The Official Gear Thread!

wtf this thread isnt gone? oh well...heres mine. sorry for the blurry as fuck picture, this was taken over a year ago and my camera sucks


alexi laiho-600 and a marshall valvestate. im getting either a mesa roadster or an engl savage this summer though
^^I hope to god that mesa/engl will be paid by you and not your parents because if its your parents im gonna be fucking pissed and call you spoiled :lol:
i know, but everyone i know either on the netz or in the real world always think im spoiled and my parents pay for my shit. which they dont, and i hate it myself when i see someone get really sweet gear from their parents, i mean i dont care if they deserve it but when they dont and they just really aren't good then its like...arg
dude shut the fuck up my parents havn't even bought me any gear before, i paid for the alexi by myself. and im getting a job and making money, that's what people do nowadays to buy things
Easy, easy! It was no offence :lol: I was just kidding around. I get pissed at people who get their gear from their parents. If i remember right they DID pay half of your Alexi-600 though...thats what got me thinking. That's btw not what people necessary do these days...some kids get it for free(argh...spoiled brats)
easy dude, it was no offence:)
Yeah i mean't no offence really :)
i know, but everyone i know either on the netz or in the real world always think im spoiled and my parents pay for my shit. which they dont, and i hate it myself when i see someone get really sweet gear from their parents, i mean i dont care if they deserve it but when they dont and they just really aren't good then its like...arg

It was nothing personal.
sorry for the outburst, yeah they paid half for me to get it at that time. because my other guitars were fucked up and i had an 8th grade promotion to perform at so i needed it but i only had half the money then. but over the summer i paid them back

Yeah no problem. Well i respect that. It feels better to work for gear than to get it. There was once this guy on UG forums that got my blood boiling when he posted "I bet my gear pwnz yours now lolololol" thread and inside he had pics of randall stack,limited edition LTD alexi-600,boss Ns-2 which his mom had bought for him to his birthday. What a fucking cunt i say. Too bad he got bashed and lost to guys with Mesa's and Peaveys.
Yeah no problem. Well i respect that. It feels better to work for gear than to get it. There was once this guy on UG forums that got my blood boiling when he posted "I bet my gear pwnz yours now lolololol" thread and inside he had pics of randall stack,limited edition LTD alexi-600,boss Ns-2 which his mom had bought for him to his birthday. What a fucking cunt i say. Too bad he got bashed and lost to guys with Mesa's and Peaveys.

holy shiut man, if you REALLY want your blood boiling look up "scottph" on youtube....everyone fucking hates'll see why
where the hell does he get the money to get them guitars a scythe,some custom of his that looks plain stupid with his name,some special guitar from bmusic australia,axxion WTF ???? and that amp,and i can play better then him MY GOD now i know what you all mean ARGH...RAGE!!!