Who is Staying at Best Western Granada (The Rock And Roll Hotel)?


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Mar 29, 2003
Was just curious how many of you are staying at the Best Western Granada Suites just down the way of the Earthlink live? I will be there just as last year. I am curious how many of the bands will be staying there this year. If they only had a pool it would be too sweet!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
all of us, our mates and a few freinds will be staying at the Granada this year... probably the largest group yet from Utah!

We are attempting to make it a tradition as long as the festival is held at Earthink...

..ah yes, good times! :cool:

see you there!

On the other hand, the Fairfield *has* a pool, and it's a staggerable distance away from all the chaos at the Granada.

nyah. :grin:

*packs bathing suit*