Thursday Night:
Six Minute Century - Really enjoyed their set. I have their album and really loved it, so was stoked to see them. They did put on a solid set, although not mind blowing, though. Still, looking forward to getting to see more of them.
Borealis - I was actually most excited about these guys in the line-up. They did deliver as far as I am concerned. That was an awesome set. I went and bought a copy of their album and got them to sign it. Granted, I've listened to their material via MP3 download before hand as I wanted to be familiar with these guys and really loved what I heard. Glad to say that I now have an actual album here. I ended up BSing with the guys after the Leprous set and darned near missed Accept! Great guys and really looking forward to hearing more from them.
Leprous - Going into this, I did not know what to expect. I've heard samples of their music before, but still. In the end, I was utterly blown away! These guys really put on one sweet set. Of course, I bought the album. Not only that, I've spent quite a bit of time in the courtyard at the Artmore just hanging out and chatting with the lead singer. These guys really enjoy what they do and it shows. Again, yet another one that I will be watching.
Accept - Okay, I'll remember the old "Balls to the Walls" days. I just never really got into these guys at the time. With that being said, I was really blown away at just how GOOD these guys sounded that night! That really was an excellent set. Not only that, but I really loved what I heard from their new album. I'll have to get a copy when it becomes available. I was going into this not really expecting much, but glad I was pleasantly surprised here.
Friday Night:
Illusion Suite - I was a fan going into this as I've had their one album and really enjoyed it, so I was excited to get to see them live. Not only that, but the keyboardist, Ketil Ronald, who played with Saint Daemon two years ago, actually remembered me! I ran into him after the Borealis set and he said to me, "Hey, I remember you from two years ago! I was with Saint Deamon". Took me a second to register and then was like "Holy Crap!" Spent much time hanging with him as well throughout the weekend. I am more a fan and also looking forward to future output from these guys.
Blackguard - I missed the first part of the set as I lost track of time shopping for CDs downstairs. What I did see was fun to watch, but I just could not get into them. I am also in the "all that growling gets boring" camp as well. What they did certainly sounded good, and there was pretty sweet riffing going on. That drummer was kicking ass as well. Gotta be one of the very few female drummers that I know of. Will most likely see them again anyway when Epica comes through the area at Jaxx. Just not my cup of tea, though.
Leave's Eyes - Seem them at least two times before. Liked their albums, but did not care for their live sets. However, they did managed to kick some pretty good butt there at ProgPower, though. Also, I really do enjoy their most recent album so it was cool to get to see some of the material played live. Plus, I do like Liv's voice.
Seventh Wonder - Huge fan going in, so after seeing their set, I was just like 'Wow! Fucking WOW!" They where everything I was hoping they would be! Absolutely LOVED it! So, needless to say, I was stoked about getting to see them again the next day.
Tyr - Another one that I was a fan of (although not a huge fan) going in (and also have all their albums). I saw them at Pagan Fest and compared to the likes of Turisas and Eluvutie, I was underwhelmed by their set at the time. However, they seems they gotten better with their live schtick since then. I really enjoyed their set that night and another one that was just fun to watch.
Nocturnal Rites - FINALLY!!! Friggan NOCTURNAL RITES! I was also in the "keep pestering Glenn" camp to get Nocturnal Rites. Thankfully, they really delivered the goods that night! What an awesome set they put on. Full of energy and really fun to watch and get into. Loved it!
Kamelot - Okay, I've seen Kamelot something like 5 times now. However, I had a feeling this was going to be pretty cool, given the circumstances and all. Michael really did nail it in the vocal department. I was really impressed and loved every minute of it. However, there just still seemed to be something missing here. Maybe the stage presence as Roy really had a unique stage presence that Michael just did not seem to match. I don't know. Maybe the band itself thought the same and that was why the ultimately decided to cancel the tour. Shame these guys really went through a whole shitstorm in light of what happened with regards to Roy. Still, I loved the set and was cool to see such a unique performance. Like Glenn said - "ProgPower USA : Where you get to see shit you
never will see anywhere else!" Awesome job by Michael and can only pass on well wishes to Roy.
