The night Nick almost died (again)

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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So I went to this really big party at my friends house tonight, I had afew beers, but I wasnt even close to drunk, or even a bit buzzed. I had fun and when it was time to go home I had to give my friend a ride b/c he was trashed.

I got on 290 (an express way here in Chicago), and I started heading towards my friends house in the city. About 20 minutes into my ride I hear a screech, and in my rear view mirror I saw a SUV losing control behind me, the SUV came with in about 2 fucking inches of slamming into the side of my car, it was so close I could have reached out and grabbed the passenger. The car gained control again, and started to drive off while I sat there sweating and catching my breath. If I was only two inches to the left the car would have crashed into mine and, Im guessing, would have killed me.

that's revenge of the suv's for sure, nick. :)
the few times i got so close to dying it always filled me with warm feelings for the world when the danger was over. has that happened to you or others around here?

Yep, I had a near-death experience from developing a nut allergy suddenly on Thursday night...I had to take antihistamines and breathe into a paper bag, I was about ten minutes away from needing a hole in my throat to breathe out of. If we hadn't had the medication in the house, or my dad wasn't a doctor, who knows what would have happened? I've been in a 'I love everyone and everything' mood ever since. Life is too short for hatred.
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When I broke my arm really bad once, the bone almost sticked out of my skin, and the bone was just some millimeters away from braking my artery.

that's the only one I got :)
i almost died a couple of times when some stupid bastards which should have their driving licenses removed behaved like they shouldn't have. like getting in my way on the autobahn (speedway) when they fail to turn their head and notice that small little motorbike i'm sitting on.
@Nick: Holy shit dude! Don't you know to stay off of 290 in the wee hours of the morning?
Glad you cheated death...once again!

I have had quite a few near death experiences, sometimes by my own hand, sometimes by the stupidity of others. I think I have used up my nine lives...
VultureCulture said:
i almost died a couple of times when some stupid bastards which should have their driving licenses removed behaved like they shouldn't have. like getting in my way on the autobahn (speedway) when they fail to turn their head and notice that small little motorbike i'm sitting on.

When you ride a bike,ANY kind of bike, you really are pretty much asking for it if you die. Go to a gore page and see the bike accidents sections, maybe you will come into your senses and fucking walk or get a small cheap car.
i know it's dangerous, but in my eye car drivers should at least be aware of the fact that bikers exist and drive accordingly (like turning your head to the side when you change lanes on a highway). sure there are bikers who deserve their deaths, speeding with 200+ km/h through cities and such. but i used to conquer 50 km per day to get to work and back. you can't get a parking space with a car in the city, and you can't use trains and buses since this would double the time you spend on the "road". there are reasons beyond fun for driving a motorbike, really.
btw i sold my bike half a year ago, so right now i'm out of danger anyway.
I was on a car which went upside-down in middle of a slope (on speedway) and there was speed limit of 100km/h. Luckily no-one crashed into us..
And I have almost drown on two times, when I was little child..
@Nick: YIKES! Y'know, drop the smallest hint of ice on the roads and these SUV's go slamming all over the place. You'd think people would learn to slow DOWN. Ugh. I'm glad to hear you and your friend were unscathed. :)

@rahvin: three near death experiences gave me enough character and reason to live so ferociously. dunno - I'd post em, but I'm wordy. ;)
@Nick and D_J: whoa, those are close calls. Makes me glad you both (and other parties involved) are still here with us today.

As for me, I developed a serious case of pneumonia(sp?) when I was 6. I wasn't eating or drinking and could barely move. It may have been okay if I had been taking my medication... but I wasn't. After I went to the doctor's, he had me rushed to the hospital (no stopped back home for stuff) where they hooked an IV into my arm. I stayed there for a while.

I and my mother also come very close to being hit by a car once. It was scary.
@episode666: oh, you can't complain to me of being wordy. ;) come on, we want to hear all three of them. :)

as for me, my near-death experiences are limited to:

- countless barely-avoided car crashes back when i was working for an investigation agency in town.
- once i risked falling in a crevasse while climbing up the slopes of a mountain. my uncle grabbed me and saved me.
- once i carelessly jumped into a room which accidentally got filled with water. since there were electrical instruments all over the place, it was just chance that prevented my dying from electrocution.

ehm, there's one good man rahvin won't report here, but i fill the blanks. once me and him were driving to a silly village in the countryside around turin (for reasons that i don't know if i can mention) and we failed to see a roundabout - after a bit of moving and shaking, kinda unnoticed on account of disturbingly serious drunkenness, we accidentally ended up on the correct road, but that was one funny moment.

h (i know "weltanschaaung", "zeitgeist", "heil", and "angriff". i think it aint enough)
I almost fell into the Chicago River when I was 6, I was leaning over the rail and I slipped, my father caught me though.

I went to a really really shitty part of Chicago once to get drugs when I was 17, and had a gun pulled on me and my friend.

Almost had a wall fall on me when I was working construction. We were tearing down a Pool-A-Rama and my cousin hit a wall I was standing under and it came crashing down, I had to roll out of the way.

Almost drown at the pool by my house afew time, shit Ive had a pretty dangerous life, and me working a security job in a hospital isnt exactly the safest thing.

@hyena: let's just say we were out the night checking for suspicious activity in the immediate proximity of some people's house. it is not worthy of mention that we were conscious representants of the aforementioned activity. :rolleyes:

rahvin said:
@episode666: oh, you can't complain to me of being wordy. ;) come on, we want to hear all three of them. :)
Yeah, but you use wordiness so much classier. ;)

1. For my 18th birthday three friends and I planned to drive to a mall in Indiana. Now, for a teenager this was a huge thing: that mall in particular was a maven for teens at the time. :lol: ANYway, the four of us were traveling Eastbound on a regular route that was under construction. Prior to the construction, an entire intersection had stop signs for East and West bound traffic; now there were traffic lights for all four lanes. The day we drove through that intersection, a driver didn't see the lights; figuring traffic was the same as it has always been.

That driver slammed into our vehicle doing roughly 55 mph (85-90kph). Both cars turned over into where masses of dirt and concrete had been dug out to accomodate the new highway, dragging two other cars into the mess. The car I was in landed at the bottom, upside down. My body was stuffed into the back seat, with my left leg mangled under the driver's seat. Nearly lost my left leg. It was six months of hell.

2. I shared a small house in Illinois with a fella that worked some weird hours. Generally he'd come home at the crack of dawn and I'd be just waking up for work. One evening there had been some heavy storms so I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. I sat in the dark alone and heard fidgeting at the back door. I figured it was my mate coming home early, but when I got far enough into the kitchen to see clearly out the window I could see it wasn't his figure. I didn't recognize this guy at all. In the moment of panic, I waited by the back door - when he opened the door I slammed his head with a small cast iron skillet.

When the police had arrived and finally calmed me down; they told me I may have to go answer questions, etc. The guy had rope, duct tape, a knife and a gun in a bag he carried with him. Ugh.

3. I'm making myself upset. I'll add this one at another time. I don't know about warm, love-the-world feelings coming on. For me it almost seems like I adopted a Them-Or-Me stance. I prefer being a survivor to being a victim. :)

Glad to have you all here. :)
@episode666: story number 2 got me upset as well. :erk: and i understand why it doesn't really put you in any "i love the world" mood. still i'm glad we're all here, alive and well, at the moment. so enough of my "classy" wordiness now: i'll just sit here smiling stupidly for a minute pondering whether hugging my monitor is reason enough for getting fired. :)
