The official Fred in England report thread


Like a rock
So, I've been in england for two days already and all I've done so far is work and rest. The weather is really nice as it is nice and warm but it's always raining so I listen to lots of doom metal :) CANDLEMASS :headbang: I took some pics but nothing worth showing except maybe those 3:

I<m with a collegue and we're getting alond pretty well I guess... We've been out a couple of times and he doesn't understand english so well so he's kinda envious that I can talk to lasses ;)

People are nicer than I expected! They greet for no apparent reasons on the street and it's kinda nice... I'm still not sure if I'm gonna be able to go and see Kreator next wednesday in London but I might try to book a train ticket!

Well... I'm gonna report now and then in this thread to keep interested people posted and uh...

Hi Karen ;)
is that a disco ball?? haha
nice plane shot!
can't see the third one.

good to hear you're doing well in jolly old england! :wave:
Hey thank you both! You're right Wolftribe... everything involving Candlemass rules!!! :)

Thanks Cara, I AM having a good time but there's still no place like home :)

No, It's not a disco ball, it's a little lamp fused with it's replection on the ceiling and I just fooled around with the sutter speed and move around ;)

Third one is another plane shot ...
Dead_Lioness said:
hey you!! :wave:
Good to see you're doing well!
sorry I couldn't send you any "good bye" message before you left!
but you have fun, and enjoy it as much as you can!

go to London!!! its a must! :cool:

tear it up Fred, you deserve it :) :) :)

Hugs !

Well... I've checked everything and train tickets plus cab ride and tickets to the show would add up to more than 150 dollars Canadian so I guess I won't go to London to see Kreator (you know how things are money-wise :()... But I might still go with the company pick-up on a week-end on some sort of cultural trip because ...surprising as it may seem coming from me... thrash isn't everything! I'm still keeping all your suggestions in mind Karen for which I still wanna thank you! It was sweet of ya to give me those tips :) And what was that city's name again? You know that place where it's all about metal stores and all??? I can't remember it :(

As for today, we were called to work at 8 am on an emergency ... A train was stopped because it couldn't tilt anymore so we went and took care of it... We were done by 10 am so we headed on a sight-seeing trip to the Peak District and it was kick-ass! I loved it! Here are some views:

Tomorrow we're planning on going to Conwy in whales...
^ Its not a city, its an area in London:
called Camden Town.
(on the Northern Line on the Underground: thats the black line)
Thats where the cool stores and the good bars are at.
If you go there on Sunday. they have this awesome market over there,
and if the weather is nice you'll see a lot of cool people, and fun artists on the street and stuff like that.
I love that area!

Dead_Lioness said:
^ Its not a city, its an area in London:
called Camden Town.
(on the Northern Line on the Underground: thats the black line)
Thats where the cool stores and the good bars are at.
If you go there on Sunday. they have this awesome market over there,
and if the weather is nice you'll see a lot of cool people, and fun artists on the street and stuff like that.
I love that area!


You rule... thanks! One day we'll go there together!
warmth + rain + doom metal = mmmm...

Wow ... England actually sounds ... nice.

Sorry to hear you can't catch Kreator :( But glad to hear you're having a great time there!
Pyrus said:
FUCK that sucks. You cna't see Kreator. :(

But I'm glad England is kicking your ass, man. In a good way. Like a good thrasdh album, you know?

MY ARMS ARRE DOING IT AGAIN!! They look like monkey tentacles.

Anyhow, keep us posted man. Drink up.

Bah... I'll get over it when I see then on april 9th with Death Angel and Vader ;)
Dead_Lioness said:
^ Its not a city, its an area in London:
called Camden Town.
(on the Northern Line on the Underground: thats the black line)
Thats where the cool stores and the good bars are at.
If you go there on Sunday. they have this awesome market over there,
and if the weather is nice you'll see a lot of cool people, and fun artists on the street and stuff like that.
I love that area!

don't forget we're playing the Camden Underworld on the 18th of next month! and yes it's a cool area
Sentient6 said:
don't forget we're playing the Camden Underworld on the 18th of next month! and yes it's a cool area

you should buy some cool shoes and hats over there
Thats what I do when I go there :tickled: :cool:

btw the Camden Underworld is a GREAT legendary place
saw so many metal bands over there...
very cool that you guys will play there!!
Wow, it's really weird to hear peoples interpretations of England ... it's like anywhere else has good points and bad points .. Camden is pretty cool but London isn't one of my favourite places... check out some of the more spiritual places ...very cool but it kinda depends on what you're into really ...:D
As for the people: Generally Northeners are more friendly and outgoing and Southeners are generally more keep themselves to themselves .. and i'm a Southener though not a Typical one :p:D