The Official First Impressions/Updates/Reviews of this year's ProgPower

I brought my 12 year old daughter this year, we came from New Jersey for the weekend. She's a big music fan, likes it all. I brought one of my other daughters 2 years ago, she loved it. PP this year was really enjoyable. Its like a fun community of really nice people of all ages inside the Center Stage when we're all in there. Great when Glenn talks to the whole lot of us. So much respect, not really that many jerks, just fans.

Illusion Suite - Missed em, wanted to catch them, but got a late start

Blackguard - Fun to watch, but the screamo growly thing bores me to death.

Leaves' Eyes - Seen them before at BB Kings in NY, they were ok then, but this time I REALLY liked them. The growling lurch guy was fun as usual (he's more of a cheeleader mostly, as Liv Kristine is the main attraction). They sounded great.

Seventh Wonder - I really wanted to see them, but we had to eat.

TYR - I have 1 of their albums, its ok. I thoroughly enjoyed them live though. The lead singer is a funny guy, and their shtick is enjoyable. I only need to see them once though

Nocturnal Rites - Didn't know much about them, but they were great. Mature, tight, awesome lead singer, not gratuitous, just a great band.

Kamelot - I'm a TOTAL Kamelot fan, as well as a Circus Maximus fan, so I thought it was awesome Mikael did this gig. Sometimes I felt that he was a better Khan than Khan! I've seen them numerous times, and Khan is somewhat inconsistent live, but they were terrific I thought.


Stormwarrior - We tried, but not my cup of tea. I saw nothing original or interesting. My 12 year old said "they just suck, can we go get dinner" :lol:

Oceans of Sadness - Knew nothing about them, but I was impressed. Gonna buy all their stuff. Great set, great energy, super musical. Terrific

DGM - Fuckin A! These guys blew me away. Killer soulful vocalist, I'm a sucker for keyboard/guitar duels, especially when they are melodious. Super technical yet musical and melodic. Great stuff. Bought all their albums in the front room.

Delain - One of the main attractions to PP this year (thats why my 12 year old wanted to come!). They just were awesome. Charlotte's voice is incredible, but the musicianship of the players, especially Martijn is amazing. Gotta love a keyboard driven metal band. Seeing Marco is fun as usual

Tarot - Tired kid, so we missed it. She made it to 1am on friday night, so we checked out after Delain

Hammerfall - Same... not a lover of their stuff though, so no great shakes for me.
OK then Cheiron, you've beat me soundly for Mr. Buzzkill Award. :Spin:

As I stated, I enjoyed 5 of the bands (Tyr, Kamelot, Oceans of Sadness, Illusion Suite, and Seventh Wonder [saturday gold badge show]). Going in I thought that I might enjoy 4-5, but I wasn't sure for some of the others. I had a great time overall. But most of the bands there did nothing for me before hand nor during their sets. Still, living nearby and using hotel points, I could easily justify it based on seeing Tyr, Kamelot, Seventh Wonder, and especially Oceans of Sadness.

I used to not want to skip anything fearing I'd miss something, but I'm more comfortable now not seeing bands (or giving them a couple songs) that I've listened to on album and did not overly enjoy.
Stormwarrior: arrived late due to stupid slow electronic parking payment system, decided to get in line for autographs as I had felt that they were simply a Gamma Ray lite
Oceans of Sadness: enjoyed the album and enjoyed them live, i got a pretty cool shot of vocalist when he did some sort of stretch forward (from left side of venue), will be ordering the album sometime soon
DGM: Great band to listen to, naturally entertaining and full of energy - was wondering what the hell vocalist was on so that I could have some as well
Delain - Decided to eat and thought i'd miss the intro but apparently there was that radio monitor problem. I figured due to the delay it would be better to get in line early for seventh wonder and i was the second person in line i think for seventh wonder - i think a lot of people got the same idea soon enough. Got my group hug from guys of Seventh Wonder (they're so freakin talented I wanted a group hug) and enjoyed the rest of the Delain show. Not my style of music - the second album, but i had fun watching them.

Tarot: SATAN IS DEAD! Enough said - but still I'll continue a bit. Glad to see that Marcus is a hippie like me (well except for the smoking bit) - also the beard wasn't as impressive as I thought it was going to be D: This is the kind of comedy/humor/dicking about I don't mind (see earlier Illusion suite comment)

Hammerfall: Was worried about what kind of set list they were going to do. I was quiet pleased with the results - a lot of older tunes mixed in with the newer. Didn't want to miss out on seeing these guys live after my scottish buddy gets to see just about any band he wants to live & I was having a blast - very cool to sing/shout HEARTS ON FIRE HEARTS BURNING BURNING WITH DESIRE live.