Seventh Wonder GB/VIP set - Seventh Wonder put on a special set that was only available to Gold Badge holders and VIP upstairs in The Loft section of the venue. They started out with a couple of acoustic versions of their songs (wish I had the set list), followed by the full electric treatment of their music. They played many of the same songs they did in the main performance as well a few they did not, including a couple they haven't done for a long time, if ever. To be honest, I actually enjoyed this set much more than the one they played for the main event. It was just such a cool experience to see something like that in a more intimate setting. That was really cool and hope Glenn gets the opportunity to arrange more like that for us GB holders and VIPs.
Stormwarrior - Damn, these guys just friggan RIPPED IT UP! I was loving it. Was standing next to some dude in a viking costum. He was really into it. Plus, their bassist was really cool. I got to spend a little time sharing a beer or two with him. Having a copy of
Heading Northe and loving it, I was stoked to get to see these guys.
Oceans of Sadness - This was one that I wanted to go in with an open mind. I was actually really impressed with what I saw here. Take them or leave them, but there is no denying they put on one damn good set there. Will have to bust out my copy of
The Arrogance of Ignorance and give it a good listen again. Nicely done.
DGM - Here was my moment! The band that I sponsored finally getting to play! When I first met these guys Friday morning and they found out I was sponsoring them, they were giving me and Dave (my co-sponsor) the royal treatment the entire weekend! Only if you've seen their reaction. They basically mobbed me, shaking my hand, hugging me, giving me the "I'm Not Worthy" bow and all. They were inviting us to hang with them in the dressing room, giving us beers and such. Hell, they even gave me and Dave each one of their T-shirts and a copy of their brand-new DVD. Of course, I had to have them sign the DVD. So call my bias, but I personally thought that was the best damn set the entire weekend! One other reviewer above nailed it with the "heavy", "technical but not overly so", and "full of emotion" comments. That was probably one of the most incredible hours I've experienced right there and getting to see it from "the pit" the entire time was just so awesome! When it came time to say good bye to these guys this morning while heading out to catch the train back to the airport, I had a real tough time holding back tears. Just such an awesome group of musicians that I can honestly say that I had a real honor and pleasure to be a sponsor for. I truly wish them much success and already looking forward to what they do next. I sure as hell hope they can eventually come back to the states, be it another PP appearance or on tour with some other band or what-have-ya.
Delain - Okay, so maybe they are kinda "pop-y" or somewhat generic, but I have to admit that was one beautiful performance by Charlotte and gang. It was much heavier than I recall from listening to their albums (and admittedly, I really do like their albums). Was really cool to see Marco to come out like that and do a couple of songs. And speaking of Marco....
Tarot - I've been wanting to see these guys for a long time and I was not disappointed here. Another killer set put on by another killer band. This is turning out to be one hell of a night, but holy shit, I was really starting to run out of steam with all the running around and so forth I was doing, which is why....
HammerFall - As much as I loved HammerFall, I just did not have it in my anymore, so I pretty much camped out up in the seats during this whole set (except for the first two songs we get to watch from "the pit"). Still, what you expect? It was HammerFall here and in typical HammerFall fashion, they delivered one really cool and fun set. I just wish I could enjoyed it more if I was not so damn exhausted by that point. Sucked I missed them back in March at Jaxx as I was at the ski hill that same day for ski patrol duty. Will be curious to hear what the new album they mentioned will be like (probably just more HammerFall

like the last three albums).
Overall, it was an excellent festival. All of the bands delivered really good sets, individual tastes not-with-standing. In the end it was so much fun to get to hang with everyone and the bands. Still blown away at the reception I got from DGM! I figured it would be the typical, "Cool, glad to meet you and thanks for sponsoring us" with a handshake and maybe a hug. But those guys just went hog wild and gave us the full royal treatment! I'll love them until the end of the days.
Alas, another ProgPower has come and gone and now back home and to the grind of daily life. But after that whirlwind weekend, kinda glad to be back home and to relax. I took off tomorrow from work just so I can unwind.