right?

EDIT: I do want to respond to this, so others reading aren't misinformed:

To conclusively blame, as in proof? There's no such thing as definitive proof in the sciences, as came up already in this conversation. But there's a lot of evidence suggesting vaccine hesitancy perpetuates outbreaks, as per the HRSA, The Lancet (here and here), and Harvard school of public health, among others.

It's not "getting sick for a little bit"--it's getting sick and needing hospitalization. I'm not moving the goalposts, and I've already clarified this.

I know you think the religion by another name point is "boorish", but you didn't grow up in a heavily evangelical environment like I did, so I'm uh, quite sensitive to it. Also I did major in philosophy, so I'm sensitive to argument/analogy. As you can see, I use that knowledge a lot.

The Lancet noted the problem with shit research too, fyi. But I agree, we've clogged it enough, and we have very different backgrounds and environments and goals, so it is what it is. My lull is also over, so.... until Christmas or something lol
@Einherjar86 is wrong
I could theoretically spend a huge amount of text explaining exactly how he's wrong here but @Dak just did that for me

all joking aside
I'm actually reading this specific EIN vs DAK debate and I'm actually agreeing with everything DAK is saying
Don't make this about me. Plenty of aCaDeMiCs have pointed out the religion by another name problem with the current moral panics, none more notable for these purposes than McWorter.
‘We Will Not Forgive,’ Biden Says, Vowing Retaliation for Kabul Attack.
“To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this: We will not forgive,” the president said. “We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.”

The bombs were set off near a crowd of families at the airport gates who were desperately hoping to make one of the last evacuation flights out. Gunfire was reported in the aftermath of the explosions.

Uh oh.
Forever War.

There was no way out of this for Biden, politically speaking. Vacate and no retaliation, he's a spineless twit in the eyes of the right. Retaliate and he's a war hawk in the eyes of the left.

Obviously he should just bow out, pull the remaining U.S. citizens. But revenge is too politically tempting.
The problem here is that there was never any "head of the snake"

In WW2 you had Hitler
When Hitler died there really was no chance in hell of the war continuing for very much longer after that
The death of Hitler = Nazis not doing anything anymore

But with the middle east
We never had that
There was a 12-sided war going on the day before the 9-11 attacks
The first thousand Americans to die over there were the electricians and plumbers that the UN made America send over there to re-build the buildings we destroyed with carpet bombs
We captured Satan husein even though he had nnothing to do with 9-11 then people killed each other BECAUSE he had bèen captured,, he got convicted of a capital crime and people killed each other BECAUSE he was convicted instead of let go,, then when he was executed a shit ton of people killed each other the next fucking day,,, tons and tons of ameri can soldiers got killed between the moment Saddam was captured and the day bin Laden was killed,,, and people killed Americans in response to the death of bin Laden,,, and the war kept going on for so long that the Americans getting killed over there right now werent even born yet when 9-11 happened

There's no actual action any one can do that will stop the American death other than just simply removing the Americans from the middle east
A missing man in Turkey accidentally joined his own search party for hours before realising he was the person they were looking for, local media reports.
A missing man in Turkey accidentally joined his own search party for hours before realising he was the person they were looking for, local media reports.
this happened in Dallas Texas USA once
and in before anyone else says it
yes, the guy I'm referring to was meth-high
and no, it wasn't me