The Official Website


Apr 9, 2004
I don't know if it has been brought up before, but I think fucking sucks. Main problem being that it loads up fullscreen. What do you guys think?
I mean, there is no real reason that it should be fullscreen apart from that it causes inconvenience in browsing other windows.
Wow how could anyone be so stupid as to not see the "open in normal window" link... and then go onto their forum to bitch about it?!!?
ChrisEmerson said:
yeh i know but it says 'best viewed in ie 4' on the sites. it should be made to be best viewed in any browser.
That's because IE is the standard, and most widely used browser. You are using a Windows platform, are you not? In that case, IE is built into it. For that reason it's the norm to judge compatibility by IE.

Besides that it works fine with either Firefox or Opera. Not sure about Nutscrape, becuase I stopped using that pile of shit years back.
meh, Although I like the site's design in some aspects, I'd like to see the site get a makeover. I think the navigation needs a bit of work... and a new fucking intro would be kickass
I like it, it's well put-together.

But yeah... the full-screen thing is nothing more than a nuisance. I just use the browser mode.
Moonlapse said:
IE still is the most reliable in terms of formatting code as it is meant to be formatted and displayed on the screen. Firefox and Mozilla aren't as prone to spyware and popups though.
Wrong. IE is horrible with that. You can write fucked up code and IE will accept it. This might make it easier to code for IE, but your pages won't show up the way you intend on browsers that interpret everything the way it is supposed to be interpreted. That's why you should write for a browser like Firefox and then test it on IE, not the other way around. If it works on Firefox, it'll most likely work on IE.