Had a entertaining time- just wish I had more people to talk to around me - was around a bunch of shy/quiet people unlike last year - or it could of been me a bit as well I suppose.
Accept of the best live bands to have EVER played Progpower PERIOD!!!!

I was so-so on seeing them...but I am incredibly glad I sat down and watched their entire set (which is rare for me at PP; I seldom sit in the venue but my knee was cryin' out). Excellent performance and a huge surprise for me. I'd been thinking that Leprous would be a hard act to follow just in general terms, but Accept really delivered. One of the highlights of the entire fest for me, and it's a damned shame the crowd wasn't bigger for them.

Other highlights of the weekend for me:

-- Tyr's set, although I would have reordered the songs and played one more from the new one, maybe "Light of the Northern Star"
-- Kamelot's set. Absolutely stunning considering they only had a week to prepare. (This was another rarity, a show I managed to sit down for most of.)
-- Tarot's set. Hell, they did "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" when BOC doesn't play it anymore; haven't seen it played live in 20 years.
-- Leprous' set (what I saw of it)
-- Oceans of Sadness' set (only caught the last part of it, sadly enough, due to delays at Vespucci's)
-- Seventh Wonder (floor was packed, too, so I kinda watched from outside)
-- Stairway Serenades. See below.

Sadly we missed the first several songs of Hammerfall's set, but this was due to the UNBELIEVABLE performance in the stairwell backstage. Myself, Michael Erikson, and several other vocalists from the fest (I'm sorry, but Budweiser won't permit me to remember their names at the moment..sorry...) were singing everything under the sun. The fact that all of us were able to harmobize so well was mindblowing; it really was a special moment. Songs included Cyndi Lauper's True Colors, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, Toto's Africa, Bon Jovi's Bed Of Roses and Living On A Prayer, and a healthy sprinkling of Dio, Maiden, Damn Yankees, Alannah Myles and Tom Petty. I know that quite a few people including Glenn got video of this, so if you, dear reader, happen to be one of them, contact me asap because I would love copies. :-)
The rest of the evening found us jamming out in the courtyard of the Artmore, but nothing compared to that stairwell concert. I don't just say that because I was part of it, was really phenomenally beautiful a capella.

No kiddin'. I'll post some vids on YouTube in a bit. They will probably be a bit dark but the audio should be okay. (And sadly, I missed the beginning since y'all started the 'Stairway Serenades' before Tarot ended their set. :))
I had the same reaction the first time I heard Tall Poppy Syndrome, glad to see that you enjoyed it. I love the album. Does anyone know if they played Phantom Pain? Definitely my favorite off TPS.

Yes. They did play "Phantom Pain." Didn't know the song, but remember him introducing it and liking the song.

That Accept set & the reviews are really making me consider seeing them with King's X at the end of the month. I was going to pass because there's so many shows coming up, but I might be changing my mind now...

Yes. Do it. I, and several other people I talked to, have never been fans of Accept, but we all liked them. It was a great performance.

YardleyBates and I was joking. She said, "The guys in Borealis looked like they were 16 and they just stood there. The guys in Accept are a LOT older and they were jumping around." (We both liked Borealis' set BTW.) Accept had lots of energy and were amazingly tight. Mark is a great front man. He's way older than me, but I'd like to be in as good shape now as he is.
Well, if you noticed Zac sticking his tongue out at someone at his corner , it was me lol... I was right there at his side, actually happier there than if I had gotten on the rail..I snapped a couple pix of his spears. Lol...

Im hoping the audience response was good enough that maybe there will be talks of a us tour in the near future. As much as a dork I am, I would want to be their driver for LA...I got the bus and the knowhow. Lol (if nightwish comes back to the USA, to my area I am so there..mostly to see Marco again. I was surprised he knew me, unless Zac or Tommi warned him about the crazy bus driver. Lol even tho I got such a brief moment to say hey and get the pick guard signed, felt like they were my friends, wasn't nervous to talk to them.

So yeah, that's where I was, worshiping the Tsup King at work.

Someone recognized me when me and my friend were taking a quiet break at Artmore before leaving. No idea who tho lol...

My 2c on the mixing for Tarot, at times I noticed those discrepancies mentioned, but I figured hell their sound is a lot of bass and drum..(omg. ...pecu just kicks ass...he is amazing) ...I think I was too wound up watching the Tsup King do his job ....

I did enjoy Delain, I never heard anything until last night...I most watched the bassist and his style, lol getting ideas...he's seriously good...and I loved his hair.

