The News Thread

lol? This data was generated under US occupation, this is why I said you should be careful because you're making pro-occupation statements, which you just did again by saying "sound like everything is good."

These net benefits ended the day Biden pulled the US out ya dingus. Women's rights advancements ended the week the Taliban took back Afghanistan.

When I look around, all the people calling for the US (and other nations) to take in refugees are the same people who have been desperate for the US to get out of the middle east. The position is steeped in an understanding of what invading and pulling out would do to Afghanistan. Maybe we just mingle in different crowds.

Yes. The taliban sounds good based on your assertions. You haven't in any way explained why the US is morally responsible to take on any refugees. I've been explaining all the ways in which they aren't. So what 'women's right's advancement' ended. Is that the sole basis for refugee status? That's completely disconnected from all other statements about facts on the ground and disconnected from the types of persons already resettled in many cases.
Yes. The taliban sounds good based on your assertions.

The Taliban didn't do anything related to my assertions so I'm again not sure what you're trying to get at.

So what 'women's right's advancement' ended. Is that the sole basis for refugee status? That's completely disconnected from all other statements about facts on the ground and disconnected from the types of persons already resettled in many cases.

Because those advancements relate to increased literacy rates, 60% of university students were female, women were working in governmental positions etc. Said advancements play into what's going on over there in multiple ways, whether it be the eventual drop in literacy rates once Taliban enforce their laws or whether it be women (and their families) fleeing the country because they worked in the government in some capacity.

These assertions you say sound good weren't done by the Taliban, they happened under US occupation with the help of the Afghan government.
The Taliban didn't do anything related to my assertions so I'm again not sure what you're trying to get at.

Because those advancements relate to increased literacy rates, 60% of university students were female, women were working in governmental positions etc. Said advancements play into what's going on over there in multiple ways, whether it be the eventual drop in literacy rates once Taliban enforce their laws or whether it be women (and their families) fleeing the country because they worked in the government in some capacity.

These assertions you say sound good weren't done by the Taliban, they happened under US occupation with the help of the Afghan government.

You literally didn't get anything I answered. Yes, women were overwhelmingly represented. This is connected to the downside of US involvement.
Biden sets aside $500m to fund ‘unexpected’ Afghan refugee needs.
Joe Biden has authorized up to $500m from an emergency fund to meet “unexpected urgent” refugee needs stemming from the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, including for Afghan special immigration visa (SIV) applicants, the White House said.

The US is preparing to begin evacuating thousands of Afghan SIV applicants who risk retaliation from Taliban militants who have taken over the country, because they worked for the US government.

Amid huge controversy over Biden’s handling of the withdrawal and the issue of evacuating Afghans at risk, some on the right have sought to use the refugee issue as a means of attack.

Steven Miller, a far-right immigration hardliner formerly a senior aide to President Donald Trump, has attempted to lead the charge. On Monday, however, Trump himself interrupted a blizzard of attacks on Biden to say Afghans who assisted the US “should be allowed to seek refuge”.

lol "unexpected" what a dickhead. Support the move though, and like I've said several times itt; the US has a responsibility to help Afghans vulnerable to Taliban witch-hunts as a result of having any connection to the US.
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I didn't know you were this socially conservative.

You know what makes for really fun, stable, prosperous places to live? Lots of young, single, illiterate men.

There was, and I’ve already said the U.S. isn’t the only country responsible for the Afghan crisis.

"Crisis". Is that supposed to be a joke? Things are, right this minute, better in Afghanistan than they've been in the lifetimes of the majority of people living there!
"Crisis". Is that supposed to be a joke? Things are, right this minute, better in Afghanistan than they've been in the lifetimes of the majority of people living there!

Considering the average life expectancy is forty years or some shit, I'm not sure that's a major selling point.


The new episode from the FiveThirtyEight podcast was great. Really clarifying on how climate models work and how scientists understand them.
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Me personally
I'm just waiting for the moment where The USA will just give up being the world-police and just say fuck-you-middle-east and get to the point where stuff happening in the middle-east just doesn't f u c k ing affect America any more

Like how there was a 12-sided war going on in the middle east on Sept 10th and nobody in America realized for a whole fucking year after the 9-11 attacks that there was actually a war going on in the middle east the day before the 9-11attacks

We didn't know that this middle east war was happening because it didn't affect us

Or how all those African genocides started and ended during bill Clinton's 8 years in office but even though those genocides lasted almost a whole 7 years none of that shit resulted in a single american death because as soon as that shit started bill Clinton grabbed a microphone and announced to the UN "this is not America's problem"
Considering the average life expectancy is forty years or some shit, I'm not sure that's a major selling point.

That number should start going up without the US bombing the fuck out of the place. Gotta give peace a chance!


The new episode from the FiveThirtyEight podcast was great. Really clarifying on how climate models work and how scientists understand them.

I have a comment but my lull is likely over so I wouldn't want to bash n dash. :p
Biden sets aside $500m to fund ‘unexpected’ Afghan refugee needs.

lol "unexpected" what a dickhead. Support the move though, and like I've said several times itt; the US has a responsibility to help Afghans vulnerable to Taliban witch-hunts as a result of having any connection to the US.

Their witch-hunts, our homeland security. Ironic coming from an Aussie in 2021. A right proper police state happening there right now mate. Seems to be a problem across the Commonwealth.
Haha police state. A bunch of fuckwits protest for less than two hours, they are pepper sprayed into submission with a few cops injured and that's a police state.
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Nothing is more ironic than an American calling Australia a police state. But the American right have bought hook line and sinker into this "Australia is a police state" meme because they're dipshits.
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They claim the figure was more than 4000 protestors, many of them kids, (it's an arbitrary figure given the way they work it out). The population of Melbourne is 5 million. The numbers don't even reflect a minority, they reflect little more than a fringe group. They went with shit like flares, and electrical conductors to throw at police and while they put a few cops in hospital there was something like 300 arrested and more than a million bucks in fines issued but the streets were clear by 6pm. I can't stand living in this police state any more!
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We certainly have fuckwits in Melbourne.
Maybe she should have brought her protection along to throw at the cops!
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Haha police state. A bunch of fuckwits protest for less than two hours, they are pepper sprayed into submission with a few cops injured and that's a police state.

I'm talking about the restrictions. I haven't been following protest news. I thought the Commonwealth was taking all the lockdowns just laying flat.