The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

I finished a silver pendant I was making with a nice blue chaldoceny free-form stone in it.I'm listening to Voivod and gonna roll another cigarette.
^ Back in November I just couldn't stop eating French Fries. I mean, I was having them each morning for breakfast throughout the entire month. Now I have a gut, and it now will take the rest of the month of eating zero calorie vegetables and 3-4 miles a day on the treadmill to burn it off.

I may have said this before, but I'll say it again. If I ever give up on life and have no hope or meaningful future, I'm just going to eat until I'm 400lbs.

Don't do as I do! :erk:
I've never been fat, or had any gut or "love handles" .. but now I'm getting them and I'm like WTF .. just a few stupid months of bad eating; I can't take this. I'm actually now breaking out the weights .. there's no way, there's just no way.

You should do the same Tubbs. Throw the fries to the dog, and LET THE TRAINING BEGIN!!!!!
You make a good point. Just think of me when you're eating your next batch of fries, and I'm at home sitting alone in a dark room eating tasteless rice cakes.