I'm bummed I can't headbang like back in my younger days..I get dizzy in my "old" age...Zac is 11 years older than me, he seriously lets it go...oh yeah, I love his hair too hahahahahahahha..whatever he's havin i want it, cos i aint got half that level of energy!!!!!!!

(if he reads this I would be totally red faced...)

Tarot - blacked out during their set. HA! No I didn't. I felt like a bad sponsor, though, because I hadn't yet heard their latest album. :) Loved the new stuff, loved the old stuff ("Crawlspace" FTW!!!!!!), loved Marco and Tommi's on-stage antics (if we ever bring Morgana Lefay, expect more goofy stuff like this). Got to hear my favorite Tarot song, "Rider of the Last Day", which I never thought would happen. And I got to see it from the photo pit, five feet from Tommi's crotch. :lol: All in all, as a sponsor, I think I got everything I wanted here. :) Band of the weekend!

Just out of curiosity, where were you for their set? I was actually hoping to meet up with you sometime during the weekend, because of all the Tarot-worship I've seen you post on the board. :lol: I might have seen you at some point, but I didn't really have any way to recognize you. add to my post...i was on my iPad earlier, pain to type...

As folks may know I was mainly to see Tarot..but I also watched Delain.
Never heard them before but knew OF them through my FB pal Scott "Delaination" Johnson, which I might add was very cool to meet him.
I really enjoyed their set, I'm not overly familiar with their tunes but I liked what I heard. Lotts headbanging...mostly kept an eye on Otto, he's pretty wicked on the bass.

So Tarot...dream come true for me...
I knew they'd start with Sleep in the Dark, I believe they'd been opening with that all summer. For all I know this was their summer set.
I was very happy to hear Crows Fly Black...this is often the tune I play in the bus (if my group likes metal, usually a guys sports team) and they often love it. Trying to create new fans here lol...
Their goofing around is very common in their shows, I expected some laughs...Marco & bananas...Zac putting a guitar neck somewhere between little brother's legs...oh yeah, poor Tommi had gotten whacked last week, he didn't look so bad for someone with a black eye. I LOVED hearing Veterans of the Psychic War...I love Tommi's voice.
Hearing Crawlspace was an extra super awesome treat. I loved this one, but I don't have that album yet! When Marco said 90s tune..I started to wonder...ooooo it's gotta be Crawlspace.
As much as I loved every tune they did, I had hoped for Ashes to the Stars...thats the tune that hooked me. I'm not gonna complain though
I was happy to see them. I wasn't dissapointed. Lots of energy, I found myself into the music from the first note to the last, I never felt so good in so long. Metal rings true in my mind...

For the sake of sounding like a fangirl, I was completely entranced watching Zac...he is amazing. Such high energy (must get the energy from that bottle of fisu he had) , tricks, spins, headbanging, the whole nine yards...I loved watching his technique, the way he got his sounds from each of the three guitars he brought (my favorite one is the black one, its got this great band logo on back)..solos were precise and sweet as can be. His whole performance had me glued..never knew what he was going to do next.
Then he stuck his tongue out at me haha!

Marco mostly stayed over on his side, but he was just as enjoyable to watch. I love his voice, something about it just sounds good to me. Amazing range & clarity. When I could get a look, I watched his technique. As for the beard, it's as epic as I thought...

I watched Pecu often enough, it's really fun to see him play, he's so happy up there behind the kit...
Janne was on the other side, I couldn't get much in pictures of him.
I'm glad Tommi was all over the place, he's great!!! I think he was exactly who they needed to add to the band, his voice contrasts nice with Marco's in their duets.

I was even getting a kick out of pre-show noise...Marco screaming in the mic & checkin the bass (i love distortion!!) , Zac tuning up...recognised the riffs he played back there...that was pretty neat, kind of a tease to what was coming.

So the end result is a very happy chick to say hi to them, got my pickguard signed, it's back on the Squier bass to see them play, i go home super happy.
What was planned didn't happen, not entirely sure why...I think it was a time issue. Some folks know what i mean..something to do with fisu. Maybe next time...
shit happy no matter...

Kamelot- Kahn who?

While that comment was entirely appropriate for Accept (when their singer has departed the band and been replaced by a someone who takes the band to and perhaps beyond their prevous height) I am just not sure it is at all appropriate to be directeed to an ill bandmember in the midst of recovering...Was everyone so wowed by this performance? Michael Eriksen is just a magician to have pulled that off. I saw it with my own eyes and still can't believe it. The band? Well Kamelot has been a model of nothing but great music and professionalism since Glen introduced them at PPII so this is just another example of what keeps them on such a high level and me a forever fan.
While I commend Kamelot for doing what they did and it was a good show and I give kudos to Michael for doing a good job, I'm sorry to say but Michael is no Khan and didn't sound anything like him. Khan is the unique voice of Kamelot and nobody is going to sound like him.

