the official "Opeth Sucks" thread... im curious

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Please only state your name, where you are from, and why you hate the band so much.

Only post ONCE in this thread, and have no arguments or stupid reasons such as "they suck". Be exact and appropriate.

I'm curious as to why the lot of you here hate them so...
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Reactions: Guerrilla
wow - see no responses... that means that either everyone likes them.. or they're fucking cowards :D either way... eat your damn okra.
He posted this about an hour ago. Give it some time.

Name: Reuben
Location: Don't call it Frisco, BITCH.
Reason: Opeth has very little musical coherency, jumping from theme to theme without proper transitions or paying any attention to the other themes in a song. As a substitution for cohesive songwriting, they will take a particular melody, beat it to fucking death, and then move on to the next one. They have a habit of pointless, stupid melodic interludes that serve no purpose in being where they are, interrupt the flow of the song, completely change the mood and tone, and then go absolutely nowhere. The death vocals are unconvincing, and the clean vocals are just too nice, pleasant and ineffective. The guitar riffs are half-decent, but are repeated for far too long and are generally replaced by acoustic meanderings anyway.

Opeth present an overall sense of total background noise, but the jarring, disunified nature of their songwriting prevents them from even accomplishing that. Listening to Opeth is like repeatedly drowsing off from sheer boredom but being wakened each time by a mosquito bite.

And that's why I don't like Opeth.
Name: Guerrilla
Location: Guerrilla
^ What he said. Opeth are for people who think they are too brutal to listen to that prog shit, but too "intelligent" to listen to good old bone-crunching death metal. I hate the clean vocals and the melodies that accompany them, especially their ballads give me a horrible nauseous feeling. I don't like how they relax way too much in parts of their songs, making you lose interest in the song. They got some good riffs, but they generally lack power, and are followed by those touchy-feely melodies that ruin everything. With that said, I think Mikael is a good death vocalist, I prefer his death vocals in Bloodbath over those in Opeth though.
^ i can only disagree with one thing you said, the rest is your opinion and i respect it.
The only thing I'm disputing is what you said about opeth being for those who think they're too brutal for prog but don't want to listen to good ol' bone crunching death metal. I listen to a ton of fucking prog, and a ton of death metal, yet I still like opeth. I guess what it really boils down to is taste in music - you have your tastes I have mine, that's that.

Maybe it has something to do with instant gratification too - you want your death and you want it now, you don't want to have to sit through some damn acoustic passage before you hear some screaming and grinding.
I hope nobody comes up with the obligotary "you just don't like Opeth because you're too immature and can't appreciate thought-provoking music that doesn't rely on hooks". Nothing pisses me off more than somebody attempting to actually shit out of their mouths with a statement such as the aforementioned. I neither love em nor hate em, however I tend to agree with what both Pyrus and Guerilla have said...
Do you, do you remember in that one Opeth song "Closure" on the Damnation album the 1:07 point where it begins that cool little riff?

That was awesome. /Chris Farley(R.I.P.)
I dont HATE Opeth , i just find them the most overrated band in metal right now.
They are supposed to be progressive, while they are regressive (give me death metal of the mid 90s and prog rock of the 70s = Opeth) they play the already played (with lower quality), they dont write SONGS (why they dont write SONGS was perfectly said by Pyrus
Opeth has very little musical coherency, jumping from theme to theme without proper transitions or paying any attention to the other themes in a song. As a substitution for cohesive songwriting, they will take a particular melody, beat it to fucking death, and then move on to the next one. They have a habit of pointless, stupid melodic interludes that serve no purpose in being where they are, interrupt the flow of the song, completely change the mood and tone, and then go absolutely nowhere.
MANY other bands have better riffs, and greater inspiration in their melodies.
Also if they havent been buddies with Steven Wilson, they would not have been that successfull
Songs are FAR too long with little or no payoff. Sometimes they start a good buildup then completly fuck it up. In short, its nothing thats particularly special or well done.

As Pyrus said there are no real common themes between songs and no overall consisntency in album themes. Not nessecarily a bad thing but it would be nice not to jump so much.

A lot of the material is samey. From what I've heard everything apart from the damnation stuff(Still dull) is fairly interchangable and could come from any album.

And when I bought blackwater park HMV wouldnt give me a refund or exchange for SYL's City. Fuckers.

Fuck Those who disagree as well I dont give a fuck I've just seen how much this wedding is going to cost and I'm getting coma'd
The Phrase That Solves All Problems...
