The Official Gear Thread!

yeah i could get the edwards but right now im looking for the ESP alexi pink custom shop if any won noes were i can get on for under $5000 that be great !!!!!!!!!!



Jackson Stars RR-J2SP

Jackson JS30RR (with painted fanboi bevels), Morgan Les Paul copy & Unknown cheap Kramer model


Behringer V-Amp2


Whatevers around! Mostly my PC speakers.
i no its pretty low but .... i would go for $2000:kickass: may b a lil more if i go anymore id have to shit myself to get the money:Puke: and rob bank OR.....wait for like a year:waah::hypno:

You have to pay quite a bit for taxes because they're not sold in America and I wouldn't advise you buy from other Country's becuase the American dollar is so low.
You have to pay quite a bit for taxes because they're not sold in America and I wouldn't advise you buy from other Country's becuase the American dollar is so low.

so true are moneys low as my aunts boobs:Puke: hmm idk but i wont one cheap but ....on the brite side im getting my RR24 soon:rock: but ...still wen my skool starts back up i wont to get a new guitar for my b day:rock: so does any one no where i can get an edwards custom shop pink alexi or the ESP version and if u no some one tht has it used but in really good condtion contact me man:)
does anbody no were i can find an ESP alexi custom shop pink thts under...$5000.....:rock:

yeah i could get the edwards but right now im looking for the ESP alexi pink custom shop if any won noes were i can get on for under $5000 that be great !!!!!!!!!!

hey also i wan to now where i can get a Jackson Stars RR-J2SP!!!!!!!!! for around 1600 new!!!!!!!!!!:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

MY TR00 (yep, draw your attention to that) ESP SV pre 2008 model, so it has gold hardware

My equipment is as follows-
ESP SV black w/white pinstripes pre-2008 model (tuned to D standard)
Epiphone Korina Explorer (tuned to Drop C)
Squier Stratocaster in Sunburst w/strap locks (Tuned to E standard)

Amplification and Related:
Fender Frontman 15 watts (!)
Boss Metal Zone MT2 Pedal

DR Tite Fits Standard 10's
Jim Dunlop Jazz III Plectrums
Levy straps

Will update this, if any modifications occur- aiming to sell the Explorer and Stratocaster for a Ibanez RG Superstrat AND get a Mesa Boogie or a Krank Rev JR stack in the future.