The Official RC Essential CRADLE OF FILTH Thread

That statement about Nickelback just lost any shred of credibility you had with me. Dude, have you even seen COF live? I have, the place was packed tighter than a can of sardines, and they were like fucking rabid dogs on stage. Fuckin-A heavy.
Hey sorry, but
a) An other guy first said the name "Nickelback" in this thread.
b) And a Cradle Of Filth fan (possibly), made me do another post about them.
c) Then you , a definite COF fanboy, kept the discussion about Nickelback in a thread about COF. Great amusement.
I have seen COF live. I can go to the circus to see clowns too. But the COF gig.. man that was unique. 5 clowns playing a mixture of all the fag-y goth/darkwave rythms and melodies with "heavy" guitars and blasting, totally without any sense, drums. Not to mention the most cheesy/gay/without any inspiration keyboard melodies ever. And a "singer" who screamed like a horny daffy duck on drugs (in this point i must ask Daffy Duck to forgive me because i used him to describe Dani's .. noise). Fortunally for the band many 15 year olds (mostly) accept that CRAP, and call it music. And most of these 15/16 year olds suddenly "grow up" and start listening to Darkthrone, Mayhem etc and bash COF. The whole thing about COF is funny.
One Inch Man said:
Dusk... is so much different from their other stuff, I love it and am very serious when I say it's a great black metal album. Were it created by another band the Black Metal Underground Community Port Authority would herald it a classic.
I doubt it, they'd just say things like "a potentially good album ruined by horrible screeching vocals/overblown keyboards/nonsensical goth theatrics" or "yet another band working towards the dilution of black metal..."
Admit it, this thread was created with at least some intention to generate a few arguments...
I think we each have a small subset of bands, that when people poke fun at them, we take it personally. Let's face it, very few people read and post to music boards, who aren't insanely passionate about music.

As for CoF, my introduction to them came before I had developed any sort of appreciation for the more extreme vocal styles. Needless to say, it didn't do it for me. I recently downloaded "Nyphetamine" and was very impressed. I just bought it from The End. I'm now kind of curious to go back and check out some of their more heralded releases.

Like Papa, I also like the imagery and some of their lyrics. They're playing NJ soon, and I'm seriously considering checking them out.

I created the thread to discuss a band that just seems to polarize the metal community... I just fail to see how such well crafted material is crapped on, usually for the reason "they suck" or something to do with the way they dress or act. Guess I'm just looking for people's opinions. I know I'm a fanboy, have been the day since I heard "The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh." Unlike most little 15 year olds (this isn't always an insult either), I was 20 when I heard them back in 94. I'll be 30 in December and I still jam 'em.