"What it means your Nick"

Okay, Marduk, you blew the line away with that. I have no idea whether it was another one of your jokes or i'm really getting on your nerves, but reading that post was sad either way. And, just so you know, i'm trying to have fun too. And i am serious when it comes to Rincewind. ;)
Yeah, you are getting on my nerves, or to put it better, those remarks of yours, that crave for assurance that things are as they are (thats exactly why Im writing this, because you arent sure whether I was serious or not). So, take the posts in my sig as the calibration standard, ok? And maybe I overreacted, too, so sorry. :)
No, youre apt, we all know that. ;) It was Rincewind and the guilty party wanting to get inside her panties was UndoControl. These are the games we play when you are in it for real! :lol:
Hmm, I see you are really confused, Im not a part of your tiny threesome Olympus there. I am too busy fighting with Tiamat and putting things in order, you know. I just wanted to help, thats all. :)
Oh my goodness, forget it, it was a joke, flattered + offended = flattended. Which means, there are some people, like rahvin, who are able to flatter and offend you at the same time and you cant even be mad at them, cause they are so good at it. Period. :)
Rincewind said:
Hm,once again I don't know should I be flattered or offended?!

if it's in relation to my comment, i'd say neither: i merely described you by the characteristics of your namesake.
as to anybody else's idea that it would be nice to have mad passionate sex with you, i have no idea. i guess you can choose freely to be flattered by the handsome guys and offended by the ugly ones. ;)
@Siren ....actually it sounds more boring than cool but nice to see that there are people on another opinion as mine :Saint:

btw - I like yours more so what about a swap :loco:
Vizjaqtaar said:
Some years ago I was playing Diablo II like a lunatic, and one of the characters you could play was an assassin. It was my favourite character (and a killer for dueling other people) and another name for the assassins there is Viz-jaq'taar... it means a lot to me. :)

I'd just lke to say that 'Thief: The Dark Project' is an amazing PC game. It's one of the very few games I've played. I've played all three Theif games, howvever. My favorite being 'Thief Metal Age'.


LOL, the metal age.
My nick is actually taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion. I have been using it for more than 5 years pretty much everywhere a nick is recquired. Beleg Cuthalion (it means Strongbow) is the name of an elven archer who is famous for his accuracy and since i have always been fascinated with archery, marksmenship and sharpshooting i took is at as my own.