The Official 'Hey Spawn, don't forget to grab Pain of Salvation tommorrow' Thread

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Hey Spawn, don't forget to grab a Pain of Salvation album tommorrow at Utopia.
I'd go with either The Perfect Element or Remedy Lane. Both kick numerous amounts of ass. I got The Perfect Element first, and it was a great way of getting into them, however, I'm sure you won't be disapointed with either. Hell, why not get both you tightass!
:lol: Shall do! I might not be able to get both, tomorrow is gonna be a big spending day, anyone want anything while im there? ;)
Well dont forget fuck features!

haha........... hey, Utopia are having a 10% off everything sale from now untill Sunday. Hmmm.
I might make a trip in there myself. So many things to get...... so little money!
On a totaly unrelated note:


Originally posted by Spruce Goose
hey, Utopia are having a 10% off everything sale from now untill Sunday. Hmmm.
I might make a trip in there myself. So many things to get...... so little money!

Are you serious? :eek:

Koichi, what was that machinheadesque band you mentioned?
Face Down, Make sure you get Twisted Rule of the wicked, Mindfield is pretty good,but nothing on Twisted rule. I was listening to it last night and the vocals sound remarkbly like testament.