The number of Ozzy solo albums in your collection determines how metal you are.

NicodemiX said:
Diary of A Madman (the song) > any other Ozzy (solo artist) tune

I saw A Perfect Circle do a medley of Diary of a Madman and Lovesong (the Cure) several years ago in a small club with like 10 other people. OMG SO AMAZING.
JayKeeley said:
Oh dear, no Randy Rhoads in your collection? At minimum, you really should hunt down (the original version of) Diary of a Madman to see why this guy was so legendary. The title track, Believer, and S.A.T.O are phenomenal tunes.
Every so often I get tempted, but everyone saying how good it is is one main reason why I don't want to buy it! I will not bow down to peer pressure!

That and I don't like the idea of helping promote another series of The Osbournes...