the official EricT has lost it thread

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Folkefiendar: hmm
Folkefiendar: will
Folkefiendar: where are you
Folkefiendar: are you far?
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: ?
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: wtf are you talking about
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: lol
Folkefiendar: what am I/
Folkefiendar: what are you
Folkefiendar: who are you
Folkefiendar: are you really as i know?
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: right
Folkefiendar: Why can
Folkefiendar: 't I die?
Folkefiendar: why must i try to die
Folkefiendar: but I can't
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: wtf are you on?
Folkefiendar: Everythibng adn nothing
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: righto
Folkefiendar: i am long snice dark
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: yeah, speak in normal language and not code
Folkefiendar: you should see my fate
Folkefiendar: long sinece dark
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: okidokie
Folkefiendar: why do why do they try to get me to dream eternally
Folkefiendar: i don't want to
Folkefiendar: but they do
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: stop copy/pasting shit. what are you on?
Folkefiendar: i don't paste anything
Folkefiendar: i type as if i am one
Folkefiendar: i took something i shouldn't have
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: yeah... i guess i understand that. now, type to me in a way that i'd understand you. i'm sober, remember?
Folkefiendar: long since dark
Folkefiendar: it is light
Folkefiendar: but i see the dark
Folkefiendar: but
Folkefiendar: i see the light
Folkefiendar: L
Folkefiendar: S
Folkefiendar: D
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: go listen to Flight of the Conchords and let me know how it sounds
Folkefiendar: i am not listening to anything
Folkefiendar: but the sound of the flus
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: thats why i said "go listen to"
Folkefiendar: they beckon me
Folkefiendar: to listen to despiar
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: okidokie
Folkefiendar: they want me in their realm of dramns
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: flies dont dream lol
Folkefiendar: they want me to know what life is really like
Folkefiendar: theyb wanbt me to know what eternity is
Folkefiendar: they want me to feel the force of everlasting pleasure
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: like getting swatted by a newspaper?
Folkefiendar: if it sis pleasure
Folkefiendar: than it is so
Folkefiendar: all i know
Folkefiendar: is that is only been but a few minutes
Folkefiendar: ,u life
Folkefiendar: is going to onlu get worse
Folkefiendar: and i am going to enter the realm
Folkefiendar: of no return
Folkefiendar: and i shouldn't have done this
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: oh chill out and stay seated
Folkefiendar: i try, but they want me
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: dude
Folkefiendar: the flies wnat to taste my flesh
Folkefiendar: they want top introduce me to the nexct world
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: you're on drugs. flies are worthless, keep calm or something
Folkefiendar: i try
Folkefiendar: but they scream loisder
Moose, a friend of mine and I once constructed a long list of things LSD could stand for in chemistry class. It was great. thanks for reminding me.

Large Spiked Dildoes
Folkefiendar: the flies wnat to taste my flesh
Folkefiendar: they want top introduce me to the nexct world
Nvrmr2FeelDPain: you're on drugs. flies are worthless, keep calm or something
Folkefiendar: i try
Folkefiendar: but they scream loisder


Loose Shoed Dyke
Easy Route - Doomicfer Loves Sustanon250 Deca

God damnit... I'm out of here. I just deleted every ounce of HD Porn on my hard drive as I considered it to be a distraction. ie. I'm waking up at 7am, and browsing files to download for 20 minutes. WTF?!?!

So what's the first thing I do once I return my pc back to it's wholesome state?!? I hop on RC and have a special olympics battle rap with Ken.

I'm off to take a shower...
And even worse... How I thought a Sanctuary reference was funny AT ALL.

Oh, and there are dead flies all over my room... I don't remember going to sleep, but since I was comfy in my bed, and there is a bottle of bug spray next to it, I'm guessing I took premptive action against the bastards.

Speaking of which, going back to sleep, cause my stomch feels ready to unleash and my eyes hurt.