Your Best Nightmares

A really simple method to remember dreams that actually works alot for me is to repeat "I will remember my dreams" in your head over and over until you go to sleep and when you wake up you can remember them about 60% of the time... write them down cuz I forget mine fast..
I love dreams they’re usually so much more interesting than my day turns out. In fact (a little useless factoid), every time you’ve gone to sleep for the night, you’ve dreamed. People who say they don’t dream are simply not remembering their dream(s).
My little trick if you will, more specifically is to not move at all when I wake up and go over the dream in my head.
I got all anxious just reading about that dream, S4R.

I had a recurring nightmare, about 3 times a week for 6 months or so. This pack of men with guns kept trying to break into my house, and I'd hide and run from them for what seemed like an eternity, all to be shot in the end. In a particularly sordid one, my dad was one of the gunmen and he'd planned it so my mom and I would be home.

They say you aren't supposed to die in your dreams, but I always got shot, I never got away successfully. I deal with the threat of gun violence daily, so I know where that part of the dream can from, but I don't know why I had it so frequently for so long, and then it just stopped. I'll probably have it tonight...
@ Kush. Those are some great dreams! Esp. the angel thing - Jesus!...
I often have "cinematic" ones that seem to go on for ever too.

I used to have a recurring dream that I was dying of cancer, terrible, terrible. I haven't had them since I gave up fags though.:Saint:

I died once in a dream. I had my throat slit by some kind of malevolent being. Still gives me the shudders...
Originally posted by Stondis
I died once in a dream. I had my throat slit by some kind of malevolent being. Still gives me the shudders...

Same here...I was making out with this hot girl and she pulled out a knife and stabbed it through my chest so that it pinned me to the ground. Then out of nowhere another hot girl held my head up to expose my neck, and the first girl shoved her knife in the side and began sawing across my neck...I felt everything, my warm blood, my spasms...oddly enough there wasn't any pain (good). Woke up feeling uneasy.
People who say they don’t dream are simply not remembering..

Yep. I read up on dreams a while back when I wondered how close to truth those dream books are. Ya know, the ones that claim to define each pronounced image of your dream that stood out. I’m still not sure.

The most bizarre one I’ve ever had, started off as a sexual thing, after a moment, I realized I had the penis! WTF! :lol: I remember my dreams every night. Little fragments or sometimes what seems like an entire night of one dream. I’ve had some fantastic dreams that I wouldn’t even be able to put to words. Just colors and shapes and feelings.

Godzilla walking in my bedroom, breathing in water, a little naked child covered in mud staring in windows at me (a reoccurring dream), ::glances over at S4R curiously:: (you too?), another about being in a steam filled locker room at a gym and there’s a fucking monster somewhere (another reoccurring dream) and countless dreams of basement creepy things. (too many horror flicks I guess)

I think the ones that creep me out the most are the dreams about voices. I had this dream recently I’ll never forget. I knew I was dreaming. The second time it’s happened. I chose to make Hell. Right away, it was dark, warm and damp. I heard the sounds of sighs, but backwards sounding. Then someone spoke in my right ear from behind me VERY CLOSE. I could feel the breath of each word. The words where reversed as well. The laugh that came after hurt my ear and woke me and I was frozen and sweating and my ear was ringing. I couldn’t move for like 10 minutes I was so scared.

Originally posted by Opet
Godzilla walking in my bedroom, breathing in water, a little naked child covered in mud staring in windows at me (a reoccurring dream), ::glances over at S4R curiously:: (you too?),

Mud! You’re sick. :p

another about being in a steam filled locker room at a gym and there’s a fucking monster somewhere (another reoccurring dream) and countless dreams of basement creepy things. (too many horror flicks I guess)

The dream I described actually only took place once, and I have no quarrels with that believe me. In fact, I believe it was the last nightmare I had, and it must have been at least 3 years ago. Many of my dreams involve me doing things that I would otherwise not do or be able to do. I still have a lot of flying dreams, if there has been one thing that is reoccurring that is it. Perhaps they represent me distancing myself from others, which is something I tend to do.
This is kinda standard, but really frightning when u 'live' it:

Being chased through dense woods in the night while lots of
insane oversized dogs are after me.. ends with a dog being in
front of me all of a sudden... then it attacks. Bye bye!
Originally posted by Xtokalon
I had dream very recently that kind of fucked me up.

I don't remember much, I couldn't condense the dream (or dreams) into a narrative, but I remember something like Summer, a college professor (strangely enough), vague impressions of a city block, a boogey man - death perhaps?- grabbing at me; me unable to move, paralyzed and more paralyzed. Even after I "woke" up, it was difficult, psychologically, to get out of bed -- or move.

Paralysis dreams. I had something similar to yours a few months ago, in the dream a transformer blew outside of my apartment and sent a shockwave that pinned me in my bed, completely unable to move, I couldn't even open my mouth to take in more air. When I awoke I was still pinned in my bed for a few seconds, it certainly fucked with my mind for a few days.
Originally posted by Juggie
Whats it mean if you never dream(remember them anyway); nor ever have a recurring one?

To tell the truth, you aren't supposed to remember your dreams in theory. If you wake up slowly and on your own... You won't remember your dreams. I don't remember the specifics, but the fact is: to remember your dreams you have to be jolted from them. As in someone waking you up or your dreams themselves waking you.
i live in a boarding house, and im surrounded by little year 7 boys who are constantly annoying me. a couple of days ago i dreamt i crucified the most annoying one on the door to his room.

im really scaring myself
The cool thing about these dreams is that ordinary sensation- sounds etc- are refreshed and they gain a vividness that's lacking.

When I woke this morning, I knew I had just been having a dream and I wanted to remember it, so I did what someone said to try. I tried not to move and wake myself further. As I remembered more and more of it, I realized it wasn't really that interesting now that I was awake, but when I was dreaming it, it seemed like something I would tell everyone that day.

Ever wake yourself laughing? :grin: I did that once to my partner. It was like 2:30 AM and all of a sudden he's like "What the hells wrong with you?" and was totally confused. All I could do was laugh off what seemed so damn funny in the dream.

S4R.. :rolleyes: yeah, I am. So what? :p Really though, I wonder what the feeling of being watched means. Probably nothing. All I know it a small person covered in some nasty chunky brown stuff looking in windows at me.. well, I'm just glad it stopped.

And Kush.. Ya make me wish I bet money on your response. ;) I heard that coming a mile away! :lol:
my dreams are amusing, often disturbing. I once dreamt that some sort of a tidal wave had hit earth, and nearly everyone was dead, the roads had all turned to mud, and every so often i would step on a rotting corpse, then all of a sudden, tony blair appeared and started lap dancing to some strange techno tune. The only way to get out of the mud, was to climb onto a horse, which would take you up some stairs. However in doing so, some people fell off their horse and back into the mud. Then i found myself eating a bag of crisps in a fetish club. i woke up, dear god im strange. *sighs*
Originally posted by Opet
S4R.. :rolleyes: yeah, I am. So what? :p Really though, I wonder what the feeling of being watched means. Probably nothing. All I know it a small person covered in some nasty chunky brown stuff looking in windows at me.. well, I'm just glad it stopped.

Now that I think about it, perhaps the man in the window was meant to instill the fear in me that I caused in others as a peeping tom. I've learned something from my years as a stalker, most women don't like it. Don't worry I'm only joking, or am I? :lol:
I love dreams that cut in the middle of it and when you go back to sleep you continue it. Those are just so damn cool.

Then I love dreams where you know it's a dream and take full advantage.