The Official J- Dubya Appreciation Thread


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Mar 29, 2003
Is there any one quite like JDubya? I think not!! What a cool fricking guy! I wish he lived closer! Someone please instruct me on how to display a picture here! Thanks.

JDubya for President!
JDubya should have his own merch/ vendor booth in the Vinyl selling "Puking On The Crybabies" T-shirts, bumper stickers and other oddities!

JDubya, Wyvern, Whisper, Wheezer, Kittybeast
:kickass: :kickass:

This is beyond an appreciation thread for me, you're my bro in arms. The way you greet me at the entrance of the Loft, all the times you gave me the horns and a cool hug and the kindly way you led me out of Atlanta to the airport.

One more time you have proved to be a true metal warrior and a fine sibling at UMOS

Mr. Q - I'm far too humble to have any appreciation thread! :saint:
Sometimes I wish I was back in Illinois, the Packer fans in Cheeseland
are obnoxious! Thanks dude!

Nightwish58 - I'm just a nobody! :heh: But I'll happily do a tequila shot with

Mr. Matt from OC - I was KIDNAPPED! (did you get that dildo signed? Could
be a prototype!) :)

Whisper - AWESOME to meet you bro! You're coolness far outweighs the fact
you're a Bucs fan! :p Miscreants???! And your point is? ;)

Wheezer - Pleasure to meet you as well! Us old fogeys gotta stick together!

Paul J - You're just jealous! See you in Chicago Boyyyyeeeeeeee!

Rolando - Always appreciated when one of the crew makes a long trek to
see his UMOS buddies, how can anyone NOT be kind to someone
who puts forth that kind of effort, and is cool as hell to boot!
Happy to share a train ride with you, and make sure you make it
airport ok!

Kitty Beast - So awesome to meet you and Pabla this year! We will have to
par-tay more next year! Thanks for finding my intoxicated ass
and getting me in the picture with such fine people.

Tess - I wore the vintage Cubs hat JUST for you! :heh:

Thanks ya'll! See you next year!!!!

We really need to start a commune somewhere! :lol:

p.s. Yip-ster - Great to meet you and the Mrs. finally! Seen the both of you at quite a few of these events. Nice to finally get a chance to say Hello!
J-Dubya 777 said:
p.s. Yip-ster - Great to meet you and the Mrs. finally! Seen the both of you at quite a few of these events. Nice to finally get a chance to say Hello!

Nice to meet you too! Do you still go to shows in Chicago? If so, we'll see you there and talk to you then. If not, then next year we'll have to chat a bit.
Meg - Lets call it "persistently requesting" :heh: I hope they make it back soon as well!

Milton - We're not such pricks after all are we? :) :headbang:

Mosquito - We rule! :lol: even if we got cut out of the picture!

Coldie - You must be referring to TMSB, which I did yell at my friend/roomie, with a bunch of people in the hallway at the hotel this year!

Yippee - I do, but now that I work Tuesday - Saturday, it makes it difficult to get to the good ones. I do take a day off when the show warrants it, and my earned time bank can handle it. I'm sure I'll see you in Chicago before the next Prog Power....


As everyone knows from reading this board, I relish the sarcastic barbs that J-Dub dishes my way.

It's a true sickness :)