The Official Art Thread

I have to spam this wonderfull art site.

since I knew it Im spending hours on building up my world including DT:



henriksson is bad I know
@KC: Actually i don't visit galleries as a hobby, but when there's an interesting exhibition and i'm around, i might just go take a look or five. The most interesting one i've seen was an exhibition of El Greco's paintings in Athens a few years back (they brought them from all over the world). I have to say that when i saw his work in prints or in books i really couldn't see what the fuss was about. But seeing the originals left me stunned, they were just... so awesome. I remember especially this one. I can't find the words to describe it, i can just say that the figure seemed to actually project from the rest of the painting.. I was so swept away that i immediately bought a large print (it's still on my wall). But looking at the print is just not the same, i barely ever pay attention to it..
Siren said:
@KC: Actually i don't visit galleries as a hobby, but when there's an interesting exhibition and i'm around, i might just go take a look or five. The most interesting one i've seen was an exhibition of El Greco's paintings in Athens a few years back (they brought them from all over the world). I have to say that when i saw his work in prints or in books i really couldn't see what the fuss was about. But seeing the originals left me stunned, they were just... so awesome. I remember especially this one. I can't find the words to describe it, i can just say that the figure seemed to actually project from the rest of the painting.. I was so swept away that i immediately bought a large print (it's still on my wall). But looking at the print is just not the same, i barely ever pay attention to it..

Well even in the .Jpg you linked I could percieve the depth (I think its because of that hole. But I agree, seeing original paintings even if you dont understand the concept is always really provocative. Leeds has an amazing art gallery. I visit it now and then for the spectacle more than anything. There's this one room dedicated to victorian art and some of the paintings are immense. There's probably about 70 pieces in this one tall square room... a couple of the pieces are literally about 9ft long (and a similar hight). Just looking at them makes me feel quite weak in the knees. That particular room absolutely dwarfed any artistc integrity I thought I had.

P.S I don't know shit about art, I just fancy the craft and complexity of some of the stuff I've seen.
@deatheclipsed - i like your pencil sketches especially the dwarves. great action shots!
-- said:
@deatheclipsed - i like your pencil sketches especially the dwarves. great action shots!

Thanks, they were initially for a book a friend and I wereto put out but due to financing we decided to abort the project and hold back awaiting greener pastures. I like them but they aren't my favorites anymore.

I have got some kick ass stuff that will be up on my site soon, keep returning, it will be in the illustration areas. anywhere from 12 to 42 new pieces.

@ Everyone else, copy and paste that link below...
@deatheclipsed: You like Cristopher Shy? I amazed he's mostly known only by people who like Roleplaying Games or tradingcard games. I agree that he's work is great and really intriging and beautifull on many of my books.
I agree, he is hardly know by anyone and his work is awesome.

His process is so layered. He takes a phot, scans it, digitally augments it, prints it out, paints on it, scans it back in, tweaks a little more, prints it, paints on it, scan it in......over and over until he likes it. What is even more amazing is he is self taught from art theory books. He at first wanted to be a writer.

His work is great. check him and the rest of the guys that now comprise his studio group.

His work is at the very top.

Studio Ronin - Christopher Shy artwork
Just a question...

as we are on the "art" thread - don't u think DT is more "art-orientated" than many other bands ? I think, some make music to convey a message, some do it for money, some just for fun, etc. - I think DT plays music mainly for art purpose... may I think that just because of this niklas artwork, or because their 2nd album is called The Gallery... dunno.
would like to know what u think :)
Yeah, the new Nile kicks ass!! As for DT, the guys probably wont go as far as calling their stuff art, but I think the earlier stuff had these ambitions - especially The Gallery - this is what I would call a piece of art without any hesitation. And then, Mikaels lyrics could be also viewed as really good poems, most of them, the new stuff included. He is very good at that!!
check this out first, its really amazing what this guy does.

well, it says "show off some of your stuff" in the beginning, so here I go. :) I wrote this after I had gone through the passage. I came home feeling strange, like I knew what it was all about, but I couldnt formulate it. So I just sat down, got a piece of paper and wrote the heading first (which I never do): The Passage:

All your life
You´ve found yourself
In the minds of others
Mirroring their reflections
Reflecting their mirrors
Nothing but glass
Reaching out for the endless
The infinitely illusive
For your soul
The soles of your feet
Testing the ground´s belief
In its own firmness
Butterflies in your belly
No meandres, twists or turns
No dead ends or curves
But the passage
Short and straight
Amazing maze
May all be lent and borrowed
The steps are yours
(To take)

I really didnt want to write about what I saw on purpose, but I somehow did and when I realized it, it occured to me that I understood the purpose of what I saw at last!
So, what do you think?
Well, now send it to Mikael, sure he will use it on the next DT album ;)

I think to fully understand what you wrote I should go through the "passage" too...
OK, one more, this is one of my favourites (theres usually 1 in every 20 and I dont write these very often, lol). This is how I see DEATH:

The milestone on the way
Whose beginning was the point
Of no return
I saw my eyes burn
In the womb
In the tomb
Fresh meat
Neatly sliced
From the primevil matter
I saw my head in the gutter
By flies molested
By men detested
Observing the filth as usual

Something as unnatural
As a gift of life can be
Pressed through the hole
A blind mole
Into colour and shape
All mouth all agape
Crying crime crying death
The first last breath
Sucking hastily on everything

There has to be nothing
Otherwise neither life nor death
Are in question
Stepping over the doorstep
A foot ahead of myself

Two millstones grinding
The seeds of our craving
The flour - the ashes
Between conscience and flashes
Of dark ignorant light
Two dimensions in sight
Being the sides of one coin
The slut and the saint
Reflecting, framing, marking
One another´s whatness
In a perfect oneness
They join, they grow your world

You see
Only because you cease to be