Kamelot- Kahn who? Michael Eriksen channels Kahn perfectly when he needs to. However, his voice is much stronger. He doesn't use any of the voice cracking camouflage Kahn does, like lowered volume mic. No pulling the mic away on the high notes either. They pulled out some older songs, which was cool. Unfortunately, songs from the new CD didn't impress me much.
Thursday Night:

Six Minute Century - Really enjoyed their set. I have their album and really loved it, so was stoked to see them. They did put on a solid set, although not mind blowing, though. Still, looking forward to getting to see more of them.

Borealis - I was actually most excited about these guys in the line-up. They did deliver as far as I am concerned. That was an awesome set. I went and bought a copy of their album and got them to sign it. Granted, I've listened to their material via MP3 download before hand as I wanted to be familiar with these guys and really loved what I heard. Glad to say that I now have an actual album here. I ended up BSing with the guys after the Leprous set and darned near missed Accept! Great guys and really looking forward to hearing more from them.

Leprous - Going into this, I did not know what to expect. I've heard samples of their music before, but still. In the end, I was utterly blown away! These guys really put on one sweet set. Of course, I bought the album. Not only that, I've spent quite a bit of time in the courtyard at the Artmore just hanging out and chatting with the lead singer. These guys really enjoy what they do and it shows. Again, yet another one that I will be watching.

Accept - Okay, I'll remember the old "Balls to the Walls" days. I just never really got into these guys at the time. With that being said, I was really blown away at just how GOOD these guys sounded that night! That really was an excellent set. Not only that, but I really loved what I heard from their new album. I'll have to get a copy when it becomes available. I was going into this not really expecting much, but glad I was pleasantly surprised here.

Friday Night:

Illusion Suite - I was a fan going into this as I've had their one album and really enjoyed it, so I was excited to get to see them live. Not only that, but the keyboardist, Ketil Ronald, who played with Saint Daemon two years ago, actually remembered me! I ran into him after the Borealis set and he said to me, "Hey, I remember you from two years ago! I was with Saint Deamon". Took me a second to register and then was like "Holy Crap!" Spent much time hanging with him as well throughout the weekend. I am more a fan and also looking forward to future output from these guys.

Blackguard - I missed the first part of the set as I lost track of time shopping for CDs downstairs. What I did see was fun to watch, but I just could not get into them. I am also in the "all that growling gets boring" camp as well. What they did certainly sounded good, and there was pretty sweet riffing going on. That drummer was kicking ass as well. Gotta be one of the very few female drummers that I know of. Will most likely see them again anyway when Epica comes through the area at Jaxx. Just not my cup of tea, though.

Leave's Eyes - Seem them at least two times before. Liked their albums, but did not care for their live sets. However, they did managed to kick some pretty good butt there at ProgPower, though. Also, I really do enjoy their most recent album so it was cool to get to see some of the material played live. Plus, I do like Liv's voice.

Seventh Wonder - Huge fan going in, so after seeing their set, I was just like 'Wow! Fucking WOW!" They where everything I was hoping they would be! Absolutely LOVED it! So, needless to say, I was stoked about getting to see them again the next day.

Tyr - Another one that I was a fan of (although not a huge fan) going in (and also have all their albums). I saw them at Pagan Fest and compared to the likes of Turisas and Eluvutie, I was underwhelmed by their set at the time. However, they seems they gotten better with their live schtick since then. I really enjoyed their set that night and another one that was just fun to watch.

Nocturnal Rites - FINALLY!!! Friggan NOCTURNAL RITES! I was also in the "keep pestering Glenn" camp to get Nocturnal Rites. Thankfully, they really delivered the goods that night! What an awesome set they put on. Full of energy and really fun to watch and get into. Loved it!

Kamelot - Okay, I've seen Kamelot something like 5 times now. However, I had a feeling this was going to be pretty cool, given the circumstances and all. Michael really did nail it in the vocal department. I was really impressed and loved every minute of it. However, there just still seemed to be something missing here. Maybe the stage presence as Roy really had a unique stage presence that Michael just did not seem to match. I don't know. Maybe the band itself thought the same and that was why the ultimately decided to cancel the tour. Shame these guys really went through a whole shitstorm in light of what happened with regards to Roy. Still, I loved the set and was cool to see such a unique performance. Like Glenn said - "ProgPower USA : Where you get to see shit you never will see anywhere else!" Awesome job by Michael and can only pass on well wishes to Roy.


