The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

NF: fucked up: I'm in school doing a programming test and nothing works:yell:
NR: programmingcode
NL: my own swearing
Now wanting: to get this program to work:bah:
ND: Just did 2 miles on the treadmill.
NE: Cabbage. Kept calories down all day!
NL: Pearl Jam - Spin the Black Circle.
Drinking: Coffee
Eating: Ryvita and Philadelphia Cheese (There's no bread for toast!!!)
Listening: Samson - Riding With The Angels
Wearing: Faded jeans, black boots and white Angel Witch tshirt.
Feeling: Bright eyed and bushy tailed and very happy. Tis going to be a
good day today.
DRINKING--just finished a big glass of O.J. and ice
WEARING--jeans shirt,sweatpants,underwear,socks,slippers,a ring(it's night)
FEELING---like rolling a cigarette shortly then drifting off to sleep
Now Drinking : Diet Pepsi
Now Eating : Nothing
Now Listening : Sabbath - A National Acrobat
Now Feeling : Frazzled
Now Wearing : Jeans, Black Boots, Black Belt and a white Saxon tshirt!!