The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

time to bring this up.

nf: surely better than a couple of hours ago. relieved. there was a thing about the relationship with my boyfriend which i wasn't too happy about, so i told him and we talked about it for a long while. now it's all sorted, apparently the both of us had their share of the bad but we are, of course, willing to change things.

also, i feel i can't do everything i'd like to do. i wish i had more time, i don't even check on here much apart from a quick browse in the evening; and to say i'm alone in my office so no one would bother if i checked here, but i'm really busy and i prefer to spend my pauses smoking, how healthy. sigh.
mourningstar said:
also, i feel i can't do everything i'd like to do. i wish i had more time.
someone heard my complainings and provided me with a friday where i don't have much to do, for an unexplained reason. plus, my boss isn't here and in chicago they're not yet in the office (=less work for me since i'm mainly working with some people there lately).

*lays her legs on her desk*

ante said:
@val yesh
good luck with that :)

nf: happy like a kid in front of the xmas presents. today i bought a book called "from a logical point of view. nine logico-philosophical essays" by w.v.quine, and i can't wait to start reading it (even if i'm reading other three at the moment - damn this habit i have). also, my boyfriend told me that author is well known and really good. yay, good choice val!
also, i'm tired.
NE: spaghetti
ND: coke
NListening: sonata artica
NF: i dont think things will ever look as promising as they do right now, or the future so bright :)
lady of bodom said:
Nf: crazy, very sad someone very close died
i'm sorry :cry:
but believe me, to listen to my dying bride can hardly help.

nf: i'm quite happy today, mainly because looking out the window i can see a nice and warm sun, so probably i'll eat something quick and spend most of my lunch break reading in the park.
still, i have one hour to wait. *yawns*

np: office noises.