Seventh Wonder GB/VIP set - Seventh Wonder put on a special set that was only available to Gold Badge holders and VIP upstairs in The Loft section of the venue. They started out with a couple of acoustic versions of their songs (wish I had the set list), followed by the full electric treatment of their music. They played many of the same songs they did in the main performance as well a few they did not, including a couple they haven't done for a long time, if ever. To be honest, I actually enjoyed this set much more than the one they played for the main event. It was just such a cool experience to see something like that in a more intimate setting. That was really cool and hope Glenn gets the opportunity to arrange more like that for us GB holders and VIPs.

Stormwarrior - Damn, these guys just friggan RIPPED IT UP! I was loving it. Was standing next to some dude in a viking costum. He was really into it. Plus, their bassist was really cool. I got to spend a little time sharing a beer or two with him. Having a copy of Heading Northe and loving it, I was stoked to get to see these guys.

Oceans of Sadness - This was one that I wanted to go in with an open mind. I was actually really impressed with what I saw here. Take them or leave them, but there is no denying they put on one damn good set there. Will have to bust out my copy of The Arrogance of Ignorance and give it a good listen again. Nicely done.

DGM - Here was my moment! The band that I sponsored finally getting to play! When I first met these guys Friday morning and they found out I was sponsoring them, they were giving me and Dave (my co-sponsor) the royal treatment the entire weekend! Only if you've seen their reaction. They basically mobbed me, shaking my hand, hugging me, giving me the "I'm Not Worthy" bow and all. They were inviting us to hang with them in the dressing room, giving us beers and such. Hell, they even gave me and Dave each one of their T-shirts and a copy of their brand-new DVD. Of course, I had to have them sign the DVD. So call my bias, but I personally thought that was the best damn set the entire weekend! One other reviewer above nailed it with the "heavy", "technical but not overly so", and "full of emotion" comments. That was probably one of the most incredible hours I've experienced right there and getting to see it from "the pit" the entire time was just so awesome! When it came time to say good bye to these guys this morning while heading out to catch the train back to the airport, I had a real tough time holding back tears. Just such an awesome group of musicians that I can honestly say that I had a real honor and pleasure to be a sponsor for. I truly wish them much success and already looking forward to what they do next. I sure as hell hope they can eventually come back to the states, be it another PP appearance or on tour with some other band or what-have-ya.

Delain - Okay, so maybe they are kinda "pop-y" or somewhat generic, but I have to admit that was one beautiful performance by Charlotte and gang. It was much heavier than I recall from listening to their albums (and admittedly, I really do like their albums). Was really cool to see Marco to come out like that and do a couple of songs. And speaking of Marco....

Tarot - I've been wanting to see these guys for a long time and I was not disappointed here. Another killer set put on by another killer band. This is turning out to be one hell of a night, but holy shit, I was really starting to run out of steam with all the running around and so forth I was doing, which is why....

HammerFall - As much as I loved HammerFall, I just did not have it in my anymore, so I pretty much camped out up in the seats during this whole set (except for the first two songs we get to watch from "the pit"). Still, what you expect? It was HammerFall here and in typical HammerFall fashion, they delivered one really cool and fun set. I just wish I could enjoyed it more if I was not so damn exhausted by that point. Sucked I missed them back in March at Jaxx as I was at the ski hill that same day for ski patrol duty. Will be curious to hear what the new album they mentioned will be like (probably just more HammerFall ;) like the last three albums).

Overall, it was an excellent festival. All of the bands delivered really good sets, individual tastes not-with-standing. In the end it was so much fun to get to hang with everyone and the bands. Still blown away at the reception I got from DGM! I figured it would be the typical, "Cool, glad to meet you and thanks for sponsoring us" with a handshake and maybe a hug. But those guys just went hog wild and gave us the full royal treatment! I'll love them until the end of the days.

Alas, another ProgPower has come and gone and now back home and to the grind of daily life. But after that whirlwind weekend, kinda glad to be back home and to relax. I took off tomorrow from work just so I can unwind.
I have the setlist from NR (signed too WHOOHOO!).

The Encore was

Fools Never Die
Against The World

Ah, thank you. I only caught a glimpse of it briefly after the set and, since I don't know a great deal of their songs, I was merely going off the memory of a conversation about it. Sure wish they could have gotten to Fools Never Die, though. That's one I definitely know, and love!
Knew I said I wouldn't post again, but decided to offer a quick run-down of what my wife and I saw as older power metal fans attending PP for the first time.

