The Nightmares Thread !!!

Apr 9, 2004
In loco parentis
Well this thread has been created because everyone has experimented a nightmare sometime, well I wanna tell you the last nightmare I had yesteday :

" I got fever but it was strange coz I wasn't slept at all, but I dreamt I was killing aldeans like in RE4 but no matter how many I killed they keep appearing and everything and I was tired ".

I had a long nite and I must thank you to the fever to let me see allucinations :lol: .
it was an hallucination haha XD

when I was kid, I had a similar experience. I had alot of fever and I could see somekind of alien in my bedroom XD. I was like 6-7 years old and I was so scared that I started to scream and my parents came.
when i was in 5th grade, i had a nightmare about me and everyone in the neighborhood running away from this mass murderer since he stabbed everyone he saw. he stabbed me and thats when i woke up late for school
I used to have this nightmare alot as a kid.. When it comes down to a psychological level, I believe it had something to do with me not accepting what I looked like (Not that there was anything wrong with me, I think I was a cute little kid.. Is that weird? :lol:)

Anyway, this is the nightmare.

Me, my mum and sister had just moved house, and my mum was showing my nanna around the house, and I was following them around the house.

We got to a bathroom, and it has this huge mirror, the height of the ceiling from the basin and from wall to wall minus the shower.

Anyway, I was looking at the mirror, and I seemed to stare.. and then I realised my mum and nanna weren't even there anymore.

So I went to the door and tried to open, but it was locked (And im not sure if this is truely in my dream or not) but the key was in the lock.. yet I didn't open it. Anyway.. The room was kind of warping, and everything was really white.. and I turn to the mirror, and I swear to fuck, there was the most terrifying looking red faced thing, with horns, grinning back at me..

That dream fucked me up for a while tbh ) :

But I havn't had srs nightmares in years.
well i had a nightmare like 2 years ago .... it happened in my backyards garden .... and it was full of water .... like a pool or somethin... so i was drowning and it felt so real ... i woke up choking . thats it
i don't have much nightmares... but too real dreams scares me
My recurring nightmare is that I'm in an elevator that is free falling. I always wake up before it hits bottom. My psych professor said that those type of dreams are about control issues??
I have a recurring nightmare of being taped to a chair and being forced to listen to AYDY while Alexi touches me:cry:
Conti said:
I have a recurring nightmare of being taped to a chair and being forced to listen to AYDY while Alexi touches me:cry:

that is worse than death :erk:
Fuck, when i got a fever i think i'm sleeping but i'm not and all these weird thoughts and imaginations come to my head.
I used to Have, as a kid, reacuring dreams One was Me in a field By a strange white House ( the only one around for Miles) and than it invoved trying to Hide from sopme aliens also after a relative died i had many nightmares about being in her house and being haunted. i do at times Have thye Most inbsane dreams thankfull havent had many nightmares lately that i rmeber iv had many thoue but thouse r the only Ones i wanna put here cuz the others, :lol: Just to wierd and to long to type :p