The Official "I Am At The Granada This Year" Thread!

Add me to the list. Troy, Melissa, Mike, and Debbie. Our 6th PPUSA, our 3rd Granada stay. We'd love to meet all of you guys. Just be careful, Mike gets a bit long winded.LOL
There should be a "Who tried but the Granada was already booked" thread.

I just wish that the Marriott folks (especially the Courtyard) would open up reservations sooner than the three month window that Glenn referred to a while back :erk:
I will be there with Leah and I believe a few others. Still sorting out our plans but I have an Aprtment again!!! Getting in on Wednesday

Remember 333 m/ ahhh those were the daze!!!! :headbang:

The band will be staying at the Grenada this year. I expect we will get there early on Wednesday!

See ya all there!