First off, a strong second to what Exploding Ned said. The guitar sound was bad all weekend; whoever was running the board did not do a good job. Bass was drowning out everything that the drums didn't bury. Thumbs way down on sound quality.

Blackguard- children of bodom meet bal sagoth. Pass.

Leaves Eyes- had seen before, sounded fine if you like their style. Always nice in person too.

Seventh Wonder- Liked the album I heard, and they sounded ok live, but ZERO stage presence. They seemed very wooden and very nervous. Despite playing songs we liked, we got bored and walked out after 3 songs, as there was literally nothing to see going on onstage. Personally I did NOT see much of a crowd reaction, but maybe folks warmed up after we left. Disappointed.

Nocturnal Rites- Best band of the fest for us. Took the stage strong and came across as solid veterans who had fun and played tight. This was the first time all day I saw the crowd really pop for a band. I prefer their earlier albums but they sounded great live. Inexcusable for the crew to screw up their encore; I knew something went awry when their set was so short.

This brings up more crew issues. I know these folks work their butts off, but this was a huge mistake. Also, every time we asked a crew/staff person a question, they had no clue what the answer was. Couldn't even point us to the vendor area! Gotta get it together a bit better than that

Kamelot- well, they did the best they could. Replacement vocalist was decent. More sound problems throughout the set only made it tougher though. I thought some of the theatrics were more trouble than they were worth (e.g., the girl playing the drum for a few seconds; took longer to set it up than it was used for). Good set list but not aranged well; started and ended with slower tunes, so the crowd took a few songs to warm up, and they left on a slow note too. Open & close with 'Forever' or 'Center of the Universe', not 'March of Mephisto'.

Stormwarrior- very fun live. Could use more stage presence, but pure german speed fun. Again, whoever was running the board- TURN UP THE GUITARS!!!!

DGM- sounded ok, better than on cd

Didn't stay for anything else; the Sat card had little of interest for us so we decided to save a night's hotel bill and drive on home late.

7 Kingdoms folks were very nice to talk to.

Overall we had a fun time despite the ups and downs. Won't be returning next year though; preview wasn't very interesting to us, and it's too expensive a weekend for the 1-2 bands that caught our eye.
(And sadly, I missed the beginning since y'all started the 'Stairway Serenades' before Tarot ended their set. :))

It started in the hallway about 10 minutes after Tarot's set began! It then worked it's way into the stairwell, making for a fun time leaving the upstairs area. :-) After I left the VIP area to join Nathan in the seats, I could still hear everyone from the other side of the floor during the breaks in the PA songs. :lol: Surprised (or not) to hear that the singing continued through Hammerfall.
Thursday Night

Six Minute Century - I was looking forward to seeing these guys, as I had heard lots of good things about them but I was dissapointed. They weren't bad but they weren't good either. I would call them average, nothing unique that hasn't been done way better already.

Borealis - Loved these guys, definitely my type of music. Great energy and guitar work. Looking forward to the new CD.

Leprous - I had listened to a few of their songs to try and get an idea of what to expect but the music just didn't do anything for me. Then came Thursday....holy shit!! I was completely blown away. One of my favorites of the weekend for sure. Great energy and the music just comes across completely differently in a live situation.

Accept - I've always liked Accept and have a few of their CDs, but I've never loved them. Wow!! They were phenomenal! Another favorite of the weekend. I hope to see them again soon. Mark sounded great and Wolf is a madman. They have so much fun onstage and it translates into the music. Also the best sound of the festival. Whatever their sound guy did the others should take note cause everything was clear and mixed perfectly IMO.


Illusion Suite - I was really looking forward to seeing these guys as I love their album. They started out a little slow IMO, but after about 2 songs they kicked into gear. By the end of their set the crowd had been won over.

Blackguard - Had previously seen them and didn't really like them much so I wasn't expecting a lot, but they gave a great performance. High energy and great headbanding. Even though they aren't the typical ProgPower style band I think the crowd appreciated their energy and effort.

Leaves' Eyes - Awesome! They come across much heavier live than on CD which I like. Liv sounded great too, better than I thought she could pull off.

Seventh Wonder - Amazing performance. The singer just has a great, great voice. They may not have the same energy as say a Blackguard or Hammerfall with all the running around, but they play with such passion and intensity and you can hear it in their performance. Along with Nocturnal Rites they probably had the biggest crowd response at the end, almost everyone gave them a standing ovation.

Tyr - They played well and sounded good, but other than maybe 2 or 3 songs I just don't care for that style of music.

