The official WORKOUT thread

Yesterday I skipped rope for 15 minutes(only daily cardio I do), I did 55's on each side of the bar so that is 145 pounds I think? I did 3 sets of 5 for that. I think I need to lose 5-10 pounds but I don't know, I've went from 153 in December to 163 now and I'm not sure what the weight is, so I'm seriously considering cutting down a little more. I'd like to go on a big protein diet where I eat healthy food and eat tons of protein, but I just can't stop drinking Mellow Yellows and eating typical food like burgers, fries, pizza, bacon, eggs, cheese, ice cream, etc.junk. etc..
But I have gotten stronger since I started, I was struggling with 25's on the bench and in a couple months I increased 30 pounds on each side. Big Dave what do yuo think I should do?
5'10 163, you've seen my pic I'm sure.

slowly cut out all the bullshit man. The high fat foods, the junk foods, the candy, etc... Once you go without them for a bit, you don't really miss them anyways (it's like drinking)

I would suggest for you a full body routine 3 times a week. Something like

squats - 3 sets of 10
deadlifts - 3 sets of 6
bench - 4 sets of 8
military press - 4 sets of 6
rows - 3 sets of 8

avoid all the isolation/machines, they are not nearly effective as heavy free weights.

it will take some time to get used to squats/deadlifts but NOTHING is as effective as those 2 exercises. Go to and go into the exercises section and they will show you the proper form for all the exercises (if you have any questions PM Me).

the key is persistence. Get a decent workout plan where you are training everything and get a good diet. I would slowly increase the intensity of your workouts as you become more comfortable with the exercises. As long as you keep up the diet + intense training, you will see results very quickly.

For diet, I would try to eat a bit more than you burn during the day, so you can gain some lean muscle. (you can get to 180 LBs then cut down to 170 and be very lean 170)
Well, I'm a terrible eater and have no problems at all. And I have no plans to change my eating habits.

Also, I ran cross country frosh and soph year and lost 35 pounds. Cardio is an excellent way to lose mass.
Well, I'm a terrible eater and have no problems at all. And I have no plans to change my eating habits.

that's cause you are a mesomorph. You probably gain muscle easily and lose fat easily. I have to have a very strict diet because I gain fat very easily.

though TBH, you would probably be alot stronger and bigger (like 20 LBS more muscle) if you had a good diet for several years.

Also, I ran cross country frosh and soph year and lost 35 pounds. Cardio is an excellent way to lose mass.

yea but strictly cardio is a good way to lose alot of muscle mass as well. I would do cardio 2-4 times and some sort of a workout routine 3-5 times a week
Any runners?

Ive been running the last 2 months and my shins are killing me!

Anyone "take" anything? Sups and such?

I've been using this energy drink RedLine and Holy Shit!

Its like liquid crack, you seriously freak out. Good stuff :goggly:

Anyway, ive been trying to burn fat like crazy, any suggestions?

I do high intensity interval training, that's how you burn the most calories in the short period of time

run very intense for 2 minutes (at like 70-100% heart rate), then take a minute long break (where you are walking at a moderate pace), do that for 10-15 minutes for 2-4 times a week

it just depends on what your goals are, how good your diet is, what you are comfortable with, etc... if you are trying to gain lean muscle, I would do zero cardio, but if you are trying to lose alot of fat, I would do pretty intense cardio (along with the workout)

in any case, doing cardio alone is not a good idea as you will lose some LBM (lean body mass) which is not what you want to do. The ONLY thing you want to do is lose fat.

there are a very few "hard" answers in fitness, you gotta find what works for you going by the general guidelines of fitness.
Any runners?

Ive been running the last 2 months and my shins are killing me!

I've been running about once or twice a week on average for almost a year now. My running schedule has been pretty erratic at times, due to school obligations and the fact that running sucks ass during the winter. Next winter I may get used to biking at my college's gym in order to stay out of the cold.

