Hello, my fellow Maximers. I have two things to say :

-1) for those of you who wonder why the band doesn't come here more often, well, you obviously forgot CM has a Facebook page. Just saying.
-2) YtseBitsySpider : you and your dumbass predictions can now officially suck it. I hope you did bet – and lost.

That is all. Thanks friends ; see you later... let's say June... ;)
It's true, I don't have the album. Yet 14 lucky people were recently invited to Oslo, spent a day with the band and last but not least, sat in a studio room and listened to the fucker.

It does exist.

This album is a reality, whether you like it or not.
Fantastic news. Frontiers is a great label for prog acts and I hope it leads to a fruitful collaboration. A tour would be awesome !
Sample sounds really good too...

YtseBitsySpider> this is on behalf on all CM fans here, and I think I'm not overstating this when I say : :hahamiddlefinger:
Circus Maximus has always been with Frontiers, if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway, the news are great! This album is, and I'm not exaggerating this, my most anticipated record, and has been since Isolate.

On top of that, I'm moving south to Oslo this fall, so I won't miss anything CM related! The Circus will prosper, starting in june!
Circus Maximus has always been with Frontiers, if I'm not mistaken.

True ! I got the first one through Intromental and the second one through Sensory so I had completely forgotten about the Frontiers deal.
Mea culpa ! And thanks for pointing it out dude :)

It's been a long time since we had new CM material. Feels great doesn't it ?
I hope there'll be a tour too !
Here's the thing about snippets - like movie trailers, they should be short representations of the bigger picture. And to me, 9 out of 10 times it is. So when I see a trailer I dont care for, most likely I will not like the movie. With that said....I hated that snippet.

Now, I can hope that the album doesnt sound anything like that snippet and I will give it a chance. But to be honest, I am not optimistic at all.

I am no longer looking forward to an album Ive been looking forward to for years. :(