Nocturnal Rites - These guys absolutely fucking slayed!! Incredible energy, they were having fun and kicking ass and taking names on top of it! I wish the encores would have been played that was REALLY dissapointing. But even without that easily one of the best if not the best of the weekend IMO.

Kamelot - I had never seen them before so I had no expectations. They were great though and Michael sang beautifully. Kudos to everyone for pulling off a sick performance in only a weeks time!

Saturday - Let me just mention that you could tell the crowd was really tired all day Saturday. The energy on Friday was just not the same on Saturday myself included. But everyone managed to find some reserves and give it their best. Was the A/C not working on Saturday? Holy Fuck was it hot!! I had to leave during DGMs set otherwise I was going to be sick. The vendor room was just as hot too.

Seventh Wonder Gold Badge/VIP show - Easily the best ProgPower moment in the 4 years I have been coming. The acoustic stuff was beautiful and it was great to hear a few rare songs thrown in.

Stormwarrior - These guys killed! I really dig that style of music and they did not dissapoint. Great dual guitar work.

Oceans Of Sadness - Had no idea what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. They have a little bit of everything in their music and I dig that. The singer had some crazy energy. Excellent choice Glenn!

DGM - Wow! These guys sounded so good, their playing and vocals were spot on. The singer was like a madman, I wish I had that much energy. I caught Michael from Circus Maximus banging his head to them too.

Delain - I was expecting to not like these guys, I don't know why cause I've never listened to anything from them. But damn they were great! Charlotte is beautiful physically and vocally. They were much heavier than I expected them to be. I will be picking up both CDs for sure.

Tarot - They were having so much fun onstage and that was great to see. I loved their setlist and the fact that they threw a few oldies in there. Excellent performance.

Hammerfall - I'd never seen them before, but I dig their stuff and I was not dissapointed. They sounded really, really good and gave a great performance.

Good thing I took off work Monday cause I'm gonna need the whole day to catch up on sleep! Great weekend! Overall I'd have to say that this weekend had more top notch performances than any other ProgPower that I've ever been too.
DGM - Wow! These guys sounded so good, their playing and vocals were spot on. The singer was like a madman, I wish I had that much energy. I caught Michael from Circus Maximus banging his head to them too.

Yeah, and that was me right there next to him doing the same thing!

Damn dude! You cut-n-paste my post? :lol:

You pretty much came away from this with nearly the exact same thoughts/opinions that I had! :kickass:

This really did turn out to be an awesome weekend and enjoyed every second of it. Already stoked for next years!
This brings up more crew issues. I know these folks work their butts off, but this was a huge mistake. Also, every time we asked a crew/staff person a question, they had no clue what the answer was. Couldn't even point us to the vendor area! Gotta get it together a bit better than that

I work on the crew. Depending on the person and the question asked, they might not know the answer. If you asked me about signing sessions for a specific band, I wouldn't know as I don't work up front. I DO know that there is usually a sign or greaseboard up in the front area where you walk into the venue, as well as a listing in the program. Sometimes there are changes, and the greaseboard/sign is the one to look at for the most current times. If you asked someone in the lobby about technical stuff like what gear is being used, they wouldn't know You're not real specific here. Any member of the crew should have been able to point you toward the vendor area.

I am confused though. I continuously hear how amazing the sound is at PP but then I always read about people complaining about the mix there? which is it? is the sound good or is it just ok? seems to be different for each band and person?

There are SOOOOOOO many variables to consider here, it's not so cut & dried, good or just ok. I think a lot has to do with positioning, and whether or not hearing protection is used. Not only do ear plugs protect you, but they might help you hear things better across the board.

Nocturnal Rites - The band should tell the stage crew they are planning one AND the stage crew should ask when they see members leaving the stage but holding their instruments...uh...why might they be doing that???? Anyway, Nocturnal Rites ruled the night for me!!

Not all band members hand us off their gear, some go straight back to the dressing room guitars in hand, or still on shoulder.
The mix I thought was outstanding on the second day, first day it was bass and drum heavy and the vocalists sounded like they were singing into a microphone, if you know what I mean. Or maybe that's the singer's fault, I don't know. I just know that the higher a band was on the roster, the better they sounded, especially on the vocal end.

BTW, Hammerfall was the only band with thick, chunky guitars, everyone else was more bass-heavy. It made for a more thunderous live sound, but I was wondering if this is how live metal shows always sound, because it didn't sound normal. Then Hammerfall came on and I was thinking that this is how I remember metal shows sounding.
Hey guys!

Tijs-OOS signing in.

We wanted you all to know that we had an incredible blast this past weekend and were AMAZED by the reactions in the crowd! One show we won't forget and Glenn can ask us back any time!

