How familiar are you with your own music collection?

I own around 300 albums and because of impulse blind buying and previously knowing shit and therefore buying shit, a lot of these albums suck ass. I would say I am quite familiar with the good part of the collection however, as I can play most of the albums and either know the lyrics or the music reasonably well.

And Nec, good post.
I'm very familiar with my collection.I only own about 200 CD's and I'm very picky about what I buy..fortunately our local music store lets me sample the CD's before I buy them if I'm unfamiliar with them.They don't like to open very many new ones up though so I always have an idea about what I want.They let me hear all the used stuff I want before i buy too.Most of my collection is 80's thrash,and Death metal..most of the newer stuff I like is what's been coming out of the Black Metal scene.Half the new supposed "metal" shit I've been hearing just don't hit me right.