Nevertheless, I've made significant progress in my endurance. I started out doing 1.5 miles (2.4k) on average, 2 miles (3.2k) at most. Now I average about 5 miles (8k), and my current record is 6.25 miles (10k). Once school's over I should be running more regularly again, so I expect to be hauling even more miles per run before long.

I can't say running has changed my appearance much, if any. I'm not into it to lose weight or look better or anything, I just do it because it's good for my heart and it's one of the simplest forms of exercise there is. I could probably benefit from some strength training, but to me it's a pain in the ass to go to the gym, follow a workout routine, worry about which body parts I'm covering, etc. etc. I like being able to just walk out my door and go at it.

As far as eating goes, I haven't really bothered to follow a diet. To me, diets require more willpower than running ever would. I tend to eat a lot of red meat, which isn't the healthiest thing, but I at least feel better about it knowing that I exercise. :)

If I had any advice for beginning runners, it would be the following:
* Stretch your thighs/calves thoroughly both before and after running. I find that when I skip on either of these, my legs are stiff as hell for the next couple of days.
* Get something to drink before the run; it makes the run much more pleasant and less tiring.
* Get good running shoes, with plenty of cushioning; maybe even some extra sport soles to go with them. If you run in worn-out shoes, you will notice an increase in leg/foot soreness. I have a pair which I only use for running, and never for normal day-to-day use. It's also good to replace your shoes every 2-4 months, if you can. The rubber can wear down faster than you think.
* It helps to have a non-pavement surface to run on; take advantage of any nearby parks or walking trails. Sometimes this can't be helped, though.

Jimmy, I would guess that your problem is with shoes, possibly stretching. Before I had running shoes, I'd begun having similar pain in my shin area. After I got the shoes, I felt better immediately.

I'm sure there are other good running tips I'm not aware of. Maybe Dave knows something about running, or has some links he can post (the bodybuilding forum doesn't seem to have anything on it). I'm too lazy to search the web right now.
Excellent post. Running is by far the best form of exercise. If you run at least 30 mins three times a week at a speed which boosts your heart rate even a little, you will lose weight for certain. Plus you don't feel like eating as much. Don't worry about this 70-100% stuff, because there's a bottleneck where if your heart is beating faster than about +60% of normal, you're not going to burn any more calories than if you went more slowly.
Actually swimming is technically the best all-body workout. I also recommend doing calisthenics to 'Angel of Death'.

Goddamn americans and your imperial system. Get with the times you backward bastards and use metric.
Goddamn americans and your imperial system. Get with the times you backward bastards and use metric.

Hey, at least I provided conversions for you. Quit yer bitchin' :p

I agree that it's retarded, but if you're in the U.S. it still sounds goofy to be speaking in 'kilometers'. Maybe if the news media started speaking exclusively in metric... who knows.
I lift for about 30 - 40 minutes and jog for about 30 minutes afterwards 3 times a week, and I've done quite well. I also randomly like going for really long runs, like 7-8 miles, which takes me about an hour to a hour and a half. It's so relaxing, and you can get a lot of thinking done.
Goddamn americans and your imperial system. Get with the times you backward bastards and use metric.

stfu and crawl back into your rat-infested slumhole.

that's cause you are a mesomorph. You probably gain muscle easily and lose fat easily. I have to have a very strict diet because I gain fat very easily.

I don't think I'm a mesomorph because it takes me a long time to gain muscle. I don't gain weight because of year-round sports and lifting.

yea but strictly cardio is a good way to lose alot of muscle mass as well. I would do cardio 2-4 times and some sort of a workout routine 3-5 times a week[/QUOTE]
Hmmm. I just walk and jog. A lot a lot.

So, I think it works for me. I have my ass and legs to show for it, which is fine by me.
Hmmm. I just walk and jog. A lot a lot.

So, I think it works for me. I have my ass and legs to show for it, which is fine by me.

that's due to genetics more than anything else. Hell I'd say the overwhelming majority of very attractive girls look like they do because of genetics.

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