The Official First Impressions/Updates/Reviews of this year's ProgPower

I expected more from Six Minute Century from what I heard of their music. Many times the guitars seemed to overpower the vocals. Fairly good energy level though and overall a good start to the night.

I was really looking forward to Borealis and they delivered. Again high energy set.

Leprous was cool to watch with all their energy but they just weren't my cup of tea.

Then everything got blown away by Accept. I've never seen Accept before but I've seen lots of video on youtube of Accept performing in the past and they far outperformed my expectations. The only 2 songs they didn't play that I wanted to hear were "Generation Clash" and "I'm A Rebel".
Six Minute Century: Not a Prog fan. I wasn't expecting much, but I was hoping I'd have a Futures End like experience. Didn't happen for me.

Borealis: Young band with potential. It's fair to say the crowd as a whole liked them more than I did. Decent turnout, and had a lot of heads banging.

Leprous: Not sure what the fuck that was, but I liked it. A lot. I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of the bastard child of DSO and Amorphis.

Accept: Saw them back with Udo on the Metal Heart Tour. That show is a distant memory, and this one is still ringing in my ears; however, even accounting for the time line tonight may have been better. Mark Tornillo is a perfect replacement. I didn't miss Udo at all. Awesome.
Last night was great. Seven Kingdoms was excellent. As Joan said the singer was just off for Vangough.. what a shame. Ross the Boss was fantastic. I like some of Manowar's stuff and they did well with that material, but I really enjoyed their own stuff.

Six Minute Century didn't really do it for me. They were just okay. Borealis was great. Singer needs to work on keeping his face on the mic while he's playing guitar - he got better towards the end. I figured they'd play the couple catchy songs that always get stuck in my head but was pleasantly surprised they played some of my favorites instead.

Leprous fucking slayed. I think Tall Poppy Syndrome is just a fantastic album and they did not disappoint live. Very tight sound, full of energy, and happy to be here. Was thrilled to hear an older song (and pick up the newly re-pressed older demo album) and to hear several new ones, as well as several from TPS including my two favorites.

Accept fucking slayed x2. Simply amazing. Played all the favorites, the new songs are awesome, the new singer kicks ass, the whole band is just a class act. Great show. Seriously considering spending the extra dough I don't have to see them again on their Chicago date, even though I had ruled it out before.

[edit]ps. I really hope Nathan and Shane didn't lose their asses on these shows. They didn't have the greatest turnout but they were awesome shows. Thanks guys!
I think their lack of effort in promoting themselves domestically plays a part in that. I know it's really easy for them to go over to Europe and make a metric shit-ton more money than they'll make doing a tour here, but it will generally result in fewer people being turned on to them and therefore, their fanbase as a whole will grow older without younger fans coming in to balance.

Alot of that has to do with metal's popularity in the U.S. vs Europe, in general. Back in the 80s they did tour the U.S. more. Good to hear Ross The Boss had a good set.
Loved all the bands Thursday. I've been looking forward to seeing SMC for a while and they did not dissappoint me. I really like their set and glad they played The Perfect Picture.

I've only heard a few tunes from Boreialis before the show and they really impressed me. I don't know if anyone else felt this way, but they reminded me quite a bit of Evergrey. I did pick up their disc.

Leprous - holy crap! I wasn't sure what to expect from these guys live because their music is so complex and layered on disc - but man did they pull it off! Great live band.

Not a fan of Accept, but I did stay for about half their set. They sounded great and everyone seemed to enjoy them.

What a fantastic way to start off the weekend!!
Accept. Wow. That was a lesson in face melting. I think I was just as giddy seeing them perform as I was when I saw Gamma Ray a few years ago.
Wed night was a disappointment to me. I was looking forward to Vangough, but vocally they didn't do much for me. Seven Kingdoms also didn't do it for me. I got bored with Ross The Boss real fast for what was basically a Manowar cover band.

Last night was better. 6MC was only OK, but Borealis showed a lot as they picked it up during their set. Leperous promised to be the most unique act of the night and didn't disappoint. I am not an Accept fan, but they did put on a hell of a show.
Accept of the best live bands to have EVER played Progpower PERIOD!!!!

I agree. Although this is only my 4th Progpower.

And I was speaking with some friends. I think this is the most veteran (ie: oldest) and the highest profile band to have graced the stage of Progpower. They started in the late 70's right? Even Helloween and Fates Warning do not go back that far. Can anyone think of another band?

As far as highest profile, yes some bands may have had more commercial success but I think you all know what I mean.
Rage would be another really veteran band but Accept would be the most veteran of all of them.

Does anyone remember Accept's setlist they can post??
I'm still burning. What an awesome show !!! I was going back and forth from up front in the barricade area, to about six rows back. The sound was actually much better a little bit backed away from the band. Up front all I could hear was Wolf's 5150 amp. That thing was loud !!Heard Wolf great up front, but
couldn't hear Mark.


It was cool when Mark's mic died and he grabbed Wolf's. Wolf just smiled and sang into an empty mic stand.

When Accept were playing, did Bryant explode:hotjump: into flames?!?! :kickass::lol::rock:
Dear lord is that an AMAZING setlist!!!!!!!!!!

It's amazing, but ACCEPT actually formed in 1968!

Completely off topic, but speaking of veteran bands, has HAWKWIND ever been considered?
Might break the bank, but talk about bringing in a whole new crowd.
Completely off topic, but speaking of veteran bands, has HAWKWIND ever been considered?
Might break the bank, but talk about bringing in a whole new crowd.

I doubt it. Great band but not right for this fest. The only way they could play the fest is if they were an oddball and even then I don't see their style blending well. Are they really that expensive nowadays though?
I'm still burning. What an awesome show !!! I was going back and forth from up front in the barricade area, to about six rows back. The sound was actually much better a little bit backed away from the band. Up front all I could hear was Wolf's 5150 amp. That thing was loud !!Heard Wolf great up front, but
couldn't hear Mark.


It was cool when Mark's mic died and he grabbed Wolf's. Wolf just smiled and sang into an empty mic stand.

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! ACCEPT just slayed!! May be the best performance at Progpower EVERRRRRRRR :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
Leprous: Not sure what the fuck that was, but I liked it. A lot. I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of the bastard child of DSO and Amorphis.

I had the same reaction the first time I heard Tall Poppy Syndrome, glad to see that you enjoyed it. I love the album. Does anyone know if they played Phantom Pain? Definitely my favorite off TPS.

That Accept set & the reviews are really making me consider seeing them with King's X at the end of the month. I was going to pass because there's so many shows coming up, but I might be changing my mind now...
Even if you're just an idle Accept fan and you missed their show at ProgPower, do yourself a favor and find a way to one of their other shows. You WILL NOT be disappointed. Do it because a good time like this doesn't come around very often and I think there are a lot of people who could use a good time like this.
I doubt it. Great band but not right for this fest. The only way they could play the fest is if they were an oddball and even then I don't see their style blending well. Are they really that expensive nowadays though?

Hawkwind is not right for a fest that showcases prog?
Sure, they are not "prog metal" perse, but Glen has indicated through his actions and words every intention on trying to attract new fans to the fest.

I think a lot of Hawkwind fans, if the right mix of bands were on the bill, would come to something like this.

Hell, not even sure the last time they played the States.

I have no idea how expensive they would be, but I would guess in some markets they make a good paycheck.