The Official J- Dubya Appreciation Thread

J-Dubya 777 said:
We really need to start a commune somewhere! :lol:

p.s. Yip-ster - Great to meet you and the Mrs. finally! Seen the both of you at quite a few of these events. Nice to finally get a chance to say Hello!

We'd have to be a brewery/distillery commune to support ourselves :)

It was great to finally meet you too! So many people I feel like I didn't get to chat enough with.
J-Dudya is the man he is frigging awesome, and i apologize for not mentioning him in my thread. Meeting him for the first time was one of the highlights of this year's fest. You rule my man.
Prog Maiden said:
Well, I gotta give J-Dub props for nagging Glenn every year to get FK on the bill. Cheers to you, my friend! :kickass: Here's to hoping they come back sooner than later.

I'm with you on that one....I enjoyed the hell out of their show, as did most people from the sounds of it. Nice work on getting them here!!!

I bought two of their discs (Organic and Move), and I'm enjoying them a lot. IA is definitely a nut and a helluva guitarist. Freak Guitar!!!! :rock:

J-Dub!! (aka Shrek) You know we love you and you certainly deserve your own thread. Enjoy it and feel the love baby! It was great to see you and watch you in your glory with YOUR band! Let us know before you move to Sweden so we can throw you a party!
Dub it was definitely kick ass to finally get to hang with ya for a bit since I've known ya for awhile on that "other" place...

You're kick ass man and hopefully next year I get to hang with ya more ~ I know, I know totally my bad.. I was runnin' around like mad with my Malakas.. hehehe :kickass:
J-Dubya 777 said:
Coldie - You must be referring to TMSB, which I did yell at my friend/roomie, with a bunch of people in the hallway at the hotel this year!


why yes, yes I was referring to TMSB! I need THAT on a t-shirt! NOw I need to go watch that DVD again.

Jdub always a pleasure and at least I will remeber more fo this one than during Nocturnal Rites when the only thing I remeber is "CUTS LIKE A KNIFE!" Though seriously it always a pleasure to hang out with you and the rest of the miskreets (sp?).
Babs - You're a Sadist!

rjrousseau - pm me with an e-mail addy, and you can send the pic to me, which I will post here

Patricio - Nice to have met you, now I know whom I'm duelling with on all those POS threads! :heh: One day, you'll realize I'm right, and burn your PoS cds in the street! ;)

Yardleybates - Yes we will, amongst other things like a drug store, and a really good pizza place! See you in Chicago next time a big/worthwhile tour comes in...

Dave T. - The problem with MKB is, it doesn't fit right at any festival. Keep hoping I win the lottery, because if I do, there WILL be a MKB/FK/Bumblefoot tour! (It would be cool to see Mikey on a big stage like that!!!)

Pyramaze John - So cool to meet you this year. Thank you, Bear, and Dave T for sponsoring FK! I have a feeling based on crowd pop, that they will return at some point! We didn't do a shot!!!! :(

sccaldwell - Just finish off the catalog, and buy the rest of them. You'll thank me later! ;)

BARB! - No, I don't! lol! Good to see you and SpongeRick again! I had a buzz after the FK set that not even the top shelf tequila could shake. Somehow if I DID move to Sweden, Aki would think I'm gay, and I'd probably get thrown out of the country within a week!

Bear - Let's keep pimping this band! It ain't over till they get a pre-party slot, or another mainstage slot! Then we can take a break for 3-4 days, and start pimping again! Thanks again for being a sponsor!

Jen - I completely know the feeling. It never gets better. You meet more people to hang with each year, then you go back the next year, and have to keep up your regs, and with last years group. The cycle keeps repeating until it is just a blur every year! Glad to have met you, and it's funny you know some of the same people I do out east....See you next year!

Coldie - I think a shirt like that would make Titties & Beer look normal! ;)

Mr. Dolamite - See how much fun you can have when your not oblitterated?
hehhehehehehe See you at some Chicago shows, I hope! Good to see you again!

Let's see if I can get this shit to work.

I fully support this appreciation thread for JayDub, though I have had a few more years than most to appreciate him. I just wish he wasn't so infatuated with friggin' guitar playin' Swedes, so I could have spent more quality time with him.

Thanks for the the Kitchen, Dub. #4 slot next year!!

Thanks for getting the pic working! ;)

Kez - My brother from another mother! ALWAYS great to see you! Next year, the Res for sure! I need to take a pic of my leg gouge/bruise from the broken bed framecleverly hidden at the Granda, thank God for tequila! I just thought I had a bloody sock! There are 4 MAIN guitar players that have had a "life" influence on me as well as musically (Zappa, Vai, Keneally, Eklundh). I've had the opportunity to hang out with and befriend 3 out of the 4. The last one will have to wait a while. Also, having a newb in tow, he needed to be shown JUST how cool Prog Power can be. He's in awe, (& spoiled!!!) and will be back next year no matter who's playing. At least ya got me right when the Kitchen "glow" was in FULL effect! :D See you next year! Let's hope Glenn/Shane enjoyed their set like a lot of the other people have!

ALL you guys/gals rock!

p.s. Kez - I saw a pic with the Pillsbury Wake & Bake shirt. Freakin' CLASSIC!
p.p.s - Q - I WILL get even with you for this! :lol: