The OFFICIAL "ŵG I'M SO FUCKING LOST!" - The Bringer Thread!!

Tut Ankh Amon said:
i'm starting to think that you actually look like me, with more chest hair, and all your pics are photoshopped :p

Don't worry, I don't PS my own pics if there's not a reason too. And if they are, I'll write it. :Spin: I know I've posted one. The "studiolook" pic.

About this Bringer pic, it was actually very easy and done fast :D Surprised it turned out so well.
Excess said:
The bringer joined my class :Spin:


Mine is worse. The English department has a boy-girl ratio of about 20% - 80%. That's one of the reasons why i chose it.

The bad part is....

Actually that's not my whole class. We are like 3 girls and 20 boys i think..
and in the whole school.. well mostly guys... AND THEY ARE ALL UGLY. I think, have'nt seen any one good looking yet anyway.

Sadest thing is I'm the only girl in my school that's in to metal music... Kinda boring. There are some guys that are into it, but they are very few :(

Can't wait til summer... it will be so nice to leave that shit behind. And best of all, I wont even be there when we graduate since it's exactly the same weekend as Sweden Rock Festival. Perfect :)
BloodyScalpel said:
That's bullshit. Everyone knows that all swedes are metalheads :p

Not in my school. Everyones just interested in the latest clothes and cellphones, going to disconights drinking pink drinks and discuss what happend on the latest episode of *enter optional soapopera here*
