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Nov 26, 2005
Here we can talk about dreams and tell some of ours we remember. I could start with one of the worst nightmares I've ever had:

I was in a dark (or with black-painted walls, I don't remember well) building, and walking among some people. When a person moved next to me, every time he/she slashed my face with a knife. And I asked myself why they slashed me, without understanding that. And the strange thing is I felt pain, in those moments.

Tell me someone of your dreams/nightmares, it could be interesting.
I was running through Central Park at 3 a.m with a little 8 year old girl ( who seemed to be an extraterrestrial being/ shadow like, her appearance would change and morph from human to this armless bug type creature ), guiding me, holding my hand as she gathered thousands of children threw the streets towards us. Imagine 8 - 12 year old children running away from their homes, zombie like, without any sort of consciousness or concern for their own well being.

We meet in the middle of the parks huge open field as these children stood still, eyes dilated and began to look up at a dark blue haze dawn sunrise.

The Little girl/alien looked at me and said "Welcome to the Maelstrom" as I walk away from the massive crowd of children.

When the sun reached it's highest point the children began to slowly rip their skin off, flesh, eyes, internal organs and offer it to the sky...

During this scene the end of Blut Aus Nords - Our Blessed Frozen Cells was playing. The last 3 min of the song.

It was like a movie.
The main nightmare i remember is from like 12/13 years ago. Running around a backgarden being chased by some huge fucking spider whilst a mad scientist dude laughs in the doorway. I dropped on the floor and I could feel all the hair on the spider rub against my fucking face. I'm fairly sure it contributed to my fear of spiders.

I had crazy long dream yesterday. The main bit I remember is some woods, and we were examining this bit and there were some buried bits, and some bits where people were just face down in water (Dead obviously).
And we were discussing it "Well they couldn't have just killed themselves and buried themselves, but that's what it looks like".
And I see one rise up from the water, and I'm trying to warn them, but they won't pay attention. it's all blurry there, and then I'm bitten and I'm running away. And I end up in someones backgarden, and I look it and its just the hottest milf. Cute face, huge tits, great arse. And I follow her inside, and dont mention the zombies. And I'm walking around flirting rubbing this massive fucking hard on and I go "Right, I'm ready to cum, wanna go" and she's all "I can see that... do you have a condom?"
And it's like, Fuck. No. "Well I have one back at my house".
"Go get it"
And I get outside, but the house seems to be in a different place from where I found it. But I dont care, but theres a lamb across the road with a really weird face, and it looks like it's gonna run. And I'm like "Come 'ere boy" and it walks up like a dog and licks my hand and I stroke and shit. And then it legs it.
And I look to see why and the zombie-type-things are back. And I run past them trying to get to my house and I can remember what happens after that.
Fairly sure I never got my dream dick dream wet though :(
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