The official WORKOUT thread

I'm also working out lately... doing push-ups, shadow boxing, jogging in place, lifting weights...

anyways, regarding dumbells, how many pounds do you guys recommend for, let's say, a beginner weight lifter like me? I currently have a 12lbs dumbel, and I'm thinking of buying a much heavier one... 20lbs at least?
I'm on my 12th day without a cigarette and my workouts are improving GREATLY. 4x a week HEAVY w/ high protein diet and creatine twice a day.
Needless to say I'm pretty huge...but I wont be a fag like Dave and post a pic w/ my shirt off.
I'm now doing 52.5 pounds on each side of the bench press with a wide grip, I'm going to try 55 pounds on each side on Monday. An improvement from the struglles I ha din late August and early September with just 45 pounds on each side.
I injured my left arm going heavy the other day, some kind of strain in the muscle between shoulder and upper arm. Haven't been able to do so much as a pull-up for two days now : /
Mathiäs;6576638 said:
You're much bigger than me, but you'd be better without the drugs and shit.
:zombie:Since when is Creatine a drug. It's just a supplement, and you should try it. Vastly improves your recovery time therefore you will be less sore...which is always a good thing.
that's cuz you're at like 25% Body fat you douche!
:lol:I weigh 182 and I'm 5'8. I get different pussy every weekend and have a mustang that runs 12's.
Any other witty comments you fuckface?
Mathiäs;6578890 said:
....I meant the marijuana, cigs etc.
Oh ok, gotcha. Well my life in general has improved without cigarettes. Workouts and allergies especially, but the only downfall is i'm eating like a beast. My tastebuds are coming back and food tastes so much better.
Wierd, I know. As far as weed? It's harmless.

Natures medicine my friend.

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