Please send us all pictures, videos and other links you guys might have to and help us spreading them ALL OVER this thing we call the worldwide web! If we get stuff through we will post them on our official pages as well.

You rocked! :muahaha::muahaha::muahaha:
Great weekend as usual.

Over the past few years of attending ProgPower I've come to a point where I have zero guilt in skipping bands I don't have any interest in seeing or leaving if a particular band is not grabbing me.

This year's "Showcase" was excellent-- I only caught a few songs of Six Minute Century-- not my thing. Canada's Borealis were pretty decent-- lots of Evergreyish things going on, and just when the crowd would seem to be waning, the band would hit some nice chuggah chuggah open E's to get the headbanging faithful back. The second they were done I made a beeline for the front barrier so I could take in Leprous from a few feet away and also be strategically placed for Accept.

Leprous was my second/third favorite band of the weekend-- lots of quirkiness coupled with nice heavy moments. At times I felt like I was going to have a seizure trying to take in all the odd shit the band was playing, but, like Borealis, would then hit a heavy section and my head would stop spinning. I enjoy "Tall Poppy Syndrome" to some degree-- particularly when the album treads into heavier areas-- and live was no exception-- great stuff. I really regret not picking up their reissued demo that was available at the show...

Seriously the band of the weekend for me, and probably my all-time favorite performance of the 8 ProgPowers I've attended. I never had the opportunity to see them back in the 80's, and wasn't familiar with any of their post-Russian Roulette stuff, and I've always steered clear of solo Udo. A year and a half ago or so-- whenever that rough demo of Accept with Mark Tornillo doing "Balls to the Wall" surfaced, I was super skeptical. Honestly it didn't sound that good, and I remember never being too smitten with TT Quick's "Metal of Honour" album or their songs on the Megavault comps. When "The Abyss" was previewed many months ago I began to have hope, and then when "Teutonic Terror" was released I was relieved-- the new shit sounded excellent.

Anyhow, the band put on a pretty much flawless show, and played a damn-near 2 hour set and were extremely energetic, enthusiastic, and hell-- they looked like they were having the time of their lives. I hated "Midnight Mover" when Metal Heart came out, and I never warmed to the song over the years-- until now-- I'm a believer-- that song rules. I'd never heard "Bulletproof" until this show either. Just unreal. I surely hope they record a show from this tour for release.

I actually went out after the show and picked up a "Blood of the Nations" shirt-- I needed to support that ass-kicking band. Fucking awesome.

skipped Illusion Suite

Blackguard-- fun, definitely having a great time-- I would have loved these guys about 5-10 years ago. Well worth watching, though.

Leaves' Eyes-- left after a couple songs-- not my thing

Seventh Wonder-- skipped

Tyr-- probably the band I wanted to see the most when the lineup was announced last year-- and overall, a bit disappointing. Progpower typically has excellent sound but they started out muddy and only got a little better-- and honestly, their more uptempo stuff comes across the best live, to these ears. Of course "Hold the Heathen Hammer High" and the opener "By the Sword in My Hand" came across really well. Chain maille, an alehorn, and a heathen hammer were spotted in the crowd. Oh, and an overzealous pagan chick stepped on my foot about 30 times while she be-bopped around during their set.

Nocturnal Rites-- skipped

Kamelot-- checked out a few of the songs near the end, and watched a bit on the lobby monitors. Didn't care for Kamelot or Conception when I saw them before and am waning in my like for Circus Maximus. Despite Khan not being there, the crowd (which was huge) seemed to be really into it. They sounded excellent despite not being 'my thing.'


Stormwarrior-- kind of fun, opened with "Heading Northe" which was the only Stormwarrior song I was familiar with-- again, super fun live band and I can see why they are popular with the Euro-gallop minions. I watched most of their set from the floor.

Oceans of Sadness-- when they were announced last year they were one of my "Who the fuck?" bands but I gave the new album a shot and was smitten. I watched their entire set from the second row and Zeke's Neighbor/Mr. Rogers/Big Ben from Miami kept me alive by flowing a stream of Red Strip tall-boys my way. Anyhow, amazing set-- they culled most of their set from "The Arrogance of Ignorance" but also pulled tracks from "Mirror Palace" and "Laughing Tears, Crying Smile". Someone last year referred to them as Riverside meets Amorphis and that still seems like a suitable comparison.

DGM-- skipped
Delain-- skipped
Tarot-- skipped
Hammerfall-- skipped

I did manage to watch about 5-6 hours of some prison documentary during the final 4 bands last night...

Great, well-organized fest with pretty conscientious fans. As long as it remains in Atlanta, I'll be there.