The Novella Reservoir art and MP3

Haha it never fails. I write a song and it winds up being similar to something that I totally wouldn't have predicted or thought of myself. I guess it makes sense though because I was thinking in terms of late 80s/early 90s european death metal, that was definitely my mindset when I came up with this. And Amon Amarth are basically doing stuff that's along those same lines, it's obviously where they're coming from too, so yeah I can see that.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
(...)I was thinking in terms of late 80s/early 90s european death metal, that was definitely my mindset when I came up with this. And Amon Amarth are basically doing stuff that's along those same lines, it's obviously where they're coming from too, so yeah I can see that.
True. When I "discovered" Amon Amarth through "Bleed for Ancient Gods" I was pleasantly surprised because they made (and still do, bless 'em) death metal the way it's supposed to be made. Hadn't heard that for a while until the Amarths came to bring joy to my ears.
Fucking nice stuff! Kickass riff, seriously headbangable stuff.

And yeah definitely has an Amon Amarth-esque melodeath vibe to my ears, but I love that.

Only complaint is that Paul's vocals in the beginning part are a bit too guttural and low for my tastes, but luckily there's some higher pitched parts too :P

This is fucking awesome guys!
Heavy as hell and the solo brings some gloomy feelings, perfect!
Contrary to madu i fucking love the deep growls Paul! You sound better than ever!

And the coverart is great, as usual.

Contrary to madu i fucking love the deep growls Paul! You sound better than ever!
I figured that was a joke, in fact. It seems somewhat retarded to actually criticize Paul's vocals for sounding deep, considering the fact he's one of the best vocalists at doing that. So yeah, Madu must have been kidding. :p
Hehe yeah maybe it was a joke. But you know, there is some strange people out there ;) and i think the growls sounds deeper then